
日记大全 > 句子大全

经典走心的人生感悟句子 睿智走心(说的很现实)

句子大全 2023-06-30 05:57:01


As the years go by, they look older and older. Blink of an eye,time has passed more than 20 years. Looking back on the past youth,time has quietly dropped yesterday"s brilliant!


Time flies, plain clothes, can not block this time, like thin cooltime; A clear word can"t stop the willow cotton-dancing and wintersnow scenery; A curtain can not block the memories of years, butyears like water.


The past floating in the cup, meteorite in the distance broken,swaying intoxicating mood, taking a ray of moonlight years, gentlyput down the hand of the scroll. At this point, he just looked outand listened to the sounds weaving through the words.


Everything is not as good as I want, I regret it for the rest ofmy life. After a long time, the moon was getting colder and colder,and my thoughts were very sad. Why should we manage this earthlystring of ice when it is continually sad, like the spirit of frostand rust? Meet shallow tired, miss miss, drunk to see the wind andnight, nib dipped in Guangdong inkstone, writing this namelesssorrow.


Your refusal to let me understand, the pledge of eternal love isjust a lie, a ridiculous lie. The appointment of a second life isonly a dream moment. How do they resist the temptations and changesof reality?


After years of river, I do not know where to go. I never stoppedfeeling. I was alone. I gave up a lot of rings, a lot ofdisappointments. Sadness touches fleeting time, the west wind tearsshed the wound of memory, at the crossroads, staged a parting withlong mountain long water.


Time is too fine, fingers too wide, casual glance on the past.


If I see you, it will be years from now. How shall I greet theewith tears and silence?


After all these years, it should be a good time. Even if it isfull of emotion, who can enjoy it?
