
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-07-23 05:30:01


I hate myself living alone in this world and like myself.

所谓成熟:“ 就是原本你该哭该闹 你却选择了 不言不语微微一笑”。

The so-called maturity:"Is originally you should cry the alarmBut you chose not to say a word and smiled. "

一个人思虑太多 ,就会失去做人的快乐。

A person who thinks too much will lose the happiness of being a human being.

其实你喜欢的人喜不喜欢你 , 你比谁都清楚 ,只是有时候明明被伤害还忍不住对他好 ,这能怪谁呢? 谁让他回头给你一颗糖 ,你就恨不得给他整个宇宙。

In fact, you know better than anyone whether the person you like likes you or not, but sometimes you can"t help being nice to him even when you are hurt. who can blame this? who asked him to give you a candy back and you wanted to give him the whole universe.


There is such a group of people who have never really suffered, and love has never loved hard. Every day, under the impact of the information tide, the three views are uncertain and subject to twists and turns. Poverty is no longer justice, but also an attempt to prevent money from becoming the only pursuit. I saw a bigger world too early, but I worked hard for only three days. Blood cannot pass through keyboard and screen, and memory stops at games and college entrance examination. Like a group of children without roots, they are noisy in other people"s experiences and spirits.


"One of the most futile things one is good at is turning back frequently."

其实我不是放不下 ,我只是不甘心, 凭什么后来者居上。

In fact, I"m not unable to let go. I just don"t want to settle down with the newcomers.

以前发个脾气十头牛都拉不回来 ,现在生气转眼就觉得没必要 ,也没必要解释, 你要是不懂我, 错的全是我。

In the past, I lost my temper and couldn"t bring back ten cows. Now I feel angry and suddenly I don"t need to explain. If you don"t understand, it"s all me.

总有人教会你成长, 但方式却不值得感谢。

There are always people who teach you to grow up but the way you grow up is not worthy of gratitude.

常常会安慰自己 ,熬过眼前这些日子,以后就轻松了, 那时候这个信念就像暗夜里浮动的微光, 一直支撑着我, 只是当时的我并不知道 ,往后的人生还会有许许多多需要安慰自己 ,熬过眼前这些日子以后就轻松了的瞬间,这些瞬间一次次地提醒我, 再忍忍, 再走几步就可以休息了 ,但有时候这些日子毫无尽头。

I used to comfort myself that it was easy after I survived these days. At that time, this belief was like the light floating in the dark night, supporting me all the time. At that time, I just didn"t know that there would be many moments in my future life that needed to comfort myself that it would be easy after I survived these days. These moments reminded me time and time again that I could take a few more steps to rest, but sometimes these days had no end.



