
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-07-14 02:47:01


第二部分 完形填空(共1小题,每小题10分,共10分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳答案。

1.(10分)Terry was a middle﹣aged businessman. He was (1) in career. He didn"t like his boss and workmates and often complained that he had been fooled by others. One day he told his wife he was (2) disappointed with everything that he had to leave the city, so his family moved to (3) city.

It was Saturday evening. When Terry and his wife were busy putting their things in their new home, the lights suddenly (4) and they had to stop working. Terry was sorry to forget to bring along some candles(蜡烛) . Just then he heard light (5) on his door.

"Who is(6) ?"he wondered. Terry knew nobody else in the new city, and this was the moment he especially hated to be troubled. He opened the door impatiently. At the door was a little girl, shyly(7) "Sir, do you have(8) ? I"m your neighbor." "No," answered Terry angrily. He shut the door heavily.

After a while the door (9) again. He opened it and found the same little girl outside. But this time she was holding a candle radiating (放光) red light. She said, "My grandma told me the new neighbor downstairs might need candles. She sent me here to give you this."

At that moment Terry suddenly realized what caused his (10) in life. It was his unkindness to other people. The person who had fooled him in life was actually nobody else but himself, for his eyes had been covered by his cold mind.

第三部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分30分)第一节(共4小题;每小题8分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

2.(8分)That year, I was a Junior 2 student. Falling off the stairs hurt me in the head. Almost everyone thought I was dead. But they were wrong. However, it was difficult to get back to normal life. I had to leave school and learn everything, walking, talking, and yes, maths.

To help me with that task, Mrs. Pillar volunteered to come to the hospital and later to my house once a week. We began with basic maths skills. As time passed by, I made progress.

I remember very clearly how she came to my home on Sundays, sat with me at the kitchen table, and threw different coins on the table. She asked me to show her 38 cents, 17 cents, 63 cents. It was challenging, but she also made it fun.

After a year and a half, I had progressed a lot, both in body and mind, to return to school. Several years later, I graduated from the University of Texas at the top of my class.

As years went by, I always kept in touch with Mrs. Pillar. Unluckily, one day my parents told me that Mrs. Pillar had been in hospital because she suffered a stroke (中风).

Now it was my turn to help her. Mrs. Pillar lay in bed unable to speak or know anybody around. I pulled some coins out of my pocket, dropped them on her bed and asked her to show me 12 cents. The nurse thought that my action was very strange until one day Mrs. Pillar smiled happily as I began working with her﹣just as she had worked with me years before. She made progress every day and was moved out of ICU (重症监护室) and finally out of hospital.

One day, I called to wish her a happy New Year. She spoke into the phone excitedly, "Happy New Year to you and your family, Michael. Thank you for everything you"ve done for me."

Mrs. Pillar was one of my Junior 2 teachers, but she taught me so much more about life than only maths.

(1)Which of the following is NOT true according to the story?

A. Mrs. Pillar got better without Michael"s help.

B. Michael fell off the stairs and had to leave school.

C. Michael returned to school with Mrs. Pillar"s help.

D. Mrs. Pillar suffered a stroke and was in hospital.

(2)What does the writer mean by saying "I graduated from the University of Texas at the top of my class in Paragraph 4?

A. He was cleverer than his classmates.

B. He worked very hard on maths.

C. Mrs. Pillar"s help greatly influenced him.

D. His classmates failed to graduate.

(3)The writer asked Mrs. Pillar to show him 12 cents in the hospital in order to .

A. make the nurse in the hospital feel strange

B. play an interesting game with Mrs. Pillar

C. see whether Mrs. Pillar was getting better

D. help Mrs. Pillar just as Mrs. Pillar helped him

(4)What is the best title for the passage?

A. Be A Wise Teacher

B. Kindness Makes Wonders

C. Never Give Up

D. Always Have A Dream


Guinness World Records Museum

Welcome to the Guinness World Records Museum! Here you will be surprised to see many things beyond your imagination.

Address: 329 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205

Opening Hours:

From September to April:

10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from Sunday to Thursday

10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday

From June to August:

10:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. from Sunday to Thursday

10:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday

Ticket Price:

Adult: $14.95 for 2 attractions(名胜); $18.95 for 4 attractions; $22.95 for all attractions

Child (4﹣12): $8.95 for 2 attractions; $11.95 for 4 attractions; $14.95 for all attractions

★It is free for the old over 60!

In the GWR Museum you can enter the different exhibition halls(展览厅). In each of these hall, you can see many different kinds of world records. In some halls, you are even given a chance to do something so that you can know better how a record was set. If you feel tired, just come into the Rest Area, where you can either have a cup of coffee or have some delicious snacks. But please remember, never take your food or drinks into the exhibition halls.

For more information, please contact (联系) us!

Tel: 1﹣323﹣ 4636433

Website: http:/www.guinnessmuseumollywwood.com

(1)You can visit the Guinness World Records Museum .

A. at 9:00 a.m. in May on Friday

B. at 7:00 a.m. in June on weekends

C. at 8:00 a.m. in July on weekends

D. at 5:00 p.m. in February on weekends

(2)If an 8﹣year﹣old son and his 32﹣year﹣old mother visit four attractions, they should pay .

A. $23.90

B. $25.90

C. $30.90

D. $34.90

(3)What can we do in the exhibition halls?

A. We can have a cup of coffee.

B. We can set a new world record.

C. We can have some delicious snacks.

D. We can know better how a record was set.

4.(8分)It"s late evening in the middle of the winter. The snow is deep, but off I go into the wild.Suddenly, I hear it: the howl (嚎叫) of wolves. Excitedly, I walk faster in the direction of the howling.

I"ve been working as a volunteer wolf tracker in Yellowstone National Park for over a year. It"s my job to follow wolves to record information about them. Like wolves, however, I don"t work alone. I"m one of a team of people who have been in a project to help reintroduce wolves to the park.

Humans have always feared wolves. From fairy tales to movies, the wolf is always the bad guy a danger to humans and other animals. In the 1920s, the organizers of the park shared this view about wolves and made the decision to drive them away from the park.As a result,the number of elk(麋鹿)in the park increased. The elk started looking for food near river banks since they didn"t have to worry about wolves.This, in turn, stopped trees from growing along the rivers, doing great harm to the environment there.

The return of wolves has already made a big difference. To begin with, the elk soon learned to stay away from the rivers, so new trees have been able to grow there. The trees become home to new wildlife, such as birds, and provide food for more animals.

The park is now becoming more and more popular with those who want to see wolves in their natural environment. It has also helped the local people make more money, Tourists visit the area,stay in the local hotels, and eat in the local restaurants.

Looking at the wild animals and the beautiful sceneries around me, I am amazed at the changes the wolf has made to Yellowstone. And happily, it is playing a good guy in this story.

(1)According to the passage, one of a wolf tracker"s jobs is to .

A. catch wolves in the park

B. feed wolves in the wild

C. stop wolves from killing elk

D. collect information about wolves

(2)Why did the organizers drive the wolves away from the park in the 1920s?

A. The wolves were always howling at night.

B. The elk in the park were in danger of dying out.

C. The wolves had done great harm to the environment.

D. The park was thought to be unsafe with wolves around.

(3)Paragraphs 4 and 5 are mainly about the that wolves have brought to Yellowstone.

A. risks

B. troubles

C. changes

D. competitions

(4)What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

A. Wolves are important to Yellowstone.

B. Yellowstone has been home to wolves.

C. The wolf and the elk live in peace now.

D.The number of wolves is growing fast.

5.(8分)I"m a virus (病毒) for the common cold. It has been a long time since I infected (感染) humans last time. Today I tried to infect a boy in a primary school all day.

His name is Sam. I waited on his desktop, and when he touched the desk I jumped on his finger. Unluckily, Sam didn"t touch his eyes, mouth or nose. Then, right after class, he washed his hands. Now I"m full of soap and sitting in a sink (水槽) !

Tuesday, January 22nd

This morning I jumped into the nose of Sam"s best friend, Bill. Unluckily, the mucus (粘液) in his nose caught me. I thought it was over for me, when suddenly Bill sneezed while he was talking to Sam.

I knew that would send me right into Sam"s face! However, Sam quickly gave Bill a tissue(纸巾), and Bill sneezed into that instead! Infecting people is harder than I imagined.

Wednesday, January 23rd

I"m feeling very unhappy today. Some scientists caught my friend Harry and put him under a microscope. Harry is a flu virus and he"s a dangerous little guy. Besides, Sam ate all his vegetables today. He"s exercising, and he"s getting eight hours of sleep every night. His body is too strong for me!

Thursday, January 24th

I tried to infect Sam again today, but he washed his hands five times and never touched his face! He also gave tissues to every student in his class who was sneezing. It"s impossible to give him a cold! So I have to give up and I"m moving to another school.

(1)According to the passage, life of the virus for the common cold could be .

A. easy

B. lucky

C. dangerous

D. difficult

(2)What does the underlined word "his" in the passage mean?

A. Sam"s

B. Bill"s

C. Harry"s

D. Bill"s friend"s

(3)According to the passage, what can keep us away from a virus?

A. A strong body.

B. Sneezing right into others" faces.

C. Staying away from boys in primary schools.

D. Washing hands after touching our faces with them.

(4)What might be the best title for the passage ?

A. Danger of a Virus

B. Habit of a Virus

C. Diary of a Virus

D. Letter of a Virus

第二节(共1小题; 每小题10分,满分10分)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面方框的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。

6.(10分)(1) There is an old Chinese story which is about little girl who went out to fish. There was famine (饥荒) and everybody was very hungry.

The little girl felt her net growing heavy and was very happy. However, it was the King of Frogs (青蛙) that she caught. The frog told her to hold out her fishing net to the sun"s rays and he would sing a magic song. (2) She was greatly surprised to see the rays of sunshine falling through the net. And they were changed into golden grains (谷粒) of rice. (3)

We do not know whether this story is true, but it tells us that rice has the same value as gold to the Chinese.(4) For centuries, much land has been devoted (奉献) to rice﹣planting and many Chinese people are farmers, who work very hard for each grain.

(5) After all, waste not, want not.

第四部分 书面表达(共三节)第一节词汇运用(共两题,满分10分)(一)单词拼写(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据句子和首字母或汉语提示,将单词的正确形式完整地写在相应的位置上。

7.(2分)Turn ( 向左) at the second crossing and you can find the bank.

8.(2分)The leader will be (选择) between Mr. Green and Mr. Smith.

9.(2分)Thomas Edison lit up the world with his i of the electric light.

10.(2分)Most of us can"t a to buy the car, for it costs a lot of money.

11.(2分)Keeping a h lifestyle is good for our bodies.



Nowadays, lots of foreigners are (1) Chinese. Like many of them, I only knew two (2) of Chinese ("Ni Hao" and"Xie Xie") when I first came to Beijing, China in 2009. As you can guess, my life was (3) for a while after I arrived. Simple tasks like ordering food or taking a taxi were quite stressful.

I knew I had to learn more Chinese, so I (4) a Chinese class. My teacher was (5) ,although I didn"t learn enough to have a real conversation. Later I studied on my own as well, but my (6) was still slow. And I decided to give up.

Around this time, I started playing in a band with a Chinese man (7) became one of my best friends in Beijing. He taught me a lot of words about music such as "melody". He learned a lot of English from me in return, so it was a good way to (8) language and culture.

I have learned enough Chinese to (9) with many problems like booking train tickets. These days, there are more foreigners who are studying Chinese. I can realize why it"s an amazing language. (10) , I found that the best way to learn a language is to make friends with native speakers and spend time with them.

第二节 阅读表达(共1小题; 71-73题,每题2分, 74-76题,每题3分,满分15分)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。

13.(15分)(5)Homework is a problem for students all over the world. As a student, you have a lot of homework to do every day. It"s a major part of a student"s school day. It"s the best way to review what you have learned in class. And it helps you understand important concepts (概念) . Luckily, there are several things you can do to make homework less difficult.

Be sure you understand the homework

Write your homework down in your notebook if you need to. Don"t be afraid of asking questions about it. It"s much easier to ask the teacher during or after class than to try to remember later that night!

Use your time at school

Many schools have study halls. They are designed to allow students to study there. It"s more interesting to play with your friends. But the more homework you finish at school, the① you"ll have to do that night.

Take a break

It"s difficult to hold your attention for too long. So take some breaks while doing your homework. Sitting for too long② relaxing will make you feel very tired. Taking a 15﹣minute break every hour is a good idea for most people.

③ a plan

If you don"t finish your homework at school, think about how much you have left, so you can plan your time. Most students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it"s a heavy homework day, you"ll need to spend more time on it. It"s a good idea to make a homework timetable, especially when you want to enjoy sports or other activities.

(1)If you want to have more time to play with your friends, what should you do with your homework according to the passage?(no more than 10 words)

(2)How can students hold their attention while doing homework?(no more than 10 words)

(3)How much homework do most students have a night ?(no more than 12 words)

(4)Fill in each blank with one proper word.

① ② ③

(5)Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

(6)Is homework necessary for students? Why?

第三节 写作(满分25分)

14.(25分)进入初中以来,你一定经历了很多变化.某英文网站正在开展以"拥抱变化、拥抱未来"为主题的征文活动.请以"My Biggest Change"为题,用英语写篇短文投稿,介绍你某一方面的变化(如学科学习、参加活动、人际交往等).谈谈这个变化是如何发生的,以及你的感受和体会.

提示问题:●What is your biggest change?

How did the change happen?

What do you think of the change?

要求:1. 短文须包含提示信息,并适当发挥;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:80﹣100.

My Biggest Change

I have changed a lot in the past two years.__________________.


1.(1)C. 考查形容词。A. proud 自豪的;B. patient 有耐心的;C. unsuccessful 不成功的;结合下文语境可知,Terry在事业上不成功。unsuccessful符合语境。故选:C。

(2)C. 考查副词。A. too 太;也;B. as 如同;C.so 如此;so...that...如此...以至于,固定用法。故选:C。

(3)A. 考查形容词。A. another 表三者及以上中的任意另一个,表泛指; B. other 表示别的、另外的,只能与复数名词连用,但other前有冠词the即可与单数名词连用; C. others表示许多人或物中的一部分,不表示全部。结合语境可知,Terry搬到另一个城市,用another符合语境。故选:A。

(4)B. 考查动词短语。A. went on 持续;继续前进;B. went out 熄灭;离开;C. went away 离开;结合语境可知灯突然熄灭了,went out符合语境。故选:B。

(5)C. 考查名词。A. voice 声音;B. noise 噪音;C. knocks 敲门;结合下文语境可知是有小女孩在敲们,所以此处是他听到轻轻的敲门声。故选:C。

(6)B. 考查代词。A. she 她;B.it 它;C. he 他;结合语境可知Terry此时不知道是谁敲门,用it代指不明性别的人。故选:B。

(7)A. 考查动词。空格处动词的逻辑主语是a little girl,表主动进行,用doing形式。故选:A。

(8)C. 考查名词。A. food 食物;B. money 钱;C. candles 蜡烛;结合下文女孩送蜡烛可知,女孩是问:你们有没有蜡烛?故选:C。

(9)B. 考查动词。结合语境可知,句意为:过了一会儿,门又被敲了。主语the door是动作的承受者,用被动语态,结构为:be+过去分词。故选:B。

(10)A. 考查名词。A. failure 失败;B. decision 决定;C. meaning 意义;结合上下文可知,句意为:那一刻,Terry突然意识到是什么导致了他生活中的失败。failure符合语境。故选:A。

2.(1)A.推理判断题。根据第六段She made progress every day and was moved out of ICU(重症监护室) and finally out of hospital.可知在我的帮助下Pillar老师开始变好了,最终出院.因此A项是错误的.故选: A.

(2)C.推理判断题。根据第四段After a year and a half, I had progressed a lot,both in body and mind,to return to School. Seven years later, I graduated from the University of Texas at the top of my class可知在Pillar老师的帮助下作者在一年半之后康复返校,最终大学毕业,可知Pillar老师对作者的帮


助和影响是巨大的,故选: C.

(3)D.细节理解题。根据第六段Pillar smiled happily as I began working with﹣just as she had worked with me years before .She made progress every day and was moved out of ICU (重症监护室) and finally out of hospital.可知作者让Pillar老师给他拿12分币是按照Pillar老师以前用的方法来帮助她康复的.故选: D.

(4)B.概括总结题。根据第四段After a year and a half, I had progressed a lot,both in body and mind,to return to school.和第六段She made progress every day and was moved out of ICU (重症监护室)and finally out of hospital.可知由于Pillar老师的好心帮助让作者最终康复,同时由于作者对Pillar老师的帮助也也产生了奇迹,恢复健康.故选: B.

3.(1)D 细节理解题。根据文中"Opening hours﹣﹣﹣From September to April: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from Sunday to Thursday;10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday"可知,开放时间是从九月到第二年的四月,从周天到周四开放时间是上午的10点到下午的7点;周五和周六开放时间是上午10点到晚上的9点。因此二月份周末下午5点去参观吉尼斯世界纪录博物馆是可以的。故选:D。

(2)C 理解判断题。根据文中" Ticket Price﹣﹣﹣Adult: $14.95 for 2 attractions(名胜); $18.95 for 4 attractions; $22.95 for all attractions;Child (4﹣12): $8.95 for 2 attractions; $11.95 for 4 attractions; $14.95 for all attractions"可知,一个成年人参观四个景点票价是18.95美元;一个4﹣12岁的孩子参观四个景点票价是11.95美元。因此,如果一个8岁的儿子和他的32岁的母亲访问四个景点, 他们应该支付30.90美元。故选:C。

(3)D 理解判断题。根据文中"In some halls, you are even given a chance to do something so that you can know better how a record was set. If you feel tired, just come into the Rest Area, where you can either have a cup of coffee or have some delicious snacks. But please remember, never take your food or drinks into the exhibition halls."在某些大厅里, 你甚至有机会做一些事情, 这样你可以更好的了解一个纪录是如何创造的。如果你觉得累, 就进入休息区,你可以喝杯咖啡或者有一些美味的小吃。但请记住, 永远不要把你的食物或饮料带进展厅。可知,在展厅里我们可以更好的了解一个纪录是如何创造的。故选:D。

4.(1)D.细节理解题.根据第二段第2句"It"s my job to follow wolves to record information about them."可知我的工作是跟踪狼并且记录他们的信息.故选D.

(2)D.细节理解题.根据第三段第2、3句"From fairy tales to movies, the wolf is always the bad guy a danger to humans and other animals. In the 1920s, the organizers of the park shared this view about wolves and made the decision to drive them away from the park."可知从童话故事到电影,狼总是对人类和其他动物构成威胁的坏人.在20世纪20年代,公园的组织者分享了对狼的这种看法,并决定将它们赶出公园.故选D.

(3)C.归纳概括题.根据第四段第1句" The return of wolves has already made a big difference."可知狼群的回归已经带来了很大的改变.故选C.

(4)A.推理判断题.由本句上文" I am amazed at the changes the wolf has made to Yellowstone"可知我很惊讶狼对黄石公园所做的改变.由此推断狼对维护黄石公园的生态平衡起着重要作用.故选A.

5.(1)D.细节理解题。根据 Infecting people is harder than I imagined.可知感染别人比我想象的要难。故选D。

(2)B.词义猜测题。根据This morning I jumped into the nose of Sam"s best friend, Bill. Unluckily, the mucus in his nose caught me.可知今天早上我跳到了山姆最好的朋友比尔的鼻子里。不幸的是,他鼻子里的粘液抓住了我。所以文章中带下划线的"his"是比尔的意思。故选B。

(3)A. 细节理解题。根据His body is too strong for me!可知他的身体对我来说太强壮了!所以根据这篇文章,强壮的身体。能让我们远离病毒。故选A。

(4)C.标题归纳题。根据Tuesday, January 22nd.Wednesday, January 23rd. Thursday, January 24th.可知1月22日,星期二。1月23日,星期三。1月24日,星期四。 所以这篇文章最好的标题是病毒日记。故选C。


(1)C.根据后句"There is an old Chinese story which is about little girl who went out to fish. 中国有一个古老的故事,讲的是一个出去钓鱼的小女孩。"可知说的是大米的故事,结合选项,应说你知道大米最初是如何传入中国的吗?故选C。

(2)A.根据前句"The frog told her to hold out her fishing net to the sun"s rays and he would sing a magic song. 青蛙让她把渔网对着阳光,然后他就会唱一支神曲。"可知说的是小女孩应怎么做,结合选项,应说小女孩听从了他的指示。故选A。

(3)B.根据前句"And they were changed into golden grains (谷粒) of rice.它们被变成了金色的米粒。 "可知说的是大米的由来,结合选项,应说人们认为第一种大米就是这样到达的。故选B。

(4)E.根据前句"but it tells us that rice has the same value as gold to the Chinese.但它告诉我们,对中国人来说,大米的价值等同于黄金。"可知说的是大米的重要性,结合选项,应说米饭一直是中国人的主要食物。故选E。

(5)D.根据后句"After all, waste not, want not.毕竟,不浪费就不会匮乏。"可知说的是拒绝浪费,结合选项,应说节约食物和拒绝浪费是很重要的。故选D。

7.向左.英语表达是left.turn left向左转.


8.根据提示"选择"可知,是动词choose。这里是一般将来时态的被动语态,结构是will be+动词的过去分词。choose的过去分词是chosen。


9.句子中his后面跟名词形式,结合Thomas Edison lit up the world 及首字母i,考查invention。


10.根据 for it costs a lot of money.结合首字母可知意思是"买不起这辆车",afford动词,买得起,情态动词can"t后跟动词原形.


11.从lifestyle is good for our bodies结合首字母h,考查healthy,形容词,健康的。




(3)difficult.考查形容词。根据下文"Simple tasks like ordering food or taking a taxi were quite stressful"可知,像预订食物或乘坐出租车之类简单的任务都极具压力。故知本句说的是,正如你能够猜到的那样,当我到达北京后,我的生活一度非常艰难。difficult困难的。故填difficult.






(9)deal.考查动词。根据语境可知句意是,我已经学到足够中文来处理定火车票等很多问题。deal with处理。故填deal.


13.(1)You should finish more homework at school.细节理解题。根据文中Use your time at school.Many schools have study halls. They are designed to allow students to study there. It"s more interesting to play with your friends. 可知,利用你在学校的时间。许多学校都有自习室。他们视为学生在那里学习设计的。和朋友一起玩更有趣。但是你在学校完成的作业越多那晚你要做的就更少了。所以如果你想有更多的时间和你的朋友一起玩,你应该根据课文在学校完成更多的作业。故答案为You should finish more homework at school。

(2)By taking a 15﹣minute break every hour .细节理解题。根据文中 It"s difficult to hold your attention for too long. So take some breaks while doing your homework. . Taking a 15﹣minute break every hour is a good idea for most people.可知,很难让你的注意力保持太久。所以在做作业的时候休息一下。对大多数人来说,每小时休息15分钟是个好主意。所以学生在做作业时通过每小时休息15分钟来保持注意力。故答案为By taking a 15﹣minute break every hour。

(3)Most students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night.细节理解题。根据文中 Most students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night.可知,大多数学生每晚有1到3个小时的家庭作业。故答案为Most students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night。

(4)①less②without ③Make.填空题。①根据But the more homework you finish at school, the less you"ll have to do that night.结合短文可知,the more ... the less ...但是你在学校完成的作业越多,那晚你要做的就更少了。②根据Sitting for too long without relaxing will make you feel very tired. 坐时间过长不放松会使你感到很累。介词without表示没有,后加动名词relaxing 表示没有放松。③根据 Make a plan.制定一个计划。make制定。故答案为①less②without ③Make。

(5)家庭作业是全世界学生的难题。英译汉题。根据Homework is a problem for students all over the world. 结合短文可知,Homework is a problem 译为家庭作业是一个难题;for students 译为对于学生;all over the world译为全世界;故答案为家庭作业是全世界学生的难题。

(6)Yes,it is.Because it"s a major part of a student"s school day. It"s the best way to review what the students have learned in class. And it helps the students understand important concepts .阅读表达题。根据文中As a student, you have a lot of homework to do every day. It"s a major part of a student"s school day. It"s the best way to review what you have learned in class. And it helps you understand important concepts (概念).可知,作为一个学生,你每天有很多家庭作业要做。这是学生上学的主要主要部分。这是复习你在课堂上所学知识的最好方法。它能帮助你理解重要的概念。所以学生有必要做家庭作业,因为这是学生上学的主要主要部分。这是复习学生在课堂上所学知识的最好方法。它能帮助学生理解重要的概念。故答案为Yes,it is.Because it"s a major part of a student"s school day. It"s the best way to review what the students have learned in class. And it helps the students understand important concepts。

14.My Biggest Change

I have changed a lot in the past two years.The biggest personal change I"ve ever made is that I have fallen in love with reading.(高分句型一)(开篇介绍最大的改变是什么)

When I was a child, I didn"t enjoy books at all. Later, my mother always read stories for me and bought me books. Gradually I began to love reading. While reading, I feel like talking with a wise man.(高分句型二) Reading is also a fantastic way to enjoy my free time.(改变如何发生以及自己对改变的看法)

Books are my friends. And they will benefit me a lot.(总结全篇)
