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中考英语语法专项训练:天天练 第23讲(附答案解析)

句子大全 2023-07-31 06:18:02



1.---Where’s your brother?

---He’s left a(n) _________ on the table saying that he has something to do.

A.notice B.sentence

C.message D.E-mail

【分析】- -你的兄弟在哪?---他在桌上留了个口信,说他有事要做.

【解答】考查名词词义辨析.A.notice通知;B.sentence句子;C.message信息,消息;D.E-mail电子邮件.根据题干He"s left a(n) _________ on the table saying that he has something to do.可知应说他在桌上留了个口信,说他有事要做.故选:C.

【点评】理解四个名词的含义,根据题干 on the table saying ,结合选项作答.

2.---Who does cooking, your father or mother?

---_______ of them does but my grandmother.

A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.None


【解答】either两者之中的任何一个;Neither两者都不;both两者都;none没有人(三者及以上)根据but my grandmother可知是我祖母做的,所以前面说的是两个人都没有做饭.故选:B.


3.---I really wonder how to improve my grades.

---Not too difficult. ________ you work, _________progress you’ll make.

A.The hard; the greater

B.The harder; greater

C.The hard; the great

D.The harder; the greater


【解答】根据Not too difficult. ________ you work, _________progress you"ll make,可知句子考查the+比较级,the+比较级表示越…越…故选:D.


4.---What annoyed you so much?

---Tina, my good friend, __________not to see me while I passed by this morning.

A.allowed B.pretended C.wanted D.agreed


【解答】allow允许;pretend假装;want想;agree同意.根据Tina, my good friend, __________not to see me while I passed by this morning,可知这里意思是蒂娜,我的好朋友,今天早上经过我的时候假装没看见我.故选:B.


5.---You seem to be a little tired today.

---I spent the whole night_________ my students’ homework.

A.going through B.getting through C.walking through D.looking through


【解答】go through经过;get through穿过,完成;walk through走过;look through仔细检查.根据my students" homework,可知这里说的应该是仔细检查学生们的作业.故选:D.


6.---I asked my boss for a pay rise last month, but I was_________.

---Oh, sorry to hear that.

A.turned off B.turned down

C.turned up D.turned over


【解答】turn off关上;turn down拒绝;turn up调大;turn over结束.根据I asked my boss for a pay rise last month, but I was可知这里是说上个月我向老板要求加薪,但我被拒绝了.故选:B.


7.---Tom has to sleep in bed for two months because of his broken legs.

---Two months _______ quite a long time. I’m afraid that he will miss a lot of lessons.

A. is B. are C. was D. were


【解答】根据Two months _______ quite a long time,可知句子叙述一件事实,时态用一般现在时,英语中表示时间,距离,金钱等作主语,谓语动词用单数.故选:A.


8.---What do you think of the TV play?

---Wonderful. It is worth___________ a second time.

A. to watch B. watched

C. watching D. to be watched


【解答】be worth doing sth.值得做某事,固定搭配;结合预猜句意"它值得再看一次"可知,要填"doing".故选:C.


9.---Do you like your head teacher?

---Yes, he is_______ a teacher_______ a good friend of mine.

A.not only; but also B.neither; nor

C.either; or D.would rather; than


【解答】would rather; than宁愿…而不愿;either…or 要么…要么…;neither …nor 两个都不;not only ..but also ,不但,而且;此题根据语境he is_______ a teacher_______ a good friend of mine.判断他不仅是一个老师,而且也是我的一个朋友.故选:A.


10.---What were you doing when the earthquake hit in Wenchan on May 12, 2008?

---Let me think, oh, I __________.

A.went to school B.was going to school

C.has gone to school D.would go to school


【解答】从What were you doing ,可知问句的时态是过去进行时,那么答语也应该用过去进行时,构成were/was+Ving.故选:B.


11.---What’s a teacher?

---It’s a person__________ explains “why” to you.

A.whom B.who

C.which D.what


【解答】先行词a person是人,用关系代词who或者that引导定语从句,同时在定语从句中做主语,其它选项不符合语法.故选:B.


12.---President Xi gave a speech named An Open and Innovative Asia for a World of Greater Prosperityat the Opening of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018.

--- _____________news it was! Chinese people has not only changed the country but also greatly influenced the whole world.

A.What an exciting B.How an exciting C.What exciting D.How exciting


【解答】根据news it was!!可知这里考查了感叹句,本句的中心词是news,它是一个不可数名词,exciting是一个形容词,在这里修饰news,根据What+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!故选:C.


13.---There is only a sandwich left. What shall we do?

---It__________ into halves between you and me.

A.can divide B.is divided C.can be divided D.was divided


【解答】根据句意"可以分成两半,我们一人一半."可知要用含有情态动词的被动语态,其构成是情态动词+be done.故选:C.


14 ---Could you please tell me__________?

---Sorry, you can turn to Mr. Lee for help.

A.how long can man live without water B.when was it invented

C.how I can keep myself safe from the flu D.what is wine made of


【解答】根据Could you please tell me可知,本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,选项ABD是疑问语序,所以排除掉;选项C是正常语序.故选:C.


15.---Global warming has become a big problem nowadays.

---I’m sure scientists can_______ a way to solve it.

A.catch up with B.come up with

C.keep up with D.make up with


【解答】catch up with 赶上,追上;come up with想出;keep up with跟上;make up with与…和解.根据I"m sure scientists can_________ a way to solve it,可知我相信科学家可以想出一个办法来解决它.故选:B.




中考英语典型例题:第53讲 英语中的噪音

中考英语语法专项训练:天天练 第22讲(附答案解析)


中考英语典型例题:第50讲 any 与anyother的不同

