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句子大全 2023-07-30 02:39:02




Some of the more complicated sounds are clearly communicative, although what role they may play in the social life and ‘culture’ of cetaceans has been more the subject of wild speculation than of solid science.


简化句子:Some … are … communicative, although … has been … the subject …. ,句子结构呈现主从复合句,主句在前,从句置后。其它充分:2.1 主句是some of the more complicated sounds are clearly communicative,其中主语是some,带有of the more complicated sounds做定语修饰主语,are clearly communicative是系表结构,clearly副词作状语修饰表语comunicativ。2.2 从句although what ... has been more the subject of wild speculation than of solid sciencealthough是让步状语从句,主语是由what引导的从句,即what从句相当于名词,从句的谓语是系表结构,more做状语,与后面的than构成比较级,两个由of引导的介词短语是比较对象,做定语修饰subject,第二个介词of前省略subject。2.3 从句what role they may play in the social life and ‘culture’ of cetaceans ... 是although从句的主语从句,其中what既做关系代词引导从句做主语又做role的定语; they may play是主谓结构,其后in the social life and ‘culture’是介词短语做状语, of cetaceans是介词短语做定语修饰social life and ‘culture;what role做谓语play的宾语。小结:本句的特征是,从句稍复杂,比较级较麻烦,对理解造成一定的的困难。第二句


Alternatively, by comparing the experiences of identical twins with those of fraternal twins, who come from seperate eggs and share on average half their DNA, researchers can quantify the extent to which our genes affect our lives.


简化句子:Alternatively, by comparing the experiences…, researchers can quantify the extent …简化后的句子呈现为带有介词短语作状语的简单句,但实际上主句的成分中还有两个定语从句。此句的特征是副词开头,然后由介词短语引出比较长且复杂的宾语,然后主谓语作为主干处于句子的最后部分,形成比较复杂的复合句。其它成分:2.1 在句子前半部分,alternatively, by comparing the experiences of identical twins with those of fraternal twins,who come from seperate eggs and share on average half their DNA副词alternatively做状语,by是介词短语做状语,comparing the experiences是动名词加宾语结构做by的宾语,of identical twins 和with those of fraternal twins是两个介词短语分别做experiences和twins的定语,从句who come from seperate eggs and share on average half their DNA是含并列谓语的非限定性定语。2.2 . 主句researchers can quantify the extent to which our genes affect our lives是此句的主干,语法形式是主谓宾结构含修饰extent的定语从句,其中to which是介词前置于关系代词which。小结:此句是比较复杂的句子,通过简化结构方法,即减加法,可以快速确定主干结构,然后准确理解句子意思。此句的难点在于by引导的句子成分前置而且比较长,因而比较复杂。整个句子的结构比较清晰,但两个定语从句比较长和复杂,对于理解造成一定的困难。第三句

As a result, the academic and security communities held important discussions on how to identify and secure research that warranted special protections while simultaneously ensuring that such measures did not unnecessarily restrict what could be published in scientific journals or limit the ability of universities to tap foreign scientific talent.


简化句子:…, the academic and security communities held important discussions … while simultaneously ensuring that …. 简化后的句子呈现复合句的结构,主谓语是the academic and security communities held,其它成分含有从句。值得注意的是,由连接词while引导的现在分词ensuring作时间状语,虽然是非谓语形式,但是实际上的谓语,与held在语义上是并列的。其它成分:2.1 介词短语as a result是作状语,修饰谓语held和相当于谓语的ensuring,介词短语on how to identify and secure research that warranted special protections作定语修饰discussions,其中疑问副词引导动词不定式to identify and secure research作介词on的宾语,而research又带有定语that warranted special protections作修饰语,that是关系代词在从句中作主语。2.2 从句that such measures did not unnecessarily restrict what could be published in scientific journals or limit the ability of universities to tap foreign scientific talent是ensuring的宾语从句,其本身还包含一个由what引导的宾语从句。与that不同的是,what作为连接词既引导从句又在从句中作宾语。同时这个从句含有两个并列谓语,即could be published …和limit。此外,介词短语in scientific journals作前一个谓语的状语,动词不定式to tap foreign scientific talent作ability的定语。小结:本句比较长且复杂,主句中疑问副词引导的动词不定式带有定语从句,while部分中的成分都带有宾语和镶嵌的定语。由于修饰成且长造成信息传递不畅和理解上的困难。本句的平衡结构很好,可以当作典型句式学习和运用。
