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句子大全 2023-07-25 07:43:02

1: 每一个清晨,记得鼓励自己。没有奇迹,只有你努力的轨迹;没有运气,只有你坚持的勇气!每一份坚持都是成功的累积,只要相信自己,总会遇到惊喜。早安!

Every morning, remember to encourage yourself. There is no miracle, only the trajectory of your efforts; Every persistence is the accumulation of success, as long as you believe in yourself, there will always be surprises. Good morning!

2: 坚持走自己的路,做自己认为对的事。跌倒了不算什么,就怕你不想爬起。哪怕是躺着中枪,也要摆一个喜欢的姿势。

Stick to your own path and do what you think is right. Falling is nothing, I"m afraid you don"t want to climb up. Even if you"re shot while lying down, put on a favorite pose.

3: 成功不是让周围的人都羡慕你、称赞你,而是让周围的人都需要你,离不开你。

Success is not to let the people around you envy you, praise you, but let the people around you need you, can not be separated from you.

4: 跌倒过的人只要不丧失前进的信心,往往比没有跌倒过的人跑得更快,更稳.

People who have fallen often run faster and more steadily than those who have not.

5: 再大的事,到了明天就是小事,再深的痛,过去了就把它忘记,就算全世界都抛弃了你,——你依然也要坚定前行,因为,你就是自己最大的底气。

The big matter, to tomorrow will be a minor matter, the deep pain, in the past had forgotten it, even if the world has all abandoned you, - - you still also had to lead the way firmly, because, you were the oneself biggest energy.

6: 打败我们的从来不是生活的苦难,而是自己的选择。生活不为任何人停留,你的生活只有现在。

Defeat us is never the suffering of life, but their own choice. Life doesn"t stay for anyone, your life is only now.

7: 与其一直羡慕别人,不如立刻行动,戒掉懒惰、戒掉拖沓,不找借口、不找理由,朝着自己心中向往的方向,去打拼、去努力、去坚持。终有一天,你也会拥有别人羡慕的光芒万丈

Instead of always envious of others, it is better to act immediately, quit laziness, quit procrastination, do not find excuses, do not find reasons, toward their hearts yearning for the direction, to fight, to work hard, to adhere to. One day, you will have the light that others envy

8: 你总是间歇性努力,持续性一事无成,仔细琢磨这句话,真的很在理有时候,坚持甚至比努力更重要。

You always make intermittent efforts, you keep doing nothing, you think about it carefully, and sometimes it"s even more important to stick to it than to try.

9: 一件事如果想做,就早点下定决心。拖一天就纠结一天,早一天就多赚一天。不要用自己的时间去见证别人的成功。

If you want to do something, make up your mind early. Drag a day to tangle a day, one day earlier to earn an more day. Don"t use your time to witness other people"s success.

10: 明日的命运,纵然你聪明,你却无法预言,也无法揣测;因此,莫虚度今天,因为它再不回来。

The fate of tomorrow, even if you"re smart, you can"t predict, is not speculation; So don"t waste today, because it didn"t come back.

11: 上天不会亏待努力的人,也不会同情假勤奋的人,你有多努力,时光它知道,路再远,终有尽,无论如何,我们都要一直坚持努力地走下去。

God will not lose the effort of people, will not sympathize with the false hard-working people, how hard you work, time it knows, the road is far away, eventually, in any case, we must always insist on working hard to go on.

