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句子大全 2023-07-28 03:24:01

一、散了,爱情断了,无情的记忆,苍白一个人的故事,多少繁华,只是一个人的束缚,读懂一个人的心,藏着一个人的梦,只是无情的抛弃,藏着太多的坎坷。Dispersed, love broken, ruthless memory, a pale person"s story, how many prosperous, just a person"s shackles, read a person"s heart, hide a person"s dream, just ruthless abandonment, hide too many frustrations.

二、 爱不是用情话拼凑,而是要用心来感受。人们都说,陪伴是最长情的告白,而我希望能被你一直宠爱。没有风浪,便没有勇敢的弄潮儿,没有荆棘,也没有不屈的开拓者。Love is not made up of love words, but felt with heart. People say that companionship is the longest confession, and I hope to be loved by you all the time. Without wind and waves, there would be no brave tide makers, no thorns, and no unyielding pioneers.

三、不知道从何时开始,我患上一种病,病的名字叫黄昏。这些年,每至黄昏,无论阴晴雨雪,心中总会莫名地恐慌。我在惧怕什么?是对未知明天的迷惘,是对飘萍人生的厌倦,抑或是对如流光阴的无奈?I don"t know when I began to suffer from a disease called dusk. These years, every dusk, rain or snow, the heart will inexplicably panic. What am I afraid of? Is it the perplexity of the unknown tomorrow, the boredom of Piaoping"s life, or the helplessness of flowing time?

四、要过好自己的人生,首先要学会的,就是独处。养花,读书,写毛笔字,练习英文,跳减 肥操。每一样小事,用心去做,都很有趣。每有一点点的感悟,那我就把它记录下来,哪怕它是那么微不足道。To live a good life, the first thing to learn is to be alone. Cultivate flowers, read books, write brush words, practice English, skip weight-loss exercises. Every little thing is fun to do with your heart. Every little bit of sentiment, then I record it, even if it is so insignificant.

五、这可能就是一个伟大艺术家的必经之路,可是,也未免太过凄惨了。活在这个感恩的世界,学会躲避坏人,学会防备坏人,世界在变,生命在变,唯一的变,就是未来一种充满变数。This may be the only way for a great artist, but it"s too sad. Live in this grateful world, learn to avoid bad people, learn to guard against bad people, the world is changing, life is changing, the only change is that the future is full of variables.

六、从此以后,给心筑起了一道墙,阻挡后面所有的来者,而这一切,只是为了在心底永远留住你。今生只有两行泪,半为坎坷,半为你,一朝动情深,一生心沧桑,目光所及之处都是你,午后安静的时光,恰如我思念你的模样,即便青丝转白发,对你的爱恋不减,你还没来,我怎敢离开原地。Since then, a wall has been built for the heart to block all those who come behind, and all this is just to keep you in the heart forever.

In this life, there are only two lines of tears, half frustration, half for you, once emotional, life vicissitudes of life, eyes are all you, quiet time in the afternoon, just like I miss you, even if the green silk turns white, love for you does not diminish, you have not come, how dare I leave the original place.

七、 费尽心思和你聊天的样子,我自己都讨厌自己。我是那么骄傲的一个人,为你卸掉所有铠甲,却依旧得不到你的心疼。拼命的想要抓住你,却发现风里只剩我自己。I hate myself for the way I try to chat with you. I am so proud of a person, for you to unload all the armor, but still can not get your heartache. Desperately trying to catch you, only to find myself in the wind.

八、没有人是完美的,无须遮掩自己的缺失。做人要能抬头,更要能低头。一仰一俯之间,不仅是一个姿势,更是一种态度、一种品质。感情都是一点点淡的,人心也都是一点点凉的,不是所有的人,都能一直等待,也不是所有的情,都能失而再来。No one is perfect, there is no need to cover up their own shortcomings. People should be able to look up and bow their heads. Between one pitch and one pitch, it is not only a gesture, but also an attitude and a quality. Feelings are a little light, people"s hearts are also a little cold, not all people, can always wait, not all feelings, can be lost and come back.

九、你的善良要留给那些懂得感恩的人,而不是那种将你的善良接受的理所应当,且会欲求不满得寸进尺的贱人。你的过去我不愿过问,那是你的事情。你的未来我希望参与,这是我的荣幸。Your kindness should be reserved for those who know how to be grateful, not for those who take your kindness for granted and want to be dissatisfied. I hate to ask about your past. That"s your business. It"s my honor to participate in your future.

十、不为掌声的诠释,不为刻意的征服,只有辛勤的汗水化作追求的脚步,心中坚定的信念,脚下沉稳的步伐,你用行动诉说着一个不变的真理,没有比脚更长的路,没有比人更高的山,希望在终点向你招手,努力吧用你坚韧不拔的毅志,去迎接终点的鲜花与掌声,相信成功属于你。Not for the interpretation of applause, not for deliberate conquest, only hard sweat into the pursuit of footsteps, firm beliefs in the heart, the steady pace under your feet, you use action to tell a constant truth, no longer than the foot, no higher mountain than people

hope to beckon to you at the end, and strive to meet the flowers and applause at the end with your perseverance. Success belongs to you.

十一、走自己的路,看自己的世界,别人的说辞,只是暂时的,看别人的风景,想自己的梦,不去做,最后输的只是自己。Walk their own way, see their own world, other people"s words, but temporary, see other people"s scenery, think of their dreams, do not do, the last loser is only themselves.

十二、如果你爱一个人,你会了解她的一切,而不需要问她;如果你不爱一个人,即使她告诉你她的一切,你也还是会忘记的。其实,每个人在恋爱中都会有小小的波折,但只要真心诚意相待,爱情总有一天会开花的。If you love someone, you will know everything about her without asking her; if you don"t love someone, even if she tells you everything about her, you will forget it. In fact, everyone will have a little twists and turns in love, but as long as we treat each other sincerely, love will blossom one day.

十三、有的人,认真爱过一次以后就不敢再随便爱了,因为怕重蹈覆辙,怕感情的伤害,怕心灵变得更累。所以,我们都失去了深爱的能力。很多人,因为寂寞而错爱了一人,但更多的人,因为错爱一人,而寂寞一生。Some people, after a serious love, dare not love casually, because they are afraid to repeat the same mistakes, afraid of emotional harm, afraid of the soul become more tired. So we all lost the ability to love deeply. Many people, because of loneliness and wrong love a person, but more people, because of wrong love a person, and lonely life.

十四、当初信誓旦旦牵了谁的手,现在又殷勤的陪在谁的左右;开始热情似火燃烧了谁的心,最后又无情如水凉透了谁的心。你说人山人海边走边爱,怕什么孤独,我说人潮汹涌都不是你,该怎么将就。Whose hand was once sworn to take, who is now enthusiastically accompanied by the left and right; began to warm like fire burning whose heart, and finally ruthlessly like water cooling whose heart. You say people love people while walking along the seashore, afraid of any loneliness, I said that the surge of people is not you, how will it be done?

十五、你以为人生最糟糕的事情是失去了最爱的人,其实最糟糕的事情是,你因为太爱一个人,而失去了自己。人们日常所犯最大的错误,是对陌生人太客气,而对亲密的人太苛刻。You think the worst thing in life is to lose the person you love most. In fact, the worst thing is that you lose yourself because you love someone too much. The biggest mistake people make in their daily lives is to be too polite to strangers and too harsh to close people.

十六、一个人出生了,人们并不知道他的未来,却说恭喜恭喜。一个人死去了,人们并不知道死后世界,却说可惜可惜。我想留下来陪你生活,一起吃点苦,偶尔也享点福。如果都不想的话,就陪你度过那些最难熬的日子,无论怎样我都在。When a person is born, people don"t know his future, but say congratulations. When a person dies, people don"t know the world after death, but say it"s a pity. I want to stay and live with you, share some hardship and enjoy some happiness occasionally. If you don"t want to, just accompany you through the most difficult days, no matter what I am in.

十七、一直觉得最好的时光是这样:心底有暖意,脸上有笑容,眼里有欢喜。这世俗的世界,难过的,快乐的,幸福的,忧伤的,都在时间的面前成了过去。大多数人都是一边承受,一边坚强,在光阴里修炼成了淡定从容的模样。I always feel that the best time is like this: warm heart, a smile on the face, and joy in the eyes. This secular world, sad, happy, happy, sad, in front of time has become the past. Most people are strong while enduring, and in time they become calm and calm.

十八、 委屈什么,世上又不止你一个人爱而不得,几乎每个人都会遇到一个,不能结婚却深爱过的人。所谓的各安天涯,大约就是你深觉良宵苦短,而我却盼着一个遥遥无期的来日方长。What"s wrong, you"re not the only one in the world who can"t love, almost everyone will meet a person who can"t marry but loves deeply. The so-called "Goan Tianya" is about that you feel the night is short, and I am looking forward to an indefinite future.

十九、看一个人爱你的程度:不是浪漫的时候,他对你有多好;而是,开始吵架的时候,他仍能让你多少。坚持了好久好久的一件事,当有一天真的放下了,还是会觉得心突然空了一块,闷闷的Look at how much a person loves you: not how good he is to you when you"re romantic, but how much he can still make you when you start arguing. Stick to a thing for a long time, when one day really put it down, or feel suddenly empty heart, stuffy

二十、 被最爱的人误解,难过到不想争辩,也只有选择沉默。全世界都可以不懂我,如果你也不懂,我还有什么话可说。你所做的事情,也许暂时看不到成果,但不要灰心或焦虑,你不是没有进步,而是在扎根。Being misunderstood by the loved one, I feel so sad that I don"t want to argue, and I have to choose silence. The world can not understand me, if you do not understand, I have nothing to say. What you do may not be fruitful for the time being, but don"t be discouraged or anxious. You are not making progress, but taking root.
