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句子大全 2023-08-09 06:53:01

为了未来你也要开始奋不顾身的努力呀For the future, you have to start to work hard

相信自己,即使是被束缚住,也要破茧成蝶。Believe in yourself, even if you are bound, you have to break the cocoon and become a butterfly.

只有你变得越来越优秀,你遇见的人才会越来越好。Only if you get better and better, the people you meet will get better and better.有的时候,只有你坚持到了最后,才会看见别人看不见的风景。Sometimes, only when you stick to the last, can you see the scenery that others can"t see.

越是不言弃的人命运越是对她越宽厚,相反是那些总想放弃的人好运气才不会来临。The more people don"t give up, the more generous fate is to her, on the contrary, those who always want to give up, good luck will not come.总在放弃的人就会错过很多不应该错过的东西,你要坚持,也会成功。People who always give up will miss a lot of things that shouldn"t be missed. If you insist, you will succeed.

你见过你的妈妈羡慕别人的眼神吗,你怎么忍心让她失望。Have you ever seen your mother"s eyes envious of others? How can you bear to let her down.你看身边的人不努力,都是假装颓废,你可千万别上当 。You see the people around you do not work hard, are pretending to be decadent, you can never be fooled.

你想要的只有自己才能给自己,靠着别人的成功是不会长久的。You want only yourself to give yourself, relying on the success of others is not long.那些每一个成功的人都不是偶然的,而是一个个熬过的夜晚支撑起来的。Those who succeed are not by accident, but One night after another.你想要光彩夺目,就要吃很多很多的苦,俗话说先苦后甜嘛。If you want to be brilliant, you have to eat a lot of bitter, as the saying goes, first bitter, then sweet.


Dull love talk hall, grow up with you.
