
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-07-03 03:57:01

1 你爱过的人,教会了你权衡利弊,进退自如,也让你渐渐丧失了如何去爱的能力。

The people you loved taught you to weigh the pros and cons, move forward and backward freely, and let you gradually lose the ability to love.

2 一见钟情,明明是见色起意;日久生情,不过是权衡利弊;就连白头到老,都只是习惯使然。

Love at first sight, it is obvious to see the color; It" s just weighing the pros and cons; Even grow old together, it"s just habit.

3 有人把爱情比作一场战争,大错特错,因为战争不过是你死我活,而爱情一旦结束,你将生不如死。

Some people compare love to a war, which is a big mistake, because war is just a life-and-death thing, and once love is over, you will be dead.

4 一个人久了,别人突如其来的陪伴竟觉得麻烦。

A person for a long time, others suddenly accompany unexpectedly feel trouble.

5 你生性敏感玻璃心,转身的时候也不够洒脱,所以你格外难过。

You are sensitive by nature, blx, and you are not free and easy when you turn around, so you are particularly sad.

6 我明明很温柔,会给乞丐零钱,公交车上会让座,会对所有人报以微笑,可世间疾苦,一样都没有放过我。

I am very gentle, I will give change to beggars, give up my seat on the bus, and smile at everyone, but I am suffering in the world, and I have never been spared.

7 十八岁最遗憾的两件事,一件是没好好读书,另一件是没好好爱你。

The two most regrettable things about being eighteen are that you didn"t study well and that you didn"t love you well.

8 那时满心欢喜,以为你就是我的结局,不曾想,太阳还是落了山,月亮也没赴约。

At that time, I was filled with joy, thinking that you were my ending. I never thought that the sun had set and the moon had not kept the appointment.

9 所谓忠诚,只是因为背叛的筹码不够而已。

Loyalty is just because there are not enough chips for betrayal.

10 有些爱情,就像飞鸟和鱼,总是隔着繁华与大海。

Some love, just like birds and fish, is always separated by prosperity and the sea.



