
日记大全 > 句子大全

北京版小学英语 四下(Unit 2单元 知识点梳理)

句子大全 2023-07-19 05:47:01

Lesson 5


1. wrong 有毛病的 2. headache 头疼 3.fever发烧

词组: 1. look very well看起来很好 2. feel bad感觉不太好 3. have a headache头疼 4. have a fever发烧 5.take your temperature量体温 6. need to需要 7. see the doctor看医生 8. too bad太糟糕 9. go swimming去游泳 10. have a stomachache 胃疼 11. have a toothache 牙疼

句子:1. ---What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?

--- I have a headache.我头疼

2. ---What’s wrong with you?

--- I have a stomachache.

3. ---What’s wrong with you?

--- I have a fever

4. ---What’s wrong with you?

--- I have a toothache.

语法点:a. with后面用代词宾格形式:

with him/her b.某些身体部位+ ache 表示病症

e.g backache 背疼 c. need to + 动词原形

Lesson 6

必背单词:1. has 有 2. mouth 嘴 3. flu 流感

4. pill 药片 5. soon 不久

词组:1. young man年轻人 2. open your mouth,张开嘴 3.have the flu得了流感 4. take a blood test验血 5.Don’t worry别担心 6. take some pills吃药7. get well soon很快康复 8.I’m afraid so.恐怕如此

9. have a runny nose 流鼻涕 10. have a cough

咳嗽11. have a sore throat嗓子疼


1.--- Does he have theflu? 他得了流感吗?

--- I’m afraid so. 恐怕是这样。

2. --- Does he have a runny nose?

--- I’m afraid so.

3. --- Does she have a cough?

4. --- Does she have a sore throat?

语法点:a. have第三人称单数形式He/ She has… b. have theflu, have an earache

Lesson 7

必背单词:1. man/men 男子 2. right 右边的

3. hurt 受伤 4. near 在附近

词组: 1. my right leg我的右腿 2. hurt badly 疼的厉害 3.let me see让我看看 4. take anX-ray 照X光片 5. near the knee膝盖周围 6. take it easy放轻松 7. her left arm 她的左胳膊 8. her finger 她的手指 9. his neck 他的脖子

句子:1.---What’s the matter with you?你怎么了?

---My right leg hurts. 我的右腿疼。

2. .---What’s the matter with her?

---Her right finger hurts.

3. ---What’s the matter with her?

---Her left arm hurts.

4. ---What’s the matter with him?

---His neck hurts.


a. hurt三单形式hurts, don’t的三单形式doesn’t

b. 区分表示左右的单词left 和right。

c. 形容性物主代词his他的, her她的

d. 句型What’s wrong with …?与What’s thematter with …进行区分。
