
日记大全 > 句子大全

不敢开口说英语 学会这50个句式(一说就停不下来哦)

句子大全 2023-07-03 03:51:01





1. Are you sure...?/Are you sure you can finish your work on time?

你确定... 吗?你确定你能按时完成你的工作吗?

2. Do you have...?/Do you have any children?

你有... 吗?你有孩子吗?

3. Do you mind...?/Would you mind...?/Do you mind giving me your instagram ID?

你介意... 吗?/ 你是否介意...?你介意给我你的ins账号吗?

4. Do you fee llike...?/Do you feel like pizza tonight?

你想... 吗?你今晚想吃比萨饼吗?

5. Do you know where...?/Do you know a...?Do you know a good doctor?

请问你知道哪里...? / 请问你知道一位...?请问你知道一位好医生吗?

6. Shouldn’t we ...?/Shouldn’t we book our tickets early?

我们不应该... 吗?我们不应该早点预订机票吗?

7. Have you ever...?Have you ever been in a dangerous situation?

你是否曾经...? 你是否曾经有遇过危险的情况?

8. How about...?How about you and I ge tdinner tomorrow?

那... 怎么样? 那,你和我明天一起共度晚餐怎么样?

9. How come...?How come I always have to pay the bill?


10.How long does it take.../How long will it take? How long will it take to go to the airport?

大约需要多长的时间...?需要花多长的时间?大约需要多长的时间才能抵达到机场 呢?

11.How often...? How often do you go to the dentist?

你多常...? 你多常去看一次牙医?

12.What’s the matter with...?/What’s wrong with...? What’s the matter with your friend?

你的... 怎么了?/ 你的... 有什么问题吗?你的朋友怎么了?

13.What’s your favorite...? What’s your favorite song?

你最喜欢... 是什么?你最喜欢的歌是什么?

14.Why not...?/Why don’t you...? Why not (don’t you) buy it online?

为什么不...?/ 你为什么不要...?为什么不在网上购买呢?你为什么不要在网上购买呢?

15.Would you like...? Would you like something to drink?

你想要... 吗?你想要喝点什么吗?


16. As far as.../ As far as I know, she doesn’t like him.据我... 据我所知,她不喜欢他。

17. As you (may) know... /As you know, I really hate bitter melon.

就如你(也许)知道的... 就如你知道的,我真的很讨厌苦瓜。

18.Compared to... /Compared to bitter melon, even broccoli tastes good.

相比起... 相比起苦瓜,就连西兰花都比较好吃。

19.For all I know... /For all I know he could be on Mars.

就我所知... 就我所知,他可能在火星上。

20.I bet... /I bet it’s going to rain today.

我敢打赌... 我敢打赌今天会下雨。

21.I can’t wait to... /I can’t wait to get my paycheck.

我迫不及待要... 我迫不及待要拿到我的薪水。

22.I feel like.../It seems to me... /It seems to me now is a good time to buy a house.

我觉得... / 在我看来... 在我看来,现在是买房子的好时机。

23.I just realized... /I just realized that I never confirmed our appointment.

我刚刚才意识到... 我刚刚才意识到,我从没有确定过我们的约会。

24.I’d like (you) to... /I’d like to leave soon.

我想要(你)... 我想要早一点离开。

25. I hate to say this but.../ I hate to say this but ‘blue’ is not a good color on you.

我讨厌这样说,但是... 我讨厌这样说,但是 "蓝色" 不是适合你的颜色

26.I have (had) no idea... /I have no idea where the subway is.

我不知道... 我不知道地铁在哪里。

27.I have got to.../ I have got to find a new apartment by Friday.

我必须在... 我必须在星期五之前找到一间新公寓。

28.If you think about it.../ If you think about it, money isn’t everything in life.

如果你仔细想想... 如果你仔细想想,金钱不是生活中所有的一切。

29.I’ll let you know.../ I’ll let you know when I’m free today.

我会让你知道... 我会让你知道一旦我今天有空的时候。

30.I’m afraid... /I’m afraid he’s too busy right now.

我恐怕... 我恐怕他现在太忙了。

31.I’m looking forward to.../ I’m looking forward to the Spring Festival holiday.

我很期待... 我很期待春节长假。

32.I’m sorry but.../ I’m sorry but I can’t join you for dinner.

我很对不起,但是... 我很对不起,但是我不能和你一起吃晚餐。

33.I’m thinking about.../ I’m thinking about ordering a birthday cake for her.

我正在考虑... 我正在考虑为她订购一个生日蛋糕。

34.It’s too bad that... /It’s too bad that he broke his leg.

我很遗憾... 我很遗憾他摔断了腿。

35.It’s not that...it’s that... /It’s not that he’s lazy, it’s that he just doesn’t care.

不是因为... 而是因为/但是... 不是因为他懒惰,而是因为他不在乎。

36.I have been... /I have been worried about her all day.

我都在... 我都在一整天里,担心着她。

37. I would rather...than... /I would rather visit Hawaii than Los Angeles.

我宁愿... 也不愿... 我宁愿去参观夏威夷也不愿去洛杉矶。

38.Let me know if/who/what/where/when/why/how... /Let me know if you’re free tomorrow.

让我知道是否/谁/什么/哪里/何时/为什么/如何... 让我知道你是否明天有空。

39.No wonder... /No wonder your English is so good!

难怪... 难怪你的英语这么好!

40.No offense, but.../ No offense, but your pronunciation needs improvement.

无意冒犯,但是... 无意冒犯,但是你的发音需要改进。

41.Once you... /Once you start smoking, it’s hard to stop.

一旦你... 一旦你开始吸烟,就很难停下来。

42.Speaking of... /Speaking of love, when are you going to get married?

说到... 说到爱情,你打算什么时候结婚?

43. Thanks to... /Thanks to my boss, I’ll get a nice year-end bonus.

多亏了... /多亏了我的老板,我才能得到一份不错的年终奖金。

44. Thank you for... /Thank you for helping me move last week, I know it was not convenient for you.

谢谢你... 谢谢你上周帮我搬家,我知道这带给你很多不便。

45. The more...the more... /The more money you have, the more problems you’ll have.

越多... 就会越多... 你的钱越多,你的问题就会越多。

46. There is nothing as...as... /There is nothing as difficult as learning Chinese.

没有什么比... 更... 没有什么比学习中文更困难了。

47. There is nothing I love more than... (like better than)... /There is nothing I love more than sitting on a beach and reading a book.

我最爱 (喜欢) 的莫过于... 我最爱的莫过于坐在沙滩上看书了。

48. To be honest... /To be honest, I don’t really like watching horror movies.

说实话... 说实话,我真的不是很喜欢看恐怖电影。

49.We’d better... /We’d better leave before 10pm, otherwise the subway will be closed.\

我们最好... 我们最好在10点晚上之前离开,否则地铁将被关闭了。

50.We might (may) as well... /We might as well take a taxi. No one wants to bike in the rain.

我们不妨... 我们不妨坐出租车去吧,没有人想在雨中骑自行车。


1. How do you like...?How do you like the iPhoneX?


2. I wonder (if/what/where/when/why/how)...?I wonder why the service is so slow?


3. What do you mean...? What do you mean you can’t come?

你是什么意思? 你是什么意思,你不能来?

4. Where can I...? Where can I find a bathroom?

我在哪里可以...? 我在哪里可以找到一间浴室?

5. Who/What/Where/When/Why/How do you think...? How do you think they will like living in Beijing?


6. I can’t say... I can’t say why she did it, but I think she will regret it.

我不能说... 我不能说她为什么这么做,但我想她会后悔的。

7. It’s up to... It’s up to the boss to choose.

这取决于... 这取决于老板选择。

8. No matter what... No matter what, we will always be friends.

不管怎么样... 不管怎么样,我们永远都是朋友。

9. When it comes to... When it comes to investing, you really need to talk to a professional.

当涉及到... 当涉及到投资,你真的需要与专业人士交谈。

10. What I’m trying to say is... What I’m trying to say is that I think we should break up.

我想说的是... 我想说的是我觉得我们应该分手。
