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句子大全 2023-08-14 06:38:01


unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

1. He___to like drinking.

A. doesn’t use

B. doesn’t used

C. didn’t use

D. didn’t used

【解答】他过去常常不喜欢喝酒。used to so sth.“过去常常做某事”,其否定形式是didn"t use to do sth.或usedn’t to do sth.“过去常常不做某事”,故选C。

2. I think is very hard___me___a foreigner.

A. it, for, to understand

B. that, of, to understand

C. that, for, to understand

D. it, of, understand

【解答】我认为对我来说很难听懂一个外国人的话。It is +形容词 (描述事物性质的)for sb. to do sth. It is +形容词(描述人的性格的)+of sb. to do sth. It是形式主语,to do sth是真正地主语。因为hard“困难的”,描述事物的形容词,故用介词for,故选A。

3. Some students get when they find watching English movies .

A. frustrated; frustrating

B. frustrating; frustrating

C. frustrated; frustrated

D. frustrating; frustrated

【解答】当有些学生认为看英语电影令人沮丧时,他们感到沮丧的。frustrated“感到沮丧的”,修饰人;frustrating“令人沮丧的”修饰事物。第一空因主语是Some students,故用形容词frustrated。第二空描述watching English movies“观看英语电影”这件事,故用frustrating,故选A。

4. He’s never read such an interesting book. And _____.

A. so am I

B. neither am I

C. so have I

D. neither have I

【解答】试题分析:句意:他从未读过这样一本有趣的书。而且我也从未读过。A. so am I 我也是; B. neither am I 我也不是;C. so have I 我也做过; D. neither have I 我从未做过。根据He’s never read such an interesting book.可知此处用否定形式,故排除AC两项。因为是现在完成时,故用助动词have。故选D。

5. The air pollution in this area caused the___of many trees.

A. die B. died

C. death D. dying

【解答】这个地区的空气污染导致许多树死亡。die“死,去世”,动词;died是die的过去式;death“死亡”,名词; dying“快死的”,die的现在分词形式;the death of“……的死亡”,故选C。

6. “ ___do you study___a test?”___“I study by reading the textbook.”

A. What; at B. Why; for

C. How; for D. What; for

【解答】“你如何为了考试而学习?”“我通过读教科书来学习。”根据I study by reading the textbook可知此处指的是学习的方式,故用疑问词how。study for a test“为考试而学习”,故选C。

7. Our teacher added that watching English-language TV___ also helpful.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

【解答】我们的老师补充说看英语电视也是有帮助的。动名词短语watching English-language TV作主语,看成一个整体,谓语用单数形式,根据主句谓语是added,可知此处宾语从句的谓语用一般过去时,故为was,故选C。

8. When you find some new words, you’d better___ in the dictionary.

A. look up it

B. look up them

C. look it up

D. look them up

【解答】当你发现一些新单词时,你最好查词典。some new words是复数名词,故用代词them来代指。当代词作为动词+副词短语的宾语时,代词位于动词和副词之间,故选D。

9. “ ___you ever ___by listening to tapes?”___“Yes, I have.”

A. Did; study

B. Have; studied

C. Are; studying

D. Were; studying

【解答】“你曾经通过听磁带来学习吗?”“是的,我学习过。”根据Yes, I have可知此处是用现在完成时,故用助动词have,谓语用过去分词studied,故选B。

10. They always end up___in English.

A. speak B. speaks

C. speaking D. to speak

【解答】他们总是以说英语来结束。end up doing sth.“以做某事来结束”,故此处用动名词speaking,故选C。

11. Gina is very shy. She is afraid___in front of the class.

A. speaking B. to speak

C. talking D. to say

【解答】吉娜非常害羞。她不敢在全班面前说话。speak“说话”,侧重发音,是不及物动词; talk谈话,不及物动词,say说,侧重说话内容,是及物动词。因为空格后面没有宾语,故此处用不及物动词speak。be afraid to do sth“不敢做某事”,故此处为to speak, 故选B。

12. Jack couldn’t spell the word. I couldn’t,___.

A. too B. either

C. also D. neither


13. I’m not good at___English, but I know Australia is an___country.

A. spoken; English-spoken

B. speaking; English-speaking

C. spoken; English-speaking

D. speaking; English-spoken

【解答】我不擅长说英语,但是我知道澳大利亚是一个说英语的国家。spoken English英语口语。English-speaking“说英语的”。故选C。

14. I will have my hair _____ tomorrow.

A. cut B. to cut

C. cutting D. cuts

【解答】明天我将剪头发。have sth. done让某事被做;宾语my hair和宾语补足语cut之间是被动关系,故用过去分词cut。故选A。

15. “We must keep___in the library.” The woman said to me___.

A. quiet; quietly

B. quietly; quietly

C. quietly; quiet

D. quiet; quiet

【解答】那位妇女悄悄地对我说,“我必须在图书馆保持安静。”quiet安静的,是形容词; quietly安静地,是副词;keep+形容词,保持某种状态;第一空用形容词quiet。第二空修饰动词短语said to me,故用副词quietly,故选A。

16. Beijing___a lot in the past ten years. Now it has become one of the biggest modern in the world.

A. changes; cities

B. changed; city

C. has changed; cities

D. changed; cities

【解答】北京在过去十年发生了很大变化。现在它成为世界上最大的现代化城市之一。与时间状语in the past ten years连用,用现在完成时,故第一空为has changed。one of the+复数名词,故第二空为cities。故选C。

17. We must help each other and ___ each other.

A. learn B. learn to

C. learn from D. learn with

【解答】我们必须互相帮助,互相学习。learn学习; learn to do sth.学习做某事; learn from向……学习;learn with和……一起学习。根据help each other可知互相帮助,因此互相学习,故选C。

18. It was___dark___I couldn’t see anything.

A. too; to B. such; that

C. so; that D. as; as

【解答】天太黑了以至于我看不见任何东西。too+形容词/副词to do sth.“太……而不能做某事”;such an+形容词+单数名词+that+从句“如此……以至于……”;so+形容词/副词+that+从句“如此……以至于……”;as+形容词/副词+as“和……一样”。根据I couldn’t see anything.可知此处引导的是从句,故排除AD两项。修饰形容词dark,故用副词so,故选C。

19. The old man lived___but he didn’t feel___.

A. alone; lonely

B. alone; alone

C. lonely; alone

D. lonely; lonely


20. ___ , the rain stopped when we went out for a walk.

A. Lucky B. Luck

C. Luckily D. Luckless

【解答】幸运地是,当我们出去散步时雨停了。A. Lucky 幸运的,形容词; B. Luck 运气,名词; C. Luckily 幸运地,副词; D. Luckless不幸的,形容词。此处位于句首,修饰整个句子,故用副词luckily。故选C。

