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句子大全 2023-07-09 06:23:02

Tips to Teaching Tag Questions


案例:如何教学:反义疑问句~He’s Funny, Isn’t He?他很有趣,不是吗?

1. Introduction to Tag Questions介绍反义疑问句


The best way I have found to introduce these tricky little buggers is to first start with sentences and then display how to incorporate questions into the statements. You’ll want to use a variety of examples (with a variety of helping verbs) and may as well get some good pronoun practice in as well. Here we go:

2. Making Assumptions 预设

在解释附加问题时,有几个问题需要回答。例如,使用反义疑问句的目的是什么? 什么时候使用反义疑问句比普通疑问句更合适呢? 为了回答这些问题,你需要讨论做出假设或得出结论意味着什么。当你使用反义疑问句时,你实际上是在确认你的想法或假设是正确的,从而确保你是正确的。

When explaining tag questions, there are a few questions that you need to answer. For example, what is the purpose of using a tag question? And when is it appropriate to use a tag question over a regular question?

In order to answer those questions, you need to discuss what it means to make assumptions or draw conclusions. When you use a tag question, you are essentially making sure that you are correct about something by confirming what you think or assume to be true.


For example from above, I saw Mary running on Tuesday and Wednesday, and on Friday she talked about getting ready for a marathon. I’m not 100 % certain that she runs every day, but I am making an assumption that she most likely runs every day. I am using the tag question to confirm my idea. You’ll want to provide several examples about this usage explanation.

3. The Format 格式


The format is pretty straightforward for tag questions. They are called tag questions, because the question is tagged onto the end, almost as an afterthought. The same helping verb that is used in the statement is used in the question, but in the question it is turned into a negative.

This is great practice for pronoun usage and subject-verb agreement. Show a lot of examples and show what you mean on the board.

例如:Some examples are:She isa teacher, isn’t she? Or Mary is a teacher, isn’t she?We are happy, aren’t we? Or The students are happy aren’t they?

The only exception to seeing the helping verb in the statements is with “do”. Dois always a bit tricky, so provide examples that make your point clearly.John likes to eat pizza. (We don’t say John does like to eat pizza, it is implied)John, likes to eat pizza, doesn’t he?Here the helping verb does is implied because generally when we make questions with action verbs, we use a form of do for the helping verb.

4. 练习反问很有趣,不是吗? Practicing Tag Question is Fun, Isn’t It?


Practicing tag questions takes some creativity because the language point isn’t the most natural. I have found that if you practice general question making along with tag questions, you will really be able to view comprehension first-hand.

One of the best ways you can do this is to give out surveys to pairs of students. Provide prompts instead of full questions so that part of the activity requires the students ask the right questions.

提示可以是简单的单词或短语,比如夏威夷、棒球和卡拉ok。一旦他们完成了问答题,就把每个提示作为一个类来讨论。把问题的答案列出来,这样他们就可以练习做出假设和得出结论。约翰和玛丽喜欢打棒球,是吗? 马克从未去过夏威夷,是吗?

Prompts could be simple words or phrases, like Hawaii, Baseball, and Karaoke. Once they have gone through the Q and A discuss each prompt as a class. Create a tally of answers to the questions so that they can practice making assumptions and drawing conclusions. For example: John and Mary like playing baseball, don’t they? Mark has never been to Hawaii, has he?


Tag questions can lead to practice of all types of other questions, so keep that in mind when you introduce them.You’ll want to have a variety of activities lined up so that students get a good hands-on work out, and the opportunity to ask lots of questions!

