
日记大全 > 句子大全

掌握这些技巧 “句型转化”不失分(一)

句子大全 2023-07-10 06:57:01








1. Penny was very nervous. She couldn’t go on with the job interview(合并为一句)

Penny was ________ nervous ________ go on with the job interview.

2. Excuse me, I’d like to make a complaint about this palmtop computer.(保持原句意思)

Excuse me, I’d like to ________ ________ this palmtop computer.

3. essential, work properly, for, enough sleep, your memory, is, to(连词成句)


4. It’s polite of you to repeat the question for the old lady.(保持原句意思基本不变)

It’ s polite of you to the question________ ________ for the old lady.

5. Tony didn’t know where he could collect the information about cormorant fishing.(改为简单句)

Tony didn’t know________ ________ collect the information about cormorant fishing.

6. is fond of, his wealth, the rich businessman, in front of, showing off, poor people (连词成句)


7. Since you have made up your mind to play the piano, you"d better practice more. (保持句意基 本不变)

________ ________you have made up your mind to play the piano, you d better practice more.

8. The computer is made up of many different parts.(保持句意基本不变)

The computer ________ ________many different parts.

9. some computers, in your pocket, small enough, to put,are,(连词成句)


10. We’ll get up early tomorrow in order to catch the first train.(保持句子意思基本不变)

We’ll get up early tomorrow _______ _______ we can catch the first train.

11. to communicate with, sometimes, find, parents, difficult, their children, it(连词成句)


12. Beijamin wanted to find out how to improve the way things worked.(改为复合句)

Benjaman wanted to find out how ________ ________ improve the way things worked.

13. Children shouldn’t eat too much sugar because it is bad for their teeth.(保持句意基本不变)

Children shouldn’t eat too much sugar because it is ________ ________ their teeth.

14. rubbish, know, on planet Earth, is, that, scientists, a big problem(连词成句)


15. Students wanted to know when they would set off for the amusement park.(改为简单句)

Students wanted to know _______ _______ set off for the amusement park.

16. I’m not able to finish the task successfully within half an hour.(保持句意基本不变)

_______ _______for me to finish the task successfully within half an hour.

17. her new i-phone, because, looked upset, had lost, Angela, she (连词成句)


18. My bike stopped working when I was riding for a country sightseeing.(保持句意不变)

My bike _________ _________ when I was riding for a country sightseeing.

19. how to, knows, the link method, Tony, use, to remember things.(连词成句)


20. The two men managed to escape from the prison at last.(保持句意基本不变)

The two men ________ in ________ from the prison at last.

21. If he improves his IT skills, he will easily get a job here.(保持句意基本不变)

He ________ get a job easily here ________ he improves his IT skills.

22. to send messages, is popular, to people all over the world, it, to use online services(连词成句)

____________________________________ ________________ _ ________ _________

23. The chef cooked the potato longer in order to make it more tasty.(保持句意不变)

The chef cooked the potato longer _______ _______ he could make it more tasty.

24. Please remove the old reference books from the book comer before the new ones arrive(保持句意不变)

Please _______ _______ the old reference books from the book comer before the new ones arrive.

25. need to, more attractive, you, make your poster, how to, think carefully about(连词成句)


26. The sick boy was so weak that he could not move by himself.(保持句意不变)

The sick boy was ________ weak ________ move by himself.

27. take charge of, Debby, next month, will, the celebration party(连词成句)

____________________________ _________________ _________________________________.

28. Mr. Liu will not take charge of the club. Mr. Wu will take the place of him.(保持句意基本不变)

Mr. Wu will take charge of the club________ ________Mr. Liu.

29. The cost of life in big cities is very high. The young couple can"t afford it.(合并为一句)

The cost of life in big cities is________ high for the young couple________ afford.

30. to do, decided, the students, the environment, something, for (连词成句)

_____________________________ _____________ _______________ _____________________ 。

31. It is believed that organic tea tastes better and is healthier.(保持句意不变)

_______ _______ that organic tea tastes better and is healthier.

32. As a new comer, Mike doesn’t know how he can get to the city museum.(改为简单句)

As a new comer, Mike doesn’t know _______ _______ get to the city museum.

33. the cartoon book, to attract, she, made, children’s attention, colorful(连词成句)

______________________________________________ - __________________

34. Tom hates ironing clothes. Kitty hates ironing clothes, too. (保持句意不变)

_______ Tom _______ Kitty likes ironing clothes.

35. the Internet, because of, stores, losing their customers, the development of, are(连词成句)


36. Follow these instructions and you won’t make a mistake.(保持句意基本不变)

Follow these instructions and you won’t _________ _________.

37. “Please turn off your mobile phones,” said Mr. Brown.(保持句意基本不变)

Mr. Brwon told us _________ _________ off our mobile phones.

38. Could you tell me where to park the car?(保持句意基本不变)

Could you tell me where _________ _________ park the car?

39. find, new skills, you, it, do, to learn, difficult(连词成句)


答案就在下面 ,勿忘整理错题集。推荐下面的错题管理手册。各科都很好

1. too , to 2. complain about

3. Enough sleep is essential for your memory to work properly.

4. say... again 5. where to

6. The rich businessman is fond of showing off

his wealth m front of poor people.

7.Now that 8.consists of

9. Some computers are small enough to

put in your pocket.

10. so that

11. Parents sometimes find it difficult

to communicate with their children

12. he could 13. harmful to

14. Scientists know that rubbish is

a big problem on planet Earth.

15. when to 16. It’s impossible

17. Angele looked upset because she

had lost her new i-phone.

18. broke down

19. Tony knows how to use the link method

to remember things.

20. succeeded ... escaping

21. won’t ... unless

22. It is popular to use online services

to send messages to people all over the world.

23. so that 24. take away/ move away

25. You need to think carefully about how to

make your poster more attractive.

26. too…to

27. Debby will take charge of the

celebration party next month.

28. instead of 29. too, to

30. The students decided to do something

for the environment.

31. People believe

32. how to

33. She made the cartoon book colorful

to attract children’s attention


35. Stores are losing their customer because of

the development of the Internet.

36. go wrong37. to turn

38. has been 67. I could

39. Do you find it difficult to learn new skills?

你全对了吗 ?有问题可以在下面留言。
