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2021冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 4The(Spring City教学设计)

句子大全 2023-08-08 03:29:01

【教学目标】1.Master the words and the phrases :budding, nearly, millimetre, plenty, anytime, long for, all year round, plenty of, hundreds of 2. Be able to use target language to talk about spring in your hometown . 【教学重难点】重点 : 掌握 本课相关 词汇 和短语: budding, nearly, millimetre,long for, all year round, 难点: 让学生运用所学知识 用英语 谈论自己家乡的春天 【课时安排】 1课时 【 授 课时 间 】 2021 年 ( )月 ( )日星期 ( ) 【 教学过程 】 一、导入环节( 2分钟) (一) 导入新课,板书课题 导入语: Good morning, class. How are you? Today, we are going to learn : Lesson 4The Spring City (二) 出示学习目标 过渡语 :First ,let ’sread the learning goals together. 1.我要 掌握 单词和短语: budding, nearly, millimetre,-- ; long for, all year round, 2.通过学习,我要学会 运用所学知识 谈论自己家乡的春天 。 过渡语 :Ibelieve everyone can achieve your goal? Can you ?Let ’sbegin . 二、先学环节 ( 15 分钟) 过渡语 :First look at the guides carefully and then finish the tasks step by step. (一) 出示 自学指导 1.熟记单词, 完成 自学检测( 1) 2.读课文,完成 自学检测 ( 2) 和 Let ’sdo it (二)自学检测 反馈 I.背 写本课生词(英语、词性、汉语意思) ( 1) ____________________ ( 2) _____________________ ( 3) __________________ ( 4) ____________________ ( 5) _____________________ ( 6) __________________ Ⅱ .读课文,找出本课短语并翻译: 1.long for 渴望 ,向往 2.all year round 一年到头 ;终年 3.plenty of 许多 ;大量 4.hundreds of 数百的 5.think of 想起,想出 6.feel like 感觉好像 7.because of 由于 III.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1.He has p of friends in his school. 2.The t is10 ℃ here now. 3.They a in Beijing last Sunday. 4.It’srainy.You n to take an umbrella. 5.N everyone has aphone now. 【 Keys 】 1.plenty 2.temperature 3.arrived 4.need 5.Nearly (三) 质疑问难 过渡语 :After learning ,do you have any questions? If you have some questions, put up your hands. 请你把自学过程中的问题提出来,然后在班内解决。 --------

科目:英语 年级: 八年级 教学设计:王新强 时间: 2021-03-3 编号: 04 Students asthe main body, teachers asthe leading, training asthe main line 学生为主体,教师为主导,训练为主线 2 三 、后教环节 ( 15 分钟 )过渡语 :Next ,let ’slearn and discuss some important language points. 学法指导:先独立思考合作探究当中的问题,然后注意结合例句,小组讨论本 课语法知识点,不理解的提交班内解决。探究 一 :Listening (Fill the following blanks) 1.In many places of the world,spring isvery . 2.The temperature isnot too in Kunming in summer. 3.In Kunming we can see and trees anytime of the year. 【 Keys 】 1.short 2.hot 3.flowers 探究 二 :Reading 1.Read the text and answer the following questions. (1)What comes to your mind when you talk about spring? (2)What isthe average temperature in Kunming in winter? (3)How much rain does the city get every year? (4)How many hours of sunshine does the city get every year? 【 Keys 】 (1)We think of aseason of fine, warm weather and clear, fresh air. (2)15 ℃ . (3)About 1000 millimeters. (4)About 2250 hours. 2.Read the text again and fill in the blanks . (1)Everyone spring. (2)But in my hometown, itfeels like spring nearly . (3) the spring-like weather, you can find hundreds of beautiful flowers and trees anytime of the year. 【 Keys 】 (1)longs for (2)all year round (3)Because of 探究 三 :Language points 1.long 作动词 ,意为 “ 渴望 ,盼望 ”,long for 为一个固定短语 ,意为 “ 渴望 ,向往 ”。long to do sth 表示 “ 渴望做某事 ” ,long for sb to do sth 表示 “ 盼望某人做某事 ” 。 She longed for the chance to speak to him again. 她渴望有机会再和他交谈。 2.feel like 意为 “ 感觉像 ” ,后常接名词或从句。 feel like doing sth 意为 “ 想要做某事 ” , 相当于 want to do sth;feel like sth 意为 “ 想要某物 ” ,相当于 want sth 。 He feels like he has never been to such aplace. 他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方。 3.because of 意为 “ 因为 ,由于 ” ,其后接名词、代词、动名词或 what 引导的名词性从句 , 在句中作状语 ,可位于句首或句中。 He didn ’ tcome because of sickness. 他由于生病而没来。 because 作连词 ,意为 “ 因为 ”,其后接原因状语从句 。He feels hungry now because he didn ’ thave breakfast. 他没吃早饭 ,所以现在感觉饿。 4.hundreds of 意为 “ 数百的 ”。当 hundred,thousand,million,billion 等前有基数词表示确切 的数目时 ,其后不能加 -s, 也不与 of 连用。但表示不确切的数目时 ,要在这些词的复数形式

科目:英语 年级: 八年级 教学设计:王新强 时间: 2021-03-3 编号: 04 Students asthe main body, teachers asthe leading, training asthe main line 学生为主体,教师为主导,训练为主线 3 后面接 of。 There are two thousand students in our school. 我们学校有两千名学生。 探究四: Writing (根据提示补写短文 ) My Favourite Season There are four beautiful seasons in ayear. Spring is colorful (多彩的 )with flowers and songs. Summer( 夏天 )isred and always hot. Fall( 秋天 )isgolden and farmers are busy. Winter( 冬天 ) is white and the days are long. Four seasons are all nice. But my favourite (特别受喜爱 的 )season isspring. In spring, itisalways warm and sunny( 温暖而阳光灿烂 ).Ican wear my shirt and jeans( 穿衬衫和牛仔裤 ).Ican fly kites( 放风筝 )and go hiking (远足 )with my friends. Ilike spring best. 四、训练环节( 13 分钟) I.Please use proper words to fill the blanks . 1.That piece of music made her (想起 )her hometown. 2.We were late (由于 )the heavy traffic. 3.It ’sjust seven now,but I (感觉想要 )sleeping. 4.Everyone (渴望 )the holiday after several months of hard work. 5.The (平均 )temperature is10 ℃ all year round. 【 Keys 】 1.think of 2.because of 3.feel like 4.longs for 5.average Ⅱ .根据汉语意思完成句子 6.人人都盼望春天。 Everyone spring. 7.春天在全世界很多地方都很短暂。 Spring isa the world. 8.这儿的天气既不太冷也不太热。 The weather here . 9. 但是在我的家乡 ,几乎终年都感觉像春天。 But my hometown,it spring . 10. 这儿有很多的阳光。 There sunshine. 【 Keys 】 6.longs for 7.short season in many places around 8.is neither too hot nor too cold 9.in,feels like,nearly all year round 10.is plenty of 课堂总结: OK ! Let ’smake asummary. Let students show :What have you learned in this class? Think about the difficulties in this lesson. 附:板书设计 Lesson 4The Spring City 1.long for 渴望,向往 2.all year round 一年到头;终年 【教学反思】
