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直戳心窝的伤感系句子 深夜勿看(会哭)

句子大全 2023-07-11 04:07:02

我一直盼望你来找我,胡子拉碴发型淩乱,带着满身的悔意来敲我的门,一下恶狠狠一下充满深情地望着我,后来慢慢失去睡眠的资格熬夜变成唯一的快乐 。

I had been waiting for you to come to me, unshaven and dishevelled, knocking at my door with a remorseful look, looking at me with a fierce and affectionate look, and then slowly losing the right to sleep and staying up late became the only pleasure.

就算吵架放特别狠的话,那也只是那会脑袋短路,缓一缓我还是需要你,还是离不开你,我还是想和你一直一直在一起 。

Even if the quarrel is very hard, it is just that head short-circuit, slow down I still need you, or can"t leave you, I still want to be with you all the time.

我可以一天看你资料上百遍,但我不会再主动找你了,这是我最后的倔强,我不能让你知道我有多牵挂你,我是挺想你的 但我这次就是要死扛 。

I can see your data hundreds of times a day, but I will not take the initiative to find you, this is my last stubborn, I can not let you know how much I care about you, I am quite miss you, but I just want to carry.


In fact, even if break up, you still don"t want to give up him, can"t let him with others, you will always dream of him with others. It was a really tough feeling.


Then you returned to the old enthusiasm for me, but I suddenly do not know what else to say, you first with indifference to quench all my tenderness, now that you come back what can I do?

重不重要都不要了,忽冷忽热,捉摸不透,患得患失搞得我好累,还要胡思乱想,夜里失眠,我图你什么。Heavy not important all don"t, sometimes hot and sometimes cold, elusive, be swayed by considerations of gain and loss make me very tired, but also crazy, sleepless at night, I figure you what.


I have seen you love me very much, everything and I said, I want to stick together every day, so when you do not love me I can see at a glance.

承认吧,你不甘心他以后陪着别人,你很遗憾他的温柔没给过你,你更可惜自己付出的感情,没有得到任何交代 。

Admit it, you are not reconciled to his future to accompany others, you are very sorry that his tenderness did not give you, you are more sorry that their feelings, did not get any account.

早知道那是我们最后一次见面,我应该多抱你一会 多牵你一会,然后郑重地说一声“我爱你” 。

Early know that is the last time we meet, I should hold you for a while more for a while, and then solemnly say "I love you".


