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句子大全 2023-08-06 07:27:01




The implication is that a large impact on the cost of new nuclear plants may come from several sources: improvements in project management practices; innovations in the serial construction of standardized designs to minimize reengineering and maximize learning; adoption of modular construction, to shift labor from construction sites to productive factories and shipyards; advanced concrete solutions to reduce the need for reinforcement steel formwork at the site; and seismic isolation to protect the plant against earthquakes, which simplifies the structural design of the plant.

解析:1. 简化句子:The implication is that a large impact on the cost of new nuclear plants may come from several sources: …简化后的句子结构为复合句,主句主系表结构,表语是从句,从句的主语是impact,带有介词短语on the cost of new nuclear plants作定语,谓语是may come,from several sources作状语,冒号是非语言手段连接后续成分,对前面的several sources进行解释。

2. 其它成分:improvements …; innovations … ; adoption …; advanced concrete solutions …; and seismic isolation ….剩余的成分是冒号引导的五个并列成分。

2.1 第一个并列成分中,in project management practices是介词短语作定语修饰improvements。

2.2 第二个并列成分中,in the serial construction of standardized designs to minimize reengineering and maximize learning是介词短语作定语修饰innovations,同时它本身带有由of引导的介词短语作定语修饰construction,然后又带有由并列动词不定引导的短语作定语修饰innovations,注意这是根据上下文做出的判断,被修饰的成分innovations和动词不定修饰语被第一个定语及其本身带的定语分隔开了。

2.3 第三个并列成分中,of modular construction是介词短语作定语修饰 adoption,to shift labor from construction sites to productive factories and shipyards 是动词不定式作定语修饰adoption。

2.4 第四个并列成分中,to reduce the need for reinforcement steel formwork at the site是动词不定式作定语修饰advanced concrete solutions。

2.5第五个并列成分中,to protect the plant against earthquakes, which simplifies the structural design of the plantseismic isolation是动词不定式短语作定语修饰seismic isolation,同时它本身又带有定语从句修饰动词的宾语earthquakes。此外,最后一个并列成分是用and连接的。3. 小结本句看似比较长,但实际上结构并不是很难,主要是并列成分偏多,又带有较多的修饰语,有的是分隔定语,才造成一定的阅读和理解障碍。需要注意的是,本句采用了冒号:这一非语言手段来连接比较复杂的句子成分是比较特别的,可以尝试学习运用。


原句:Always seeking to strengthen the place of science in society, the organization has embraced civil rights activism, established programs during the Cold War to promote scientific freedom across the world, and advanced science diplomacy in the face of global conflict.解析:1. 简化句子:…, the organization has embraced civil rights activism, established programs …, and advanced science diplomacy ….简化后的句子呈现为一个主语,三个谓语的简单句,谓语都是动宾结构。

2. 其它成分:2.1 Always seeking to strengthen the place of science in society, the organization has embraced ….由seeking引导的现在分词短语作原因状语,其本身带有副词always作频率状语和动词不定式to strengthen the place of science in society作目的状语。

2.2 …, the organization has …, established programs during the Cold War to promote scientific freedom across the world, and advanced science diplomacy in the face of global conflict.第二个并列谓语中的宾语programs后接的介词短语during the Cold War作状语,其后的动词不定式to promote scientific freedom across the world作目的状语修饰动词establish。第三个并列谓语中介词短语in the face of global conflict作状语。3. 小结:本句的特点在于现在分词短语置于句首比较长,三个并列谓语中第二个谓语带有两个状语,也比较长,信息点比较多,形成一定的信息传递障碍,令人不太容易抓住句子的核心,从而造成一定程度的理解困难。


原句:At the same time, many institutions have finally begun hard-won discourses about gender and diversity that are reshaping society and forcing them to recognize the insidious culture of harassment and prejudice that plagues from within. 解析:1. 简化句子:…, many institutions have finally begun hard-won discourses ….简化后的句子结构为主谓宾语构成的简单句。2. 其它成分:2.1At the same time, many institutions have finally begun hard-won discourses about gender and diversity …回补的成分是介词短语at the same time作时间状语。后一个介词短语about gender and diversity作定语修饰discourses。

2.2At the same time, many institutions have finally begun hard-won discourses about gender and diversity that are reshaping society and forcing them to recognize the insidious culture of harassment and prejudice…继续回补的成分是由that引导的定语从句,其中,are reshaping society and forcing them 是并列谓语,并各自带宾语。动词不定式短语to recognize the insidious culture of harassment and prejudice而动词recognize作目的状语,宾语culture又带有介词短语作定语。2.3 At the same time, many institutions have finally begun hard-won discourses about gender and diversity that are reshaping society and forcing them to recognize the insidious culture of harassment and prejudice that plagues from within.最后补回的成分是由that引导的定语从句修饰culture,其中,from within是介词加副词形成词组作状语。3. 小结:本句的结构是主从复合句,其中两个定语从句后置修饰各自前面的名词。从结构来看,这个句子并不难,但定语偏长造成一定的阅读理解障碍,其中,最后一个定语从句和被修饰词被作定语的介词短语of harassment and prejudice分隔,造成较大的信息传递障碍,如果语法不熟练,语感不太好,可能会感到较大困难。
