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关于爱情的简短语录 伤感入心(值得一看)

句子大全 2023-07-12 02:08:01

1.爱情犹如风中飘散了的蒲公英 ,只留下无尽的回忆。

Love is like a dandelion floating in the wind, leaving only endless memories.

2.相爱时你依我浓,山盟海誓, 总以为相守的那一刻就是永恒 。

When you love each other, you always think that the moment when you are together is eternity.

3.从最初的相识到慢慢的喜欢欣赏, 再到相爱热恋 。

From the initial acquaintance to slowly like to appreciate, and then to love.

4. 一次次美丽的誓言, 代表着彼此交付对方的真心 。

A beautiful oath, on behalf of each other to deliver each other"s heart.

5.他们迷恋,他们雀跃,他们坚信自己的爱情永恒不变 。

They are infatuated, they are exultant, they believe that their love will never change.

6.慢慢的他们的感情好像变了味道 ,不再有当初的随意与轻松,多了互相抱怨。

Slowly, their feelings seem to change the taste, no longer have the original casual and relaxed, more complain to each other.

7.他们的世界除了往昔的甜蜜与温馨 ,他们开始了互相的猜忌和责怪。

Their world in addition to the past sweet and warm, they began to mutual suspicion and blame.

8. 几经纠结,在某一个没有特定意义的日子里 ,他们结束了这段无果的恋情 。

After several tangles, in a day without a specific meaning, they ended this fruitless relationship.

9.爱情的速度 ,现实的残酷 ,它能使一段感情 消失于无形无影之中。

The speed of love, the cruelty of reality, it can make a relationship disappear in formless.

10.生活中仍有许多新的内容不断充实着他们的世界 ,他们爱恋着的那个人,好像离他们的世界很远很远了 。

There are still many new contents in their life, constantly enriching their world. The person they love seems to be far away from their world.

11.偶尔,听到那个熟悉的名字,就能勾起了他们的许多的回忆 。

Occasionally, hearing that familiar name, they can recall many memories.

12.在生命的旅途中曾经有他的作伴 ,这份情感将伴随着他们的漫漫人生 。

In the journey of life once had his company, this emotion will accompany their long life.


All fit is just two people"s mutual accommodation and change, there is no natural fit of two people, two people working in the same direction, is the best love.

