
日记大全 > 句子大全

迪士尼公主的限量版文案 点赞极高(人间惊鸿的句子)

句子大全 2023-07-08 05:55:01

一、今天恶龙没来 骑士也没来over! 迪士尼公主殿下 请跟我回城堡。

Today, the dragon did not come, nor did the knight come over! Princess Disney, please follow me back to the castle.

二、你裙子怎么穿的 头发怎么盘的 你眉毛怎么弯的 记不清你所以要见你。

How do you wear your skirt, how do you curl your hair, how do you bend your eyebrows, so I want to see you.

三、每个女孩子都是由糖和香料, 以及一切美好的东西做成的, 仅比天使差一点。

Every girl is made of sugar and spices, and all good things, only a little worse than an angel.

四、今天才出来玩一下就被迪士尼带回城堡了我什么时候能有自由啊 苦恼诶 每天坐在金碧辉煌的宫殿吃着精致的小糕点真的好无聊哦。

I just came out to play today and was brought back to the castle by Disney. When can I be free? I feel miserable. It"s really boring to sit in a resplendent palace and eat delicate cakes every day.

五、书里说每个女孩都是公主 无论在破阁楼还是城堡里。

The book says every girl is a princess, in a broken attic or in a castle.

六、我好累 从一出生就背负了这个年龄不该承受的容貌与智慧 我活得好累迪士尼什么时候营业,我想回家。

I am so tired from birth to bear the age should not bear the appearance and wisdom I live so tired when Disney open, I want to go home.


Today, Disney sent me a letter from a lawyer who said I violated the right to a portrait of their beast

八、书里说每个女孩都是公主 无论在破阁楼还是城堡里。

The book says that every girl is a princess, whether in a broken attic or a castle.

九、公主才不会在乎那些流言蜚语 她只会在乎自己的裙摆有没有脏

The princess doesn"t care about the gossip. She only cares about whether her skirt is dirty or not.

十、七岁的那一年抓住那只蝉,以为能抓住夏天。 没想到蝉说:说不上恨别揪蝉~别装作感叹~

When I was seven years old, I grabbed the cicada and thought I could catch summer. I didn"t expect cicada to say: I can"t say I hate not pulling cicada ~ don"t pretend to sigh ~


I"ll faint right now. Give the prince a chance to kiss me


As to why I can"t get to know the object, I will simply say six points …


We were all very happy when we were young. Because at that time our ugliness and poverty were not so obvious.


I will take my mother to Disney when I grow up, because my mother is also a girl.
