
日记大全 > 句子大全

英语 天上在下猫和狗(Classic Idioms)

句子大全 2023-08-04 05:25:01

这些短语或表达(expressions)的含义(sense)并不能通过其独立单词(individual words)的含义推测(derived from). 神经典型人士(neurotypical people)学习这些短语的方式跟他们学习单词的方式是一致的. 当他们听到 "It"s raining cats and dogs" 时, 他们的大脑可以直接(simply)联想到(recalls)这个这个短语的实际含义 "It"s raining really hard".

而孤独谱患者(people with ASDs)则会先按逻辑(logically)检查每个独立单词, 然后才尝试理解这个句子的含义(make sense of the resultant sentence). 当这种方式不起作用(doesn"t work)的时候, 我发现画一幅画—— 展现这个短语在我心智中的图像(mental image), 可以帮助我记住这句话的真正含义.

It"s raining cats and dogs | It"s raining really hard天上在下猫和狗 | 雨下的很大很大

Getting the sack | Losing your job拿包走人 | 被解雇

You"re pulling my leg! | You"re joking!你在扯我的腿吧! | 你在开玩笑吧!

He went bananas | He went crazy不去香港去"香蕉" | 他疯了

To chicken out | To not do something because you"re scared与鸡没啥关系 | 指某人因害怕而不敢做某事

A different kettle of fish | A totally different matter一壶不同的鱼 | 一件完全不同的事物

Stick to your guns | Once you decide to do something, do it粘在你的枪上 | 一旦你决定了做某事, 就要坚持去做

Feeling under the weather | Feeling unwell感觉在天气之下 | 感觉不舒服

I was over the moon | I was very pleased我在月亮上 | 我很开心

It"s a piece of cake | It"s really easy这是一块蛋糕 | 这非常的简单

You"re burning the candle at both ends | You"re getting up early and going to bed late在蜡烛的两端点蜡烛 | 形容起得早睡得晚

It cost him an arm and a leg | It was very expensive这花费了他一条胳膊和一条腿 | 这非常的昂贵

Your ears are burning! | Someone"s talking about you!你的耳朵着火了! | 有人在背后议论你!

He"s got something up his sleeve | He has a secret plan or idea他的袖子里藏着什么东西 | 他有一个秘密计划

Call a spade a spade | Speak plainly把铲子叫铲子 | 不要拐弯抹角, 请说大白话

Going round the houses | Taking a long time to explain something绕着房子转 | 解释某事需要花费很长的时间

Breaking the ice | Helping people feel at ease in a social situation破冰 | 在某个社交场合帮助某人觉得自在点儿

In a pickle | In a tricky situation在一根腌黄瓜里 | 在一个棘手的情况下

He"s got the wrong end of the stick | He"s got the wrong idea他拿了棍子错误的一端 | 他误会了

