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生活中感情受伤的句子 句句经典走心(耐人回味)

句子大全 2023-08-12 05:02:01

一、一个人的时候不怕孤独,两个人的时候不怕辜负。无论一个人还是两个人,只要心态好,那就是一种幸福,就这么简单。你来了更好,没来,我一个人其实也很好。One person is not afraid of loneliness, two people are not afraid of disappointment. Whether one or two people, as long as the mentality is good, that is a kind of happiness, it is so simple. You come better, not come, I am a person in fact very good.

二、爱,是一场天时地利的相遇,无需等待,也不必准备。忘不了,不是因为过去太美好,而是现实太残酷;忘不了,不是因为难以忘却,而是寂寞撩人。如果不说对不起,如果不说忘不了,也许就在不经意间走出了过去的圈子。Love is a time-honored encounter, without waiting or preparing. Unforgettable, not because the past is too beautiful, but because the reality is too cruel; Unforgettable, not because it is unforgettable, but because of loneliness. If you don"t say you"re sorry, if you don"t say you can"t forget, you may inadvertently walk out of the past.

三、 如果有一天:你不再寻找爱情,只是去爱;你不再渴望成功,只是去做;你不再追求空泛的成长,只是开始修养自己的性情;你的人生一切,才真正开始。If one day: you no longer look for love, just love; you no longer want to succeed, just do it; you no longer pursue empty growth, just start to cultivate your temperament; everything in your life will really start.

四、时光,留不住昨天; 缘分,停不在初见。 感情,需要的是理解; 相处,需要的是默契; 陪伴,需要的是耐心。 人生能相遇,已是不易; 心灵若相知,更要珍惜。 人与人一场缘,心与心一段情。Time, can"t keep yesterday; fate, can"t stop seeing you for the first time. Emotion needs understanding; getting along needs tacit understanding; accompanying needs patience. It is not easy for people to meet each other; if they know each other, they should cherish them. A relationship between people, heart and heart.

五、有的路,是用脚去走。有的路,要用心去走。绊住脚的,往往不是荆棘石头,而是心。即使你已经不爱我了,即使你已经忘记了我,即使我已经从这个世界消失,我依然会爱着你。我会去找一个天使。让它替我来爱你。There"s a way to go with your feet. There is a way, to go with heart. The stumbling block is not the thorn stone, but the heart. Even if you do not love me, even if you have forgotten me, even if I have disappeared from the world, I will still love you. I"m going to find an angel. Let it love you for me.

六、平淡了,执着地蕴积,总有精彩;路尽了,适时地拐弯,天地自宽。别在乎一时的拥有,莫沉陷短暂的离愁,草长花会开,极目方望远,一切都有规律,无须刻意就好。你可以哭泣,可以心疼,但不能绝望。今天的泪水,会是你明天的成长;今天的伤痕,会是你明天的坚强。Plain, persistent accumulation, there will always be brilliant; the road is exhausted, timely turning, the world is wide. Don"t care about temporary possession, don"t sink into temporary sorrow, long grass flowers will blossom, far-sighted, everything is regular, do not have to deliberately.

You can cry, you can feel pain, but you can"t despair. Today"s tears will be your growth tomorrow; today"s scars will be your strength tomorrow.


A little kindness makes a little quiet; a little kindness makes a little merit; a little tolerance makes a little more happy; a little calculation makes a little more happy; a little concession makes a little profit; a little loss makes a little fortune; a little abandonment makes a little more gain. A little impulse, a little regret; a little advantage, a disaster.

八、感恩的心,总是藏着太多的无奈,无奈的放下,总是藏着太多的委屈,学会理解,原谅,珍惜生命的懂。我从未变过,只是学会了伪装。跌跌撞撞的,走过了人生最丧最灰暗的时刻,那些最难熬的时光。Thanksgiving heart, always hide too much helplessness, helplessly put down, always hide too much grievance, learn to understand, forgive, cherish the understanding of life. I never changed. I just learned to disguise. Those who stumble through the darkest moments of life, those most difficult moments.

九、其实,我不介意等的,就好像张爱玲说过的,你还不来,我怎敢老去!所以我愿意等你,因为我相信你会来!哪怕等到你的时候,已经不是在最美的年华了,但是,于我来说,遇到你以后的余生就全成了最美好的年华了!Actually, I don"t mind waiting, as Eileen Chang said, how dare I get old before you come? So I"d like to wait for you, because I believe you will come! Even when I wait for you, it"s not the most beautiful time, but for me, the rest of my life will be the best time when I meet you!

十、故事的开头总是这样,适逢其会,猝不及防。故事的结局总是这样,花开两朵,天各一方。生命中的诸多告别,比不辞而别更让人难过的,是说一句再见,却再也没见过。只愿得一人心,白首不相离!爱不随人愿,只留真心人。The story always starts like this, just in time to catch it off guard. The end of the story is always like this, two flowers blossom, each side of the sky. Many farewells in life are more sad than saying goodbye without saying goodbye. It is to say goodbye, but never see it again. Wish only one heart, white head is not apart! Love does not follow people"s wishes, but only those who are sincere.

十一、最悲哀的事:当你打开钱包的时候,大领导不在了,各族人民还在;即使生活有时会伤害我们,也要坚强,微笑着面对生活;路是自己选的,所以即使以后会跌倒,会受伤,也都要学会自己承受,自己疗伤。我们都是这样学会长大的。The saddest thing: when you open your wallet, the big leader is not there, the people of all nationalities are still there; even if life sometimes hurts us, we should be strong and face life with a smile; the road is our own choice, so even if you will fall and hurt later, you should learn to bear and heal yourself. That"s how we all learned to grow up.

十二、唯一的错,唯一的心,爱情是一种惋惜,错过是一种心酸,多少故事,藏着一个人的错,错过一个人的全世界,凋零自己的心房。你本来很爱一个人,可是,当所有的失望累积到了一个临界点,连爱也再提不起劲了。The only mistake, the only heart, love is a regret, miss is a sad, how many stories, hide a person"s mistake, miss a person"s whole world, wither their hearts. You loved someone very much, but when all the disappointments accumulated to a critical point, even love could not be raised.

十三、人生岁月总有坎坷需要跨越,总有责任需要担当。跌倒,爬起,会变得更顽强;挫折,熬过,会练硬小翅膀。一分宽容,一分理解,一分努力,一分收获。用行动诠释,没有假设后果,每一步都在无言诉说。Life is full of ups and downs, and responsibilities. Fall, climb, will become more tenacious; frustration, through, will practice hard small wings. One point of tolerance, one point of understanding, one point of effort, one point of harvest. Interpretation with action, no hypothetical consequences, every step in silence.

十四、每次思念你时,提笔落墨写下的不是字,是思念,是我的爱,是我和你断不了的情!一撇一捺是清欢,一词一句皆是情!Every time I miss you, it"s not words, it"s missing, it"s my love, it"s something I can"t break with you! Every word is love.

十五、走出一段路程,回头一望,也是生动着、美丽着;有着你爱的人和爱你的人,有着你喜欢的事和需要你做的事,有着牵挂你的人和你牵挂着的人;人这一辈子是短暂的,所以要让自己幸福着。Walking out of a distance, looking back, is also vivid and beautiful; with the people you love and those who love you, with the things you like and need you to do, with the people who care about you and those who care about you; people"s life is short, so let yourself be happy.
