
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-08-13 05:47:01


英 [kip] 美 [kip]

一、 单词变形






二、 教材重现


三、 重要程度

keep的重要程度为5级,也就是说,在英语中, keep的出现频次非常高;5级也意味着,它出现在基础级别考试中的概率比较高,比如小升初等。

四、 真题考次


高考(663次), 四级(370次)、六级(309次)、考研(194次)。


五、 中英释义

1. Vl. (系动词) (使)保持

英语释义: If someone keeps or is kept in a particular state, they remain in it.

2. Vt. (及物动词) (使)处于;(使)留在

英语释义: If you keep or you are kept in a particular position or place, you remain in it.

5. V. (动词) 忍住(或克制)不做 keep from doing

英语释义: If you try to keep from doing something, you try to stop yourself from doing it.

真题例句: I like doing both, and in fact I need to do both at the same time to keep me from going crazy. (六级真题听力)

6. V. (动词) 保守;隐瞒 keep something from someone

英语释义: If you keep something from someone, you do not tell them about it.

7. V. (动词) 遵守;笃守;恪守 keep something such as a promise or an appointment, etc.

英语释义: When you keep something such as a promise or an appointment, you do what you said you would do.

8. V. (动词) 记下;记录;记载

英语释义: If you keep a record of a series of events, you write down details of it so that they can be referred to later.Eleanor began to keep a diary...

9. V. (动词) 供养;抚养;养活 keep oneself or sb.

英语释义: If you keep yourself or keep someone else, you support yourself or the other person by earning enough money to provide food, clothing, money, and other necessary things.

10. V. (动词) 开设;经营;管理 keep a business

英语释义: If you keep a business such as a small shop or hotel, you own it and manage it.

11. V. (动词) (食物)保持不坏

英语释义: If food keeps for a certain length of time, it stays fresh and suitable to eat for that time.

12. V. (动词) (用于询问健康状况)保持健康

英语释义: You can say or ask how someone is keeping as a way of saying or asking whether they are well.

13. 短语 离群索居;不与人来往 keep yourself to yourself; keep sb. to yourself,

英语释义: If you keep yourself to yourself or keep to yourself, you stay on your own most of the time and do not mix socially with other people.

六、 听读替换


v .

1 . 持续,坚持maintain , carry on , continue , stay with , proceed , persist , persevere ; hold in, hold on to; prolong , sustain ;

2 . 保持 preserve , maintain , secure , conserve , sustain , keep alive , keep fresh , hold , embrace ; maintain in order , keep fixed , keep up ; support , uphold , shore up , brace , stay , ground .

3 . 阻止 restrain , keep down , keep back , hold back , check , hold in check , curb , limit , keep within bounds ; arrest , detain , retain ; master , control , dominate ; prohibit , inhibit , keep from , forbid , withhold , restrict , deny ; hinder , obstruct , stall; grasp , clasp , clutch , grip ; tie up , chain .

4. 遵守;笃守;恪守abide , endure , last , be constant , stand , remain in .

6 . (使)处于;(使)留在 have custody of , be responsible for , supervise , manage ; tend , mind , take care of , care for , watch over , look after , keep an eye on ; guard , protect , defend , safeguard , shelter , cover , shield .

7 . 保守;隐瞒 conceal , keep dark , withhold , hide , keep hidden, keep secret.

8 . 养活;饲养 support , maintain , foster , nurture , nourish ; provide for , provision , feed ; afford , pay for , board.
