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温柔句子:你来就好 无论多久(我都等你)

句子大全 2023-08-08 05:44:01


I heard that lover"s heart can bloom with flowers. It"s a sea of flowers. It"s like the moon in front of us. Bees linger for a long time and don"t want to leave. No matter how long you come, you will only wait for you.


Find a sunny day, grass, green trees, sunshine, a cup of tea, a book, you lie on my leg, listen to me open the book slowly to tell you a story, inadvertently we have white hair, the book has been read by the wind for the most part, we look at each other and smile with light in our eyes.


If one day, you want to go wandering, you must tell me, don"t be alone, I will follow the wind you pass by, say the sky is so blue, happy tomorrow.


The sun is shining, the wind is whispering in my ear. The blue sea and the blue sky are gentle everywhere. If you want to roam with me, you will come to me alone from the light.


I"m waiting for the gentle wind. When I meet someone suddenly, I can see the white clouds clearly in the blue sky. It"s gentle and comfortable. The cool wind blows into my heart and permeates the whole life.


I look up to the sky 360 degrees, the four seasons of wind, are given to you, and I"m glad to live in the world.


I am also afraid, afraid that when I meet you, I will not learn what is love. When I meet you, I still have nothing. What should I take to protect your world.


I come to protect your whole world, drive away all the loss and loneliness, a hug will fill all your blank, from then on your world is full.


If you say, you are going to come three, five, eighty years, so what? Anyway, my eyes can only hold you, just wait for you alone.


If you are with me for the rest of my life, I have my own love words to tell you. When it comes to firewood, rice, oil, salt, flowers and flowers, one and a half girls, dusk and dusk, white haired day, you will let me go to heaven first. You also know that I am afraid of being alone.



