
日记大全 > 句子大全

英语 形容词(实例运用及解析)

句子大全 2023-07-14 02:27:01


1. You don"t look as ____ as usual. Why not go to see a doctor?

A. well B. better

C. badly D. worse

解析:A. 考查系动词后形容词的用法。本句中的well是形容词,意为“健康的”。

2. The white shirt is as ____ as the yellow one.

A. cheap B. cheaper

C. cheapest D. the cheapest

解析:A. 考查形容词原级的用法。"as+形容词+as"表示“和……一样”之意。

3. I think foreign languages are ____ science subject.

A. more useful as B. as useful as

C. as useful than

解析:B. 考查形容词原级的用法。

4. Mr. Smith is too ____ to go on working.

A. strong B. tall

C. kind D. tired

解析:D. 考查"too...to"的用法。句子可译为“张先生太累了以至于不能再继续工作”。too...to表示“太……而不能”的意思。

5. It"s ____ here. Don"t take off your coat, please.

A. warm B. cold

C. quiet D. nice

解析:B. 考查形容词词义。要根据句子的上下文来选择形容词。因为“这儿冷”,所以“不能脱掉外衣”。

6. The little baby looks ____.

A. lovely B. carefully

C. heavily D. sadly

解析:A, look是系动词,其后跟形容词,lovely是形容词。

7. Those shoes are much too ____ for me.

A. big B. bigger

C. biggest D. the biggest

解析:A, 考查形容词或副词的修饰语用法。much too修饰形容词或副词原级。

8. We have never seen ____ film before. It"s very interesting.

A. so a good B. a so good

C. such a good D. a such good

解析:C, "such+a/an+形容词+单数名词"或"such+形容词+复数名词(不可数名词)"。是种常见的固定结构。也可以用so+形容词+a/an+单数名词。

9. We are all ____ our children.

A. famous for B. proud of

C. busy with D. good at

解析:B. 考查形容词短语表示形容的用法,要根据词义选择选项。be proud of意为“以......为荣”。

10. In this country it"s very ____ in November but it"s even____ in


A. cold; cold B. cold; colder

C. colder; cold D. colder; coldest

解析:B. 形容词比较级或最高级不能用very,so,too等词来修饰。但even,much,a little等则可用在比较级前起强调作用。

11. Jessie prefers math to Chinese. But I think Chinese is much ____.

A. useful B. very useful

C. the most useful D. more useful

解析:D. 含有二者比较的意思,因此要用比较级。

12. It was ____ yesterday than you think.

A. much hot B. more hotter

C. the hottest D. hotter

解析:D. 考查形容词比较级的形式。要注意hot需要重复t后在家er构成比较级。

13. This box is ____ that one.

A. heavy than B. so heavy than

C. heavier as D. as heavy as

解析:D, "as + adj +as"这种结构不能再与than连用。

14. I don"t think Unit 3 is more difficult. I think it"s ____.

A. more easily B. more easier

C. much easily D. much easier

解析:D. 在"much+形容词比较级"结构中,much起强调作用。

15. She is ____ careful as I, but I"m ____ than you.

A. as; much careful B. so; more careful

C. as; much more careful D. so; very careful

解析:C. 考查形容词原级和比较级的用法。要根据句意选择原级和比较级结构。

16. The ____ we do for the people, the ____ we"ll be.

A. much; happy B. more; happier

C. little; happy D. least; happiest

解析:B "The+比较级......, the + 比较级......"表示“越是.......就越”。

17. Please be quiet. I have ____ to tell you.

A. important something B. nothing important

C. anything important D. something important

解析:D. something是不定代词,常用在陈述句和肯定句中,如有形容词修饰,形容词要放在something后面。

18. India has the second ____ population in the world.

A. larger B. largest

C. most D. smallest

解析:B. “序数词+形容词最高级”是最高级表达的一种,修饰“人口”要用large表示“人口多少”。

19. Which is the ____ subject, English, history or math?

A. important B. more important

C. most important D. much more important

解析:C. 考查形容词最高级的用法。三者比较要用形容词最高级。

20. New York is one of ____ in the world.

A. big city B. bigger city

C. the biggest city D. the biggest cities

解析:D. "one + of + the + 形容词最高级+复数名词"表示“最……之一”的意思。

21. The fifth orange is ____ of all. Give it to that little child.

A. big B. bigger

C. the bigger D. the biggest

解析:D. 最高级也可用“形容词最高级+of + all"表示“所有当中最……”.

22. Allan is one of ____ popular teachers in the school.

A. more B. the more

C. most D. the most

解析:D. "one of+名词复数形式" 表示“……中之一”的意思。popular teachers意为“受欢迎的老师”。

23. Peter is ____ than his brother.

A. more fatter B. much fatter

C. very fat D. the fattest

解析:B. 考查形容词比较级前用副词修饰的用法。

24. -How many books do you need?

-The more, the ____.

A. good B. better

C. best D. well

解析:B. 考查“The + 比较级, the+比较级”这种固定表达法。

25. The car is running ____. It seems to be flying.

A. more and more faster B. more and more fast

C. fast and fast D. faster and faster

解析:D. "比较级+ and + 比较级"结构表示“越来越……”的意思。

26. Of all the stars, the sun is ____ to the earth.

A. farthest B. the farthest

C. nearest D. the nearest

解析:D. 最高级前通常用the,由于of all the stars已表示了比较范围,所以要用形容词最高级。

