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非常真切的感情领悟 句句真心话(句句实用)

句子大全 2023-08-12 06:18:01


There is no right or wrong in the world of feelings, only willing or unwilling.


Not the dish you want to eat in your life, you can"t eat the taste you want.


Don"t make love, the love that will come will not last long, the love that will come will only make each other more uncomfortable. More hurt.


Some people in life walk and walk, and when they talk, they become nothing to say. It"s not that anyone doesn"t look down on anyone, but the road is different.


Feelings come fast, go fast, some feelings are in the middle of something, some feelings are looking back. Is our feelings, we must know how to cherish, not our feelings, we do not want to stay.


When you are in love, you are a fairy in the sky. When you break up, you are not as good as anything. Therefore, when you love each other, you should love each other and try not to complain when you break up. Peaceful breakup, you go your way, I will go my way for a few years, maybe there are each other"s names in your love memoirs.


The love I want is not sea dry stone rotten, the love I want is ordinary. The life I want is not vigorous, the life I want is flat and faint, and few people in life can withstand the ups and downs, so it is ordinary. Is love, flat light is life.


Don"t indulge me all day long, because one day when you don"t blame me, I can"t adapt to my life.


What I want is not your sweet words, what I want is your sincere actions. No matter how good you say it, it is not worth your sincere actions, so I don"t want to listen to any sweet words to confuse me. All I want is action. Only action can prove your true heart.


Love I can"t give you a luxury car, but with me, I will never let you sleep on the street. Feelings I can"t give you sea cucumber abalone every day, but three meals a day. I will accompany you to enjoy how to choose love, you decide, if you choose me, I will do all my ability. Let you live a happy love please choose me, I will do my best.



