
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-07-15 04:35:02

你还是容易动心 ,你还是想付出全部 ,你还是长不大 ,你不可能吸取教训, 你想要浪漫 ,你不要命。

You are still easily tempted, you still want to give everything, you are still young, you can"t learn from it, you want romance, you don"t want to die.

我也想像其他女孩子那样无理取闹, 撒娇,要抱抱, 可是回头想想,我好像没有那个可以把我捧在手心里的人 ,所以我要懂事。

I also want to hug other girls for being unreasonable and pettish, but when I look back, I don"t seem to have anyone who can hold me in my hand, so I need to understand.

别和我说对不起了, 对不起是这世界上最没用的三个字, 或许这三个字在你那会好过一点, 但是对我没有任何一点用处 ,该怎么痛还是怎么痛。

Don"t say sorry to me. Sorry is the most useless three words in the world. Maybe these three words will be easier for you, but they are of no use to me. How should it hurt or how should it hurt?

他把你捡起来, 拍掉身上的土, 安慰你别哭别委屈, 然后把你踹进更深的泥潭。

He picked you up and patted the dirt off your body to comfort you. Don"t cry and don"t feel wronged. Then he kicked you deeper into the mire.


Fresh feeling perfunctory to give up is really only a moment.


Do you know, I almost touched the stars, and suddenly it was bright, the ladder was unstable, and all my dreams fell down.

今天遇到了件特别有意思的事,我想把它分享给你,但是我想了想,还是把它藏在心底 讲给自己听吧。

I met a very interesting thing today.I want to share it with youBut I wanted to thinkOr hide it in the bottom of my heart tell yourself beep.

我没有安全感老是瞎想, 占有欲特别强,特别容易吃醋 ,我还会怀疑你爱不爱我 ,我会晚上偷偷哭, 我可能不会被珍惜, 我懂了所以我放弃, 你错过我了。

I don"t have a sense of security. I"m always blind, possessive and jealous. I wonder if you love me or not. I"ll secretly cry at night. I may not be treasured. I get it, so I give up and miss you.

因为自己淋过雨, 所以总想替别人撑把伞。

I always want to hold an umbrella for others because I have been caught in the rain.


Talking about the past is like selling miserably, talking about the future is like daydreaming, and talking about the present is a mystery to the authorities. They are too slow to say anything and their words are sour and bitter.


