
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-08-02 07:20:02

一,我还问了他今天有看到什么美好的事物 他礼貌地回了我一句看你妈 我顿时觉得他的情商好高啊!

I also asked him what good things he saw today. He politely returned to me to see your mother. I suddenly felt that his emotional intelligence is so high!

二,我是真的喜欢你 永远把你放在第一位 先不说了 游戏开了

I really like you. Always put you first. Forget it. The game"s on

三,有的人就是不知足 都有了双下巴 还想要双眼皮

Some people just don"t have enough to have a double chin and want double eyelids

四,其实我精神分裂有七个人格 我喜欢你你你你你你你

Actually, I"m schizophrenic. I have seven personalities. I like you, you, you, you, you, you

五,“你就做你自己呗 有点奇怪没关系 和别人不一样也没关系 我永远站在你这边”

"just be yourself. it"s a little weird. it"s okay. it"s okay to be different. i"ll always be on your side

六,如果你瞄准月亮 即使迷失 也是在星辰之间

If you aim at the moon, even if you"re lost, it"s between the stars

七,这世上本就没有二月二十九 我想爱你多一天 便有了 为了这一天我收集了四年的晨光与月色呀 每个四年都可以与温柔重逢 预订你的下一个 二月二十九 期待与你一起的下个二月二十九

There is no February 29 in this world. I want to love you for one more day. For this day, I have collected four years of morning light and moonlight. Every four years can be reunited with gentleness to book your next February. Twenty-nine look forward to the next February 29 with you

八,该用户内容已被隐藏 回复你超可爱即可查看

The user content has been hidden reply you can view super cute

九,大海深处有一家便利店 贩卖着蓝色的孤独。

There is a convenience store selling blue loneliness in the depths of the sea.


Chasing the drama in the snoring, eating melon in the air-conditioned room, this is called summer


The maiden"s journey is the stars and the sea should not die of love.

十二,太阳请你晒黑我爸妈的头发 不是晒黑我

The sun asks you to tan my parents"hair, not me

十三,你的裙子很漂亮,我想请它吃顿饭 如果你有空的话一起来吧

Your skirt is very beautiful. I"d like to invite it to dinner. Come with me if you are free

十四,以后叫我敢敢吧 一个心碎的憨憨罢了

Don"t you dare call me a broken-hearted fool

十五,我是一只绵羊 今天剪了毛 然后失棉了

I"m a sheep. I cut my hair today and lost cotton

十六,有月亮的时候不要惹我 我可能会变身

Don"t mess with me when there"s a moon. I might turn

十七,给你介绍一下莓的种类 草莓 蓝莓 蔓越莓 你想我莓.

I"d like to introduce you to some kinds of strawberries, blueberries, cranberries. You want me to berries.


Among the hundreds of millions of people, I was fortunate enough to meet

十九,你来人间一趟 你要看看太阳 和心上人一起走在街上

You come to earth, you have to see the sun and your sweetheart walking down the street together
