
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-07-27 02:22:01


1.能听、说、读、写taller、longer、older、younger 、shorter,than单词,发音准确。

2.能够在情景中恰当运用句型How tall are you? I’m1.61meters. I’m taller. You’re taller than me.

3.能够运用新学的内容完成 “Do a survey and report”任务.


二、教学重点: 能听、说、认读taller、longer、older、younger 、shorter单词,发音准确。

三、教学难点: 能读准than并能运用比较级的句型。

四、设计思路 利用大家都非常熟悉的名人刘翔和姚明引入新单词taller和shorter的学习,形象直观,便于学生接受。而在学习younger和older的时候,则直接用教师和学生的实际年龄做为教学资源,让学生在实际生活中学习新知识。Chant是小学生学习英语时最喜欢的练习方式,在学习新知时,用chant 加深学生的印象,便他们牢固掌握新学单词。

五、教具准备 教师准备教学过程中所需的挂图、单词卡片和光盘。


1. Free talk

T:Good morning, boys and girls .How are you today?

Ss: I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

T:I’m fine, too. Thank you.

2. Chant:教师播放三年级下册六单元A部分Let’s do的录音“Tall, tall, tall, make yourself tall…”师生一起吟唱并做出相应的动作。

3.Play a game.(打开课件,播放人物图片)

T:Look! I’m tall and old .How about you,...?

S1:I’m thin and short .What’s your father like, ..?

S2:My father is strong and tall.


1.课件出示刘翔的图片,问:Who is he? What’s he like? 引导学生回答:He is Liu Xiang. He is tall.

T: Yes, Liu Xiang is tall. (课件出示姚明的图片。)Look at Yao Ming.

What’s he like?

Ss: He is tall, too.

T: Yes, he is tall. He is taller than Liu Xiang.(在tall后面用红笔加上er. 领读、拼读单词并说句子。)

Make a chant: taller , taller, taller, Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang.

T:Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang is shorter than Yao Ming. (在short后面用红笔加上er. 领读、拼读单词并说句子。)

Make a chant: shorter, shorter, shorter, Liu Xiang is shorter than Yao Ming.

2教师出示测量身高的米尺并说:“I am 152 cm tall. How tall are you?”引导学生测量自己的身高并用句子回答:“I am … cm tall.”

板书:cm=centimeter 领读、拼读单词并告诉学生它的复数形式: centimeters. 如:I am 152 cm tall. 读作:I am one hundred and fifty-two centimeters tall.

Group work: Ask and answer.

A: How tall are you?

B: I am … cm tall. And you?

A: I am … cm. I am taller/ shorter than you.

3.. 教师指一学生问:How old are you?

S1: I am 12/… years old.

T: I am 38 years old. I am older than you. You are younger than me.

在黑板上原来的板书old, young 后面加上er. 领读,拼读单词并练习说句子。

Make a chant: older, older, older. I am older than you.

Younger, younger, younger, you are younger than your brother.

A: How old are you?

B: I am … years old. And you?

A: I am … years old. I am older/younger than you.

4.师拿出卷尺,一边拉长一边说:Longer ! Longer! Longer!

慢慢放松卷尺,说:Shorter ! Shorter ! Shorter !板书:longer 和shorter

(看大屏幕)(出示两个女孩像)生观察,说:Lily’s hair is longer than Lucy’s. Lucy’s hair is shorter than Lily’s.

(看大屏幕)指名说句子:This ruler is longer than that one. That ruler is shorter than this one .

5.Listen to the tape and repeat.


(1) Read the new words in groups.

(2) Spell the words.

(3) Make the sentences with the new words.

(4) Listen and do.

Line up from older to younger.

Line up from taller to shorter.


(5) Make a chant:

taller , taller, taller, Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang.

shorter, shorter, shorter, Liu Xiang is shorter than Yao Ming.

older, older, older. I am older than you.

Younger, younger, younger, you are younger than me.


1. Make a new chant like this by yourself.

2. Do a survey and repeat.


B: I am 152 cm tall. What about you?

A: I am 153 cm tall. I am taller than you.

B: Yes, I am shorter than you. How old are you?

A: I am 12 years old. How about you?

B: I am 11 years old. I am one year younger than you.

A: Yes, I am one year older than you.


1. Progress


2. 当堂检测:


young __________ short __________ tall __________

old __________ long__________ nice __________


( ) 我有1.61米高可以说:

A.I am 1.61 meters. B. I am 1.61 meter .

( ) 你比我大,可以说:

A. You are old than me. B. You are older than me.

( ) 你比我矮,可以说:

A. You are shorter than me. B. You are short than me.

3. Homework

(1) 回家测量自己和父母的身高,利用获得的数据做一个对话,和父母练习。

(2) 尝试用“I am … than..”来描述自己。


(4)预习A Let"s talk,完成导学案的预习导学。


Unit 1 How tall are you?

A. Let’s learn & Do a survey and report

taller older longer

shorter young shorter

How tall are you? I’m1.61meters.

I’m taller. You’re taller than me.
