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句子大全 2023-08-11 07:18:01

Future Perfect Tense | Grammar Rules and Examples 英语语法中将来完成时的规则和例子,你都记住了吗?

Learn how and when to use the Future PerfectTense in English with examples and rules. 学习在英语中如何以及何时使用将来完成时,并结合例句和规则。

How to Use the Future Perfect Tense 怎样使用将来完成时

Forming the Future Perfect Tense 构成将来完成时

The future perfect is a verb form or construction used to describe an event that is expected or planned to happen before a time of reference in the future. 将来完成时是动词的一种形式或结构,用来描述预期或计划在将来某一参考时间之前发生的事件。

In English, the futureperfect construction consists of the auxiliary verb “will” (shall) to mark the future, the auxiliary verb “have” to mark the perfect, and the past participle of the main verb. 在英语中,将来完成时的结构由助动词will (shall)标记将来、助动词have标记完成时和主动词的过去分词组成。

Positive Sentence: 积极的句子:

S + will + have + past participle + …( S + will + have +过去分词+…)

Example: 例子:

I will have finished my report by the end of this month. 到本月底我将完成我的报告。Negative Sentence: 否定句:

S + will + not + have + past participle + …(S + will + have +过去分词+…)

Example: 例子:

He will not have done it by this evening. 到今天晚上他是不会做完这件事的。Question form: 问题形式:

Will + S + have + past participle + … (Will + S + have +过去分词+…)

Example: 例子:

Will you have written me a letter? 你会给我写信吗?Future Perfect Tense | Usage 将来完成时态|的用法

The Future Perfect is used: 使用将来完成时:

– To talk about an action that will finish before a certain time in the future -谈论一个行动,将完成在未来的某个时间

Example: 例子:

By eight o’clock tomorrow, I will have taken off for Japan. 明天八点钟以前,我将动身去日本。– To talk about an action that will be completed before another event takes place -谈论在另一件事发生之前将要完成的一件事

Example: 例子:

She will have learnt Chinese before she moves to China. 在她搬到中国之前,她将学会汉语。– To express conviction that something happened in the near past -表示确信不久前发生了某事

Example: 例子:

The guests will have arrived at the hotel by now. (I’m sure the guests have arrived at the hotel.) 客人们现在应该已经到达旅馆了。(我肯定客人已经到了。)Time Expressions Used with the Future Perfect Tense 时间表达和将来完成时一起使用

By + … 按+ ...By the time 到...的时候Before 之前Until/til 直到/直到By then 到时By the end of + … 到+结尾...By tomorrow 明天前The Future Perfect Tense | Picture 未来的完美时态| 图片
