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治愈系句子:温暖治愈 句句暖心(送给被爱伤过的你)

句子大全 2023-07-19 02:24:01

1. 爱不负人,游不负景,睡不负榻,孤不负己。

Love does not bear people, swim does not bear the scenery, sleep does not step on the aunt negative pole.

2. 放平心态,慢慢厉害。不动声色,慢慢发光。

Let the mentality be slow and slow. Slow luminescence.

3. 怀着爱意,带着虔诚。保持温柔,追逐星星。

With love, with piety, keep gentle, chase the stars.

4. 愿你是能披荆斩棘的女英雄,也是被人疼爱的小朋友。

May you be a heroine who can overcome difficulties and be loved by children.

5. 如果事与愿违,请相信上天一定另有安排。

If it doesn"t work out, please believe that God has other plans.

6. 我肩上是风,风上是闪烁的星辰。

On my shoulders are the wind and the stars twinkling.

7. 万物皆有裂痕,那是光照进来的地方。

Everything has a crack. That"s where the light comes in.

8. 愿你自强到无需有人疼有人宠,却依然幸运到有人疼有人宠。

May you be so strong that you don"t need someone to hurt you. Pet, but still lucky enough to have someone hurt someone.

9. 做一个温柔向上的女孩子,将温柔与善良留给我所惜之人。

Be a gentle and upward girl, leaving gentleness and kindness to those I cherish.

10. 多谢你如此精彩耀眼,做我平淡岁月里的星辰。

Thank you so wonderful dazzling, do my plain years in the stars.

11. 如果你累了,学会休息,而不是放弃。

If you are tired, learn to rest rather than give up.

12. 如果没人护你周全,那就酷到没有软肋,那么棒的你不能毁在感情上。

If you don"t have someone to protect you, it"s cool enough that you can"t fight back emotionally without a soft spot.
