
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-07-29 02:57:01


The cool midsummer wind blows away the hot anxiety, the orange dusk embraces the mint dawn


Hope that the people you like and the things you look forward to will all come this summer

如果你看向我 我会温柔地消融 像像火山中的雪

If you look at me, I will melt gently, like snow in a volcano

从前的日色变得慢 车 马 邮件都慢 一生只够爱一个人

In the past, the sun has become slow, the mail is slow, life is only enough to love a person

人生 总会有不期而遇的温暖 和生生不息的希望

There will always be unexpected warmth and endless hope in life

愿你如愿遇到生命中的缘分 不早也不晚 不急也不缓

May you meet the fate in your life as you wish, neither too early nor too late, neither too fast nor too slow

我喜欢日出日落的静谧 爱着天空也深爱着你

I love the tranquility of sunrise and sunset. I love the sky and I love you deeply

别担心 你迟早也会成为别人翘首以盼的惊喜

Don"t worry. Sooner or later, you"ll be a big surprise

我寄你的信 总要送往邮局 不喜欢放在街边的绿色邮筒中 我总疑心那里会慢一点

I always send your letter to the post office. I don"t like to put it in the green mailbox on the street. I always suspect it will be slower there

你是四月尾声里春天的浪漫 也是五月将至时初夏的温柔

You are the romance of spring at the end of April and the tenderness of early summer at the end of May
