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超仙的“温柔情话”暖心动人 等他睡了(选一句给他留言吧~)

句子大全 2023-07-26 02:11:01

想在千万个夜幕临近 月亮出现的瞬间偷亲你的耳朵。

Want to kiss your ears in the moment when the moon appears.

我们会深情拥抱 我们会一直到老 只要能够爱着你就好 这就是爱情。

We will embrace you deeply and we will always love you as long as we can.


Sleeping is not only sleeping, but also bringing you into my dream. I don"t mind meeting you in my dream.

被子盖好 别感冒了 我会心疼 你是生活在我世界里的点点滴滴。

Don"t catch a cold after the quilt is covered. I will love you. You are the little things that live in my world.


I will love you more in the future. I won"t talk too much about love, but I will accompany you all my life.

把被子盖好,不要感冒了 真希望能在你身边照顾你,祝你做个好梦 梦里有我,晚安。

Cover the quilt, don"t catch a cold. I hope I can take care of you around you. I wish you a good dream. Good night.

星辰大海不及你回眸一笑,世界欠你的温柔 我来给,世界这么大还是遇见你真好。

The sea of stars is not as big as your smile. I will give you the gentleness the world owes you. It"s good to meet you when the world is so big.

内心的喜欢是藏不住的 尤其当你心动的时候 说的话是温和的 眼神也是。

Your inner love can"t be hidden, especially when you are in a heartbeat, your words are gentle eyes.

我喜欢和你在一起的每分每秒 因为我觉得特别开心 我喜欢每次想到你就傻笑的自己 喜欢你成了我唯一的习惯。

I like to be with you every minute because I feel so happy. I like to think of you every time I giggle and like you. It"s my only habit.

我希望你会在我的眼泪掉下来时就用手捂住我的眼睛 然后说我的眼睛只有微笑时最好看我希望你会在我面前面无表情的抱紧我。

I hope you will cover my eyes with your hands when my tears fall down and say that when my eyes only smile, it"s better to look at me. I hope you will hold me expressionless in front of my face.

我们能不能走到最后谁也说不定 在这浮躁的阶段 只希望能够努力多爱你一点 你一定不要抱怨我的脾气 时间会告诉你 我爱你都是真的。

We can go to the end who may be in this impetuous stage only hope to try to love you a little bit more you must not complain about my temper time will tell you I love you is true.


I think I really like you, rely on you, want to have a long and long future with you, want to give you all the good things, want to love you recklessly, want to be with you every day.

