
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-08-14 06:35:01

保持这一份热爱,去奔赴下一场山海Keep this love and go to the next mountain sea

你再努力一点,就能变成更好的自己。If you work harder, you can become a better person.

低头努力,剩下的就交给时间去证明。Bow down and work hard, and the rest is left to time to prove.别学那些装模作样的人,他们骗的不是别人,而是自己,自己总要为自己的行为买单。Don"t learn from those pretending people, they cheat not others, but themselves, they always have to pay for their own behavior.

你说日子沉闷,可是奔跑的人身旁却有风,你说日子平淡,可是那些努力的人生活波澜壮阔。You say the days are dull, but there is wind around the runners. You say the days are dull, but the life of those who work hard is magnificent.看看这万家灯火,总有值得的那一刻。Look at the lights, there is always a moment worth it.

要更努力,更优秀,更自律,更美好。We should work harder, be better, be more self disciplined and better.即使现在路遥车马慢,也要坚定不移走下去。Even if the road is far away and the traffic is slow, we should unswervingly go on.

有的人看见了尘埃,而有的人看见了星辰,你看到什么,就会向往什么。Some people see the dust, and some people see the stars, you will look forward to what you see.在这个世界上,没有比人更高的山,也没有比脚更长的路。In this world, there is no higher mountain than man, and there is no longer road than foot.只有埋头前进,才会看见向往的那个地方。Only when you keep your head down, you will see the place you yearn for.

呆呆情话馆,与你一同成长。Dull love talk hall, grow up with you.
