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句子大全 2023-07-25 05:50:01



原句:If we are to achieve medical advances for currently incurable diseases, the path forward must include fetal tissue research, for which continued public support is most critical at this time. 解析:简化句子:If we are to …, the path forward must include fetal tissue research, for which …. 简化后的句子结构为主从复合句,主句呈现主谓宾结构,主语是path,形容词forward作后置定语,谓宾语是include fetal tissue research,if是连接词引导条件状语从句,for which是介词前置关系代词引导定语从句。2. 其它成分:2.1if we are to achieve medical advances for currently incurable diseases是状语从句,谓语是系表结构,表语是动词不定式短语to achieve medical advances for currently incurable diseases,其中advances带有介词短语for currently incurable diseases作定语。

2.2…. for which continued public support is most critical at this time是非限定性定语从句修饰主句的名词research,主语是continued public support,谓语是系表结构,两个介词短语at this time和for which作状语,其中介词for前置,关系代词which即代指被修饰词research,又在宾语从句中作介词for的宾语。3. 小结:本句不太长,但比较复杂,如果语感好,还是比较容易理解。句子结构比较平衡,长度相当,介词前置的定语从句比较特殊,值得作为典型句式学习运用。


原句:The scientific community must evolve to meet new realities if it is to continue its path of growth and progress and address the world"s most pressing problems. 解析:1. 简化句子:The scientific community must evolve to meet new realities if…. 简化后的句子为主从复合句,主句是主谓结构带动词不定式作目的状语,if引导的是状语从句。2. 其它成分:if it is to continue its path of growth and progress and address the world"s most pressing problems是状语从句,主语是代词it,谓语是系表结构,表语是由两个并列动词不定式短语构成,其中第一个动词不定式短语含有一个介词短语of growth and progress作定语。

3. 小结:本句比较特别之处是状语从句中的作表语的两个并列动词不定式,第二个动词address由于of growth and progress的分隔而造成一定的理解障碍。


原句:The world scientific community must join forces with global institutions to pressure both governments to end the violence and human rights abuses, and to urge them to reconsider that their economic and social recovery and political stability can be paved in part by bolstering education and science.解析:1. 简化句子:The world scientific community must join forces …to pressure both governments…, and to urge them ….简化后的句子为简单句,谓语是must join forces,含有两个并列动词不定式作目的状语。2. 其余成分:2.1The world scientific community must join forces with global institutions to pressure both governments to end the violence and human rights abuses, and to urge them to reconsider ….回补后的句子中,介词短语with global institutions作状语修饰谓语join,状语中的动词pressure接宾语both governments和动词不定式短语to end the violence and human rights abuses作补足语, 并列状语中动词urge同样含有宾补结构them to reconsider…,其中省略部分是宾语从句。

2.2 … and to urge them to reconsider that their economic and social recovery and political stability can be paved in part by bolstering education and science动词reconsider的宾语是that引导的从句,其中,主语是三个并列名词,谓语是情态动词和被动态动词can be paved,介词短语in part作状语,由by引导的介词接动名词短语作方式状语。3. 小结:本句偏长且较复杂,句子结构为主从复合句,主句的并列状语动词不定式短语都比较长,修饰成分多,形成信息点多,传递比较曲折,给语意理解造成较大障碍。本句是比较典型的长难句,可以反复进行训练,以便快速确定主谓结构,抓住句子主干,把握句子核心,培养语感。


原句:As scientists who are members of academies that belong to the InterAmerican Network of Academies of Sciences, we are deeply troubled by these situations and call on the global scientific community to show solidarity with the academic communities in Nicaragua and Venezuela.解析:1. 简化句子:…, we are deeply troubled … and call on ….简化后的句子为简单句,含有两个并列谓语,前一个是被动态,后一个是动词词组。2. 其它成分:2.1…, we are deeply troubled by these situations and call on the global scientific community to show solidarity with the academic communities in Nicaragua and Venezuela.回补后的成分中,介词短语by these situations和被动态连用作方式状语,动词词组call on接宾语the global scientific community和动词不定式to show solidarity with the academic communities in Nicaragua and Venezuela作补足语,其中,前一个介词短语with the academic communities作solidarity的定语,后一个介词短语in Nicaragua and Venezuela作动词show的状语。

2.2 As scientists who are members of academies that belong to the InterAmerican Network of Academies of Sciences, we are ….回补后的句子中,介词短语as scientists作状语,而介词宾语scientists带有由关系代词who引导的定语从句,其中,介词短语of academies作定语修饰而后members,由关系代词that引导的定语修饰academies。3. 小结:本句比较长,关系也比较复杂,特别之处是scientists的定语很长,且定语套着定语,对于信息传递和理解造成较大的影响。


原句:Just days after tying the knot, Cage sought an annulment on March 27, citing reasons that included being too drunk to understand his actions when he married Koike. 解析:1. 简化句子:…, Cage sought an annulment …, ….简化后的句子呈现极简结构:简单句——主谓宾,即一个复杂句子的主干与核心,抓住了主干与核心,其它的就容易理解把握了。2. 其它成分:2.1 Just days after tying the knot, Cage sought an annulment on March 27, …把主句的简单成分回补还原后,可以看到,just days after tying the knot是时间状语,其中tying the knot是动名词短语作介词after的宾语;on March 27也是时间状语。把两个时间状语分开是为了句子平衡,也是为了连接下一个状语citing…。

2.2 Just days after tying the knot, Cage sought an annulment on March 27, citing reasons that included being too drunk to understand his actions …. 继续回补成分还原句子,可以看到,citing…是现在分词作状语,其宾语带有由that引导的定语从句,而定语从句中的宾语是动名词being too … to do …结构。2.3 Just days after tying the knot, Cage sought an annulment on March 27, citing reasons that included being too drunk to understand his actions when he married Koike. 句子完全回补还原后,可以看到,由连接词when引导的状语从句从属于前面的定语从句,但根据上下文,是修饰动名词being,而非修饰谓语动词include。3. 小结:本句虽然不算长,但状语偏长,从句稍复杂,尤其是when引导的状语从句的修饰对象需要根据上下文加以确定,有一定的难度。
