
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-08-20 02:48:02


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ?

1.Lisa can _________ (dance ).

2.I can play chess .

疑问句: _________ you ______ chess ?

回答:Yes, ______ ________ . / No , ______ ___________.

否定句:I___________ __________ chess .

3. —Let’s ____________.(打篮球)

—That sounds boring . I want to _______________ (拉小提琴).

4 .My father wants __________ (buy) a piano for my birthday .

5 .What do you often do _________ ____________ (在周末 )?

6. Tony can play the guitar , and he plays it __________ (好).

7. Does your brother like _________ (draw)?

8. Mother often _________ __________ _________ (给我讲故事)

9. I want to _________ __________ _________ (和……交朋友) an English boy .

10. It is relaxing at the _________ ( student) Sports Center .

11.Miss li is friendly and she ________ __________ __________ (与……相处好)her friends

12.Mother _____ ____________ __________ __________( 擅长讲故事)

13. I can play soccer , too .(变否定句)

I _________ play soccer , ________ .

14. I can play soccer , too .(同义句)

I can _________ play soccer .

15. Please _________ Mrs Miller _________ 555-1234 .( 拨打…的电话号码)

16. They can play the drums (提问)

__________ __________ they do ?

Unit 2 What time do you go to school ?

1.I usually get up at six . (提问)

__________ _________ _______ _______ usually get up ?

2.Mary takes a walk .

一般疑问句:________ Mary ________ a walk ?

回答:Yes , she _______ . / No , she __________ .

否定句: Mary ________ ________ a walk .

3. He usually exercises on weekends. (提问)

_________ _______ he usually ____________ on weekends ?

4. Scoot has an interesting _________ (职业).

5. Don’t _________ (迟到) school again .

6.You can come either today or tomorrow .

7. Either you or he ________( go) to see him .

8. Junk food _____ ______ _____ _______ (对……没有好处) our health ,but it tastes good .

9.When I __________ (到家) , I always do my homework first .

10. At twelve, she eats _____ _______(许多)fruit and vegetables for lunch .

Unit 3 How do you get to school ?

1. He takes the bus to school .

①变一般疑问句:_______ he _______ the bus to school ?

②简答:Yes, ______ _______ / No, ________ _________ .

③变否定句:He _______ _________ the bus to school .

2. I ride my bike to get to school .(对划线部分提问)

_______ ______ ______ get to school ?

3. I walk to school . (同义句)

I _______ to school _______ _________ .

4. I ride my bike to get to school . (同义句)

I get to school _______ _________ .

5. It takes me about 15 minutes _______ (get) to school .

6 . It takes me about 15 minutes to get to school . (对划线部分提问).

_______ ________ ______ _______ _______ _______ to get to school ?

7. It is about two kilometers from home to school . (对划线部分提问).

_______ ________ ______ _______ from home to school?

8. There are _______ _________ (二百) students on the playground .

9.There are _________ __________(成百上千) people in the park .

10. What do you think of the story book ? (同义句)

_______ _______ _______ ________ the story book ?

11. I think the story book is very interesting . (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ the story book ?

12.It is easy for me __________ (learn) math well . 学好数学对我来说是容易的。

13 .There is a big river __________ their school ________ the village . (在……之间)

14. My math teacher _______ ________ (像……一样)a father to me .

15. Liangliang is an __________________ (十一岁的) boy .

16._______ ________ _________ ____________(其中的很多村民) never leave the village .

17 .My dream will ___________ _________ (实现) .

18.__________ __________ (谢谢) your last e-mail .

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class

1. Don’t _______ _________ ________ (迟到) class .

2. He must do his homework after school .

①变一般疑问句:_______ he _______ my homework after school?

②简答:Yes, ______ _______ / No, ________ _________ .

③变否定句:I _______ _________ his homework after school .

3. We have to be quiet in the library .

①变一般疑问句:_______ you _______ to be quiet in the library?

②简答:Yes, ______ _______ / No, ________ _________ .

③变否定句:We _______ _________ ______be quiet in the library .

4. He has to clean his room every day .

①变一般疑问句:_______ he_______ to clean his room every day ?

②简答:Yes, ______ _______ / No, ________ _________ .

③变否定句:He _______ _________ to clean his room every day.

5. Dave must help his mom_______ _______(做早饭 ).

6. We must practice ________ _________ .(说英语)

7.. Don’t keep ________(talk) in class .

8.. Remember ________ ( do) your homework on time .( remember to do sth .记住去做某事)

9. Mother ______ ________ ________ ________ (对我要求严格) at home .

10 . My teacher _____ _______ ________ his work . (要求严格)

11 .There ______ _______ _________ ________ at school .(太多的规则)

There ______ _______ _________ ________ at school .(太多的作业)

12. After dinner ,I can’t ______________(放松) ,_________ .(也)

13 . I am ________( 难过的) to tell you the bad news.

14. You can’t watch TV on school days . (变祈使句)

_________ _________ TV on school days .

15. Don’t make any noise in the library . (变同义句)

You ________ _________ _________ in the library .

16. He doesn’t have any fun . (变同义句)

He ________ ________ fun .

17. You can’t take photos . (变同义句)

___________ ______________ .

18 . 不要把作业忘在家里。

_________ _________ your homework at home .

19. We have to wear uniforms at school. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ you have to ______ at school ?

20. 你会“穿衣服”吗?用“穿”填空

①He always _________________ a uniform .

②It’s cold outside , _____________________ your warm clothes .

③She is an eight-year-old girl , she can ______________ herself .

21. He __________ _______(到达)Beijing yesterday afternoon.

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ?

1.Why don’t you take a walk ? (变同义句)

=_________ ________ take a walk ?

=_________ take a walk .

=_________ ________ ________ a walk ?

2. The lions are from South Africa . (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______the lions from ?

3. Where are the lions from ? (变同义句)

Where ______ the lions ________ from ?

4.I want to see the pandas because they are cute . (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ ________ want to see the pandas ?

5.There are __________(超过) 2000 students in our school .

6. The dog can walk on two legs . (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ the dog __________ ?

7.Jenny doesn’t like the cat because it sleeps all day . (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ Jenny _________ the cat ?

8.I think math is kind of difficult . (同义词组)

A. a kind of B. little C. a lot D. a little

9. — Do you know that there are many different __________ animals in the zoo ?

Yes , I do . And I also know that some of them are _________ scary .

A. kinds of , kind of B. kinds of , kinds of

C. kind of , kinds of D. kind of , kind of

10. — ___________ music her favorite subject ?

— Because she thinks it is relaxing .

A. What is B. When does C. Why is D. Who is

11. Jenny ______________ ( 对…… 友好) everyone .

12. Don’t forget _______________ (bring) your homework to school .

13. We should protect (保护) the animals ________ (处于危险中的).

14. We can’t buy things _____________ (由……制成) ivory .

15. The elephant is ___________ (之一) Thailand’s _____________ (象征)symbols .

16. Elephants can walk ____________ (很长一段时间 ) and never __________ (迷路).

17. People __________ (砍掉) many trees so elephants ____________ (正在失去它们的家园) .

18. Let’s go to the park __________( one)

Unit6 I’m watching TV

1. I’m doing my homework?

①变一般疑问句 _______ ________ ________ your homework?

②肯定回答:_______ , ______ ________ .

否定回答:_______ , ______ ________ .

③对划线部分提问:________ _______ ________ doing?

2 .Linda usually gets up at six. (用now替代usually改写句子)

Linda ________ __________ up now.

3. They usually watch TV in the evening. (用now替代usually)

They _______ _________ TV now.

4 .The dog is walking on two legs. (对划线部分提问)

_________ ________ the dog ___________?

5 . 喂?我是鲍勃,你是谁?

— Hello? _______ _______ (我是) Bob, ________ __________ (你是哪一位)?你好,鲍勃。我是迈克。

— Hi, Bob. _________ Mike _________.

6. A: 你在做什么事,琳达?

_________ ________ you _________, Linda?

B: 没什么事。我在读一本书。

____________ ____________. I’m just reading a book.

7. 你来跟我们喝杯咖啡好吗?我们有事要跟你谈。

Would you come and_________ ________ ________a cup of coffee? We need to talk to you.

8. 你愿意跟我们一起去看表演吗?

—Would you like ___________ (come )with us to the show?


—Thanks. _________ _________ __________.

9. His dad and uncle are watching the boat __________(比赛) on TV.

Do you like to watch NBA ___________(比赛) on TV?

10. 杰克看上去像其他和他同龄的孩子一样。

Jack is like ________ _________boy of his age.

11. 你想学说一口好的英语吗?为什么不去英国与房东一家人住在一起呢?

Do you want to learn to speak English well? Why not go to England and stay with a _______ __________(房东)?

12 .The little girl _________ (想念) her grandma very much. 小女孩很想念她的奶奶。

13. I wish _________( meet) my uncle there. 我希望在那里能见到我的叔叔。

Unit 7 It’s raing

1. How’s the weather in Beijing? (同义句)

_________ _______ _________ _________ in Beijing ?

2. The weather is bad now. It’s _______ (wind).

3. — How’s the weather now? — It _______ ______ (rain) now.

4. My mother ________ ______ (cook) now .

5. — 情况怎么样?___________________

— 很好!/不错。/ 糟糕!_________________________

6. — 你会做风筝吗? — 没问题。

— Can you make a kite?

— ______ ______________.


_______ _________ you’re ________ _________ _______ ________ .

8. I’m having a great time _____________(visit) my aunt in Canada.

9. I’m sitting ___________(在……旁边) the pool and drinking orange juice.

10. 我的手表坏了, 几点了?

My watch _________ ____________. What time is it now?

11. Could you ask her _________(call) me at 765-4321 ?

12.I am happy _______ (see) my old friends again .

13. It’s cold and snowy in winter in Harbin .(对划线部分提问)

__________ ___________ ____________ in winter in Harbin ?

14. Are you having fun ? (改为同义句)

__________ you ________ _______ good _________ ?

15 .My summer vacation is great . (对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ summer vacation ___________ ?

16.It’s cool and cloudy, just right for _________ (walk)

Unit 8 Is there a post office near here ?

1. The library is _______ ________ (在……对面)the park.

2. The pay phone is ______ ________ _________(在……前面) the library.

3. The little boy is ________ ________ (紧挨着)his mother.

4. How can I help you?(改为同义句)

________can I ________ ________ you ?

5. Is there a restaurant __________ ____________ (附近) ?

6. ________ _____ (有)an orange and some bananas on the table.

________ _____(有) some books and a dictionary on the desk.

7. There are some bananas on the table. (变否定句)

__________ _________ _________ bananas on the table.

8. There are some birds in the tree.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ ______ ______ birds in the tree ?

9. In this photo, I see Lily is behind Mike. (改为同义句)

In this photo, I see Mike is ________ ________ ________ Lily.

10. _________ __________ (沿着……走) River Street and the park is on the right.

11. ____ _______ _______ _______ ______ ________ (在第一个十字路口向右拐)and the restaurant is on your left .

12. My sister enjoys _________(listen) to music.

13. You can enjoy yourself there. (改为同义句)

You can _______ ______ _______ ______ there .

14. We watch the neighbor’s cats ________ (climb) the trees.

15. I spend two hours ________(do) my homework every day . (改为同义句)

______ ______ _____ two hours ______ _______ my homework every day .

16. She often spends lots of money on clothes . (改为同义句)

She often spends lots of money in ___________ clothes .

Unit 9 What does he look like?


1). 她/他长得什么样子? What does he/she ________ _______?

2). 他们长得什么样子? What _____ they _____ ________?

3). 她个子是高还是矮? ______ she tall ______ _______?

4). 他长着长发还是短发? _____ he have ______ hair _____ short hair?


1)他很高/矮/中等身高。 He _____ tall/ _____/ ____ _______ height.

她长得很瘦/胖/中等身材。She ____ thin/ _____/ of _______ ______.

2)她留着长的直发。 She ______ _________ long hair.


他戴着一幅眼镜。 He _____ a pair of _______.

3. Who’s your favorite ______ (sing)?

Where is the _____ (art) from?

4. This sweater is too small. Please give me __________(另一)big one.

5. Gloria and Anna have brown hair. (改为一般疑问句)

________ Gloria and Anna ________ brown hair?

6. Jack has a big nose. (用small改为选择疑问句)

Does Jack have a big nose ______ ________ nose?

7. Mrs. Dean is tall and heavy. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Mrs. Dean look like?

8. Kate isn’t tall or short. (改为同义句)

Kate is ______ ________ ________.

9. Cathy and Ruth look the same. (改为同义句)

Cathy ________ ________ Ruth.

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles

1. What kind of noodles _________ you ___________ (想要)?

2. — Would you like mutton noodles? 你想要羊肉面吗?

— Yes, ________. / No, ___________. 是的。/ 不,谢谢。

3、你想和我们一起去划船吗?Would you like ________ (go) boating with us?

是的,我乐意。 _______ , _________ _________ _________ .


(1) The girl wants some orange juice. (改为同义句) The girl _______ ____some orange juice.

(2) Would you like some dumplings? (作肯定及否定回答)______________ _________________

(3) 她愿意在数学方面帮助我。(翻译成英语)__________________________________

(4) 我想让我朋友和我打篮球。(翻译成英语)__________________________________

5. — ________ I _________ your _________? (你可以点菜了吗?)

— Yes. I’d like some mapo tofu with rice.

6. I’d like _____ _______ _______ (一碗)beef cabbage noodles.

We’d like ______ _________ _______(两碗)mutton carrot soup.

7. 在碗里有一些羊肉汤。There ___ ______ mutton soup in the bowl.

房间里有两袋子大米。 ______ ____ two bags of rice in the room.

8. 蜡烛的数量是这个人的年龄。________ ________ ______ candles is the person"s age.

9. 如果他(她)一下子吹灭所有的蜡烛,那愿望将会实现。

If he or she _____ ____ all the candles _____ ______ _____, the wish will ______ ______ .

10. 他们从不切碎面条因为长长的面条是长寿的象征。

They never _____ ____ the candles because the long noodles are _____ _______ ___ long life

11. 他想环游世界。He would like to take a trip _______ ________ _______.

12.她真是一个幸运的女孩。She’s really a ________ (luck) girl.

Unit 11 How was your school trip

1. He was at home yesterday.

1) 否定句:He_________ at home yesterday.

2) 疑问句:______he at home yesterday?

3) 简答: Yes, ______ ________./No, ________ _________..

2. I watched TV yesterday evening .

1) 否定句:I _______ _________ TV yesterday evening .

2) 疑问句:________ _______ ________ TV yesterday evening ?

3) 简答: Yes, ______ ________./ No, ________ _________..

3. They rode horses on the school trip . (对划线部分提问)

What ___ they _______on the school trip ?

4. ___ Li Ming ____ (pick) any strawberries? No, he didn’t .

5. Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)

Lucy ______ _________ her homework at home.

6. I was very busy last week. (改一般疑问句)

_____ _______very busy last week?

7. 导游教我们如何制造机器人模型

The guide _______ ________ _______ ______ ______ a model robot

8. 总而言之,它是让人兴奋的一天

______ ______ ______, it was ________ __________ day.

9. I think __________(today) school trip was terrible .

10. 去年她对跑步感兴趣。She ______ _______ ______ _______ last year.

11. It was difficult ________ (take) photos.

12. 我一点也不喜欢这次旅游。

13. The school trip was great ! (对划线部分提问)

________ _______ the school trip ?

14. Did you go to visit the museum? (作否定回答)

________, ______ ________ .

15. ______(luck),we got on the early bus and got there on time.

16.Helen has a ________ (love) dog and she likes it very much.

17. 那位农民带领我们参观了农场。

That farmer _________ us __________ the farm.

18. 我们去钓鱼吧。

Let’s _________ _________

19. 你对科学感兴趣吗?

_______ you _________ _________ science ?

20. I saw _________ ________ _______ _______ (相当多)cows. 我看到了相当多的奶牛。

21. Did Carol______ ________ ________ (拍一些照片)?

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?

1. Look, there are three _______ (绵羊)eating grass under the tree.

2. I worked ________ (作为) a guide at the Natural History Museum.

3. How interesting the book is! (同义句)

________ _______ interesting book !

4. My uncle bought a house_____(带有) a big garden.

5. They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies! (同义句)

They have a butterfly house with _______ ________ 200 kinds of butterflies!

6. Yesterday I _______ _____(熬夜)late to watch the soccer game.

7. 对划线部分提问

1). I got up at nine yesterday morning.

______ ____ you get up yesterday morning?

2). We did our homework last night.

_____ ____ you ___ last night?

3). They were in the supermarket last Sunday.

_______ _____ they last Sunday?

4). My last weekend was kind of boring.

_____ _____ your last weekend?

5).Linda took a walk with her parents after dinner.

_____ ____ Linda take a walk ______ after dinner?

8. They saw two ________ (mouse).

9. Don’t ______ _______(对......大声叫嚷)the children.

10. My sister _______ (finish) high school two weeks ago.

11. He______ ______(搭起) the tent an hour ago .

12. 我是如此累,以至于早早睡觉了。

I was ______ tired ______ I went to sleep early.

13. My dad started to jump ______ _____ _______(上上下下) in their tent.

14. This ______ _____(唤醒)the snake and it moved into the forest near the lake.

15. 我们正在搭帐篷。

We are ________ ________ the tent.

16. 你们必须互相帮助才能完成这项工作。

You have to help ________ ________ to finish the work.

17. 不要把我弄醒,我想多睡一会儿。

Don’t ________ _______ ________. I want to sleep a lot.

18. 他们上周去野营了吗?

Did they ________ ________ last week?

19. Does your mother watch TV every evening? (用last night替换every evening改写句子)

________ your mother ________ TV last night?

20. Jim went to the movies with his cousin. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Jim go to the movies _______?


Unit 1 答案与解析

1.dance, can 后加动词原形

2. can ,play ,I,can, I , can’t, I , can’t,

变疑问句把can 提到句首,变否定句在can后加not .

3. play basketball,打篮球 play the violin拉小提琴

球类、棋类前不加the, 乐器前加the .

4 .to buy. want to do sth 想要做某事,for 为了

5 . on weekends在周末 on weekends = on the weekend

6.well好well 是副词,放在行为动词之后,good 是形容词,放在系动词be之后或名词前.

7. drawing,词组 like doing sth 或 like to do sth .喜欢做某事

8. tell me stories . 讲故事,单数tell a story

9.和……交朋友 make friends with

10. Students’ 以s结尾的所有格加’

11. is good with 与……相处好be good with

12. is good at telling stories , be good at = do well in 做得好

13. can’t , either 也,too用于肯定句,either用于否定句

14. also也,too用于句尾,also用于句中

15. call sb. at +电话号码,拨打某人的电话号码

16. What can

Unit 2答案与解析

1. what time do you

2.Does, take, does, doesn’t , doesn’t , take

3. What does , do ,

4. job职业,工作,job 是可数名词,work 是不可数名词, work还可以作动词

5. 迟到be late for = arrive late for

6. either …or … 或者……或者,要么……要么

7.goes ,在either …or …短语中,动词的形式以or后的人称为准,这种情况叫做就近原则

8. is not good for , be good for 对……有好处,be bad for 对……有坏处

tastes good 吃着好吃

9. get , get to 到达,在副词home ,here , there 前不用to

10. lots of = a lot of 很多,可以跟可数名词,也可以跟不可数名词,many, 只跟可数名词复数much,跟不可数名词。

Unit 3 答案与解析

1. ①Does ,take, ②he , does, he , doesn’t, ③doesn’t take .

2. How do you

3. walk , on foot

4. by bike

5. to get 句型 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间。

6 . How long does it take you

7. How far is it

8. two hundred , hundred 前有数字时不能加s

9.hundreds of 成百上千

10. How do you like …? What do you think of… ?= How do you like …? 你觉得……怎么样?

11. What do you think of

12. to learn 句型 It is+adj.+for sb. +to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是怎么样的。

13 .between…and 在……之间

14. is like ,be like 像……一样

15. 11-year-old十一岁的, 复合形容词

16. many of the villages ,many of其中的很多, 如,many of us 我们很多人。

17 . come true实现

18.Thanks for ,Thanks for= Thank you for 谢谢后边跟名词或v-ing

如,谢谢你帮我学英语。 Thanks for helping me with my English .

Unit 4 答案与解析

1. arrive late for=be late for 迟到,表示请求、命令的句子叫祈使句,祈使句用动词原形开头

2. ① Must ,do ②he must / he needn’t ③ needn’t do

must是情态动词,后边用动词原形。否定回答时用needn’t .不必要。

mustn’t ,禁止,不允许。如:You mustn’t smoke here .这儿不许抽烟

3. ① Do, have ② we must,/ we needn’t ③ don’t have to

have to ,不得不,后边用动词原形。don’t have to, 不必要

4. ① Does , have ② he must / he needn’t ③ doesn’t have

5. make breakfast , help sb. do sth.= help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事

help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人

6. speaking English , practice doing sth. .练习做某事

7.. talking , keep doing sth . 一直做某事

8.. to do, remember to do sth .记住去做某事

9. is strict with me , be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

10 . is strict in , be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格

11 . are too many rules , is too much homework .

太多,too many+名词复数;too much+不可数名词

much too 太,非常修饰形容词,副词,

It’s much too cold. 天太冷了。

The question is much too difficult. 这个问题太难了。

12. relax, either,也,too 用于肯定句;either,用于否定句

13 .sorry , be sorry to do sth. 做某事感到很不安 be happy to do sth. 高兴做某事

14. Don’t watch

15. must be quiet

16. has no

17. No photos

18 . Don’t leave ,leave sth.+地点,把某物忘在某地

19. What do ,do

20. ① wears ② Put on ③ dress

wear= be in,穿的状态 ; put on ,强调穿的动作;dress +人,给某人穿衣

21. arrived in/ got to

arrive at + 小地点名词 arrive in + 大地点名词

arrive home/here /there = get home/ there/ here

(home/ there/ here是地点副词,前边不能用介词)

get to + 地点名词,如 get to school

Unit 5答案与解析

1. Why not , Let’s, What about taking

提建议的句型:Why don’t you+ v …= Why not +v …?= Let’s +v …= What about +v-ing …?

肯定回答:All right .好吧,OK 否定回答,Sorry, I ….

2. Where are

3. do come ,be from= come from 来自于……

4.Why do you , 对because 引导的句子提问,用why.

5. over 超过, over=more than )

6. What can ,do

7. Wht doesn’t ,like

8. D, 有点儿, kind of = a little 后边跟形容词

9. A , different kinds of ,不同种类的,kind of + 形容词,有点儿

10.C , Why提问,用Because 回答。

11. Is friendly to , be friendly to 对…… 友好

12. to bring

forget to do sth.. 忘记去做某事;remember to do sth. 记住去做某事

13. in danger处于危险中的,in great danger处于极大危险中的,dangerous adj. 危险的

14. made of 由……制成

15. one of ,symbols , one of + 名词复数,……之一

16. for a long time ,get lost , for +一段时间,

17. cut down 砍掉, are losing their homes正在失去它们的家园.

18. first


1. ① Are you doing ② Yes ,I am ./No , I’m not . ③ What are you

2 . is getting

3. They are watching

4 . What is , doing

5 . This is , who’s that , It’s…here/speaking .

这是打电话用语。当打电话时,介绍自己时用“This is…”或“ It’s…here/speaking ”;

问对方用“Is that…?” 或 “ Who’s that ? ”。

6. What are , doing , Not much.

Not much. (口语)没什么大事。也可说成Nothing much ,表示自己有空。

7. Join us for

join somebody for something表示“与某人一起做某事;参与或加入到某人的行列中一起做某事”。如Join us for dinner. 和我们一起吃晚饭

8. to come , I’d like to / I’d love to.

Would you like to do sth….? 你愿意做某事吗?接受别人的邀请,用I’d love to. 或I’d like to,我很乐意。当委婉拒绝他人邀请时,多用I’d love to, but...或Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t because...

9. race, game

race用于体育话题时,主要指赛跑,赛车,游泳等与速度有关的“比赛”;而 game则多指球类,棋类等体育“比赛”。

10. any other

any other + 名词单数形式意为“(除了某个以外)其他的任何一个”。

11. host family

host family指人们出国时所借宿的人家,类似汉语中“房东家”。

12 . misses

miss v. 意为“思念;想念” 【注意】miss的第三人称单数形式为misses)

【拓展】 miss还有“错过,没赶上”之意。

e.g. Get up quickly, or you will miss the bus. 赶快起床,否则你会赶不上公共汽车。

13. to meet

wish v. 意为“希望” ,常用结构:wish to do sth.希望做某事或wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事

Unit 7答案与解析

1.What’s the weather like , 天气怎么样?What’s the weather like = How’s the weather,

2. windy, 构词法:名词 + y → 形容词

wind—windy 多风的;cloud—cloudy 多云的;sun—sunny 晴朗的 rain—rainy 多雨的

snow—snowy 多雪的;fog—foggy 多雾的

3. is raining, 有now, 要用现在进行时。

4. is cooking . cook 作动词,意为“烹调;煮”

作名词,意为“厨师”。我叔叔是一位很棒的厨师。My uncle is a great cook, cooker, 锅

5. How’s it going ? 用来询问对方的情况。

答语常为:Great. / Pretty good. /Not bad./Terrible等。

e.g. 你的学习情况如何? How’s it going with your study?

How 的用法小结:

1). 疑问副词 how 用来询问天气。今天天气怎么样?How’s the weather today?

2). how 用于问候,打招呼。你好吗?How are you? 你那里情况如何?How’s it going ?

3). how 用来询问方式或手段。你怎样去上学?How do you go to school?

4). how 用来询问年龄。你弟弟多大年龄?How old is your brother?

5). How 用于询问价格。那件紫色的毛衣多少钱?How much is the purple sweater?

6. No problem .

7. Sounds like , having a great time .

8. visiting ,

have a great time doing sth. 意为“做某事过得愉快”。

同义词组:have fun doing sth .

9. by 意为“在……旁边”,它所表示的位置比 near 更近一些。

. 我的手表坏了, 几点了?

10.doesn’t work / isn’t working

work 在这里是不及物动词,意为“(机器)运转;活动”。

11. to call

ask sb. to do sth .要求某人做某事 tell sb. to do sth . 告诉某人做某事

12. to see , be happy to do sth . 高兴做某事

13. How’s the weather

14. Are, having a ,time

15 . How’s your ,going

16. walking , for是介词,介词后边跟v-ing

Unit 8答案与解析

1. across from ,意为“在……对面”

【拓展】 across 作介词,意为“从一边到另一边;横过”,如过马路,过河

Can you swim across the river ? 你能游过这条河吗?

cross = go across横过, 动词。

2. in front of 意为“在……前面”(在某范围之外)

【辨析】in the front of “在……前面”(在某范围之内)

e.g. There is a table in the front of the classroom. 在教室的前面有一张桌子。

3. next to 意为“紧靠着;紧挨着;贴近”

4. What, do for

5. near here = around here 附近

6. There is , There are .

There be ...句型中,如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语,be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的 “就近原则”。

7. There aren’t any

There be ...句型中,变否定句或疑问句时,要把some 变成any .

8. Are there any

9. In front of

10.Go along /Go down ,沿着……走

11. Turn right at the first crossing .

12. listening 只能跟v-ing

①动词有:enjoy喜爱 ,practice练习, finish完成,


③have fun doing sth., have a great time doing sth. 做某事愉快

be busy doing sth.忙于做某事。

13. have a good time

enjoy oneself= have a good time 玩得高兴,过得快乐

14. climbing ,

watch somebody doing something观看某人正在做某事,(正在做)

watch somebody do something观看某人做了某事(全过程)

15. doing , It takes me , to do .

spend time (in) doing sth. 花费时间做某事

It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间。

16. buying

spend money on sth. 在某物上花多少钱。

spend money (in) doing sth. 花费钱做某事

Unit 9答案与解析

1、1). look like 2).do , look like 3). Is , or short 4). Does , long ,or

2、1). Is , short / of medium ; is, heavy / of medium build


2). has straight 表示留着何种发型等用have/has。

3). Wears , 表示穿着、戴着眼镜(帽子)用wear

3、. singer 唱歌家 , artist艺术家

构词法:动词 + er —(人物)名词名词 + ist —(人物)名词

例如:teach (教)—teacher 老师 play (打) —player(运动员;播放器)

piano (钢琴) —pianist (钢琴家) violin (小提琴)—violinist (小提琴家)

4. another , 意为“另一”(三者或三者以上)

5. Do , have

6. or small

7. What does

8. of medium height

9. looks like

Unit 10 答案与解析

1. would like , 表示“想要”,与want同义,但比want更委婉。would like中的would可缩写为’d ,would like没有人称和数的变化,常有三种结构:

1)would like+名词,I would like a small bowl of soup. 我想要一小碗汤。

2)would like to do sth. 表示“愿意做某事”,She’d like to play tennis. 她想打网球。

3)would like sb. to do sth.,表示“想让某人做某事”。

My father would like me to go home early. 我爸爸想让我早点回家。

2、please / thanks

Would you like sth.?(你想要……吗?)常用来委婉地提供帮助。其肯定回答常用Yes, please等;其否定回答常用No, thanks等。

在Would you like sth.句型中,some不变成any,因为这个问句用来表示请求或建议,且问话人盼望得到肯定答复。如:Would you like some bread? 你想要一些面包吗?

3、to go , Yes, I’d like to./ Yes, I’d love to.

Would you like to do sth.? 你愿意做某事吗?

用来有礼貌地向对方提出建议或邀请的句型。答语常为“Yes, I’d like to. / Yes, I’d love to.” 否定回答“Sorry, …”

4. (1) would like (2) Yes, please , No, thanks

(3) She would like to help me with my math .

(4) I’d like my friends to play basketball with me .

5. May , take ,order

也可以说“Can I take (have) your order?”, “Are you ready to order?”这些都是服务员请客人点菜的礼貌用语。

6. a bowl of 一碗…… two bowls of 两碗……

7. is some , There are



8. the number of 意为“……的数目”,当其作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式。

如,The number of the students in our class is sixty. 我们班里学生的数目是六十人。

a number of 意为“很多的;大量的”后跟可数名词复数形式。当其作主语时,谓语动词应

用复数形式。A number of people are in the park today. 今天有很多人在公园里。

9. blows out , in one go, come true

10. cut up , a symbol of

11. around the world 意为“世界各地”。(= all over the world)

12. lucky, 形容词,意为“幸运的”;而luck是名词,意为“运气”。

Unit 11答案与解析

1. 1) wasn’t 2) Was 3) he was ,he wasn’t

带有was , were 的句子,变成否定句,在was , were后加not;变成一般疑问句,把was , were提到句首,注意大写,句后加上问号。

2. 1) didn’t watch 2) Did you watch 3) I did / I didn’t

带有行为动词的一般过去时的句子,变否定句时,助动词didn’t+动词原形;变成一般疑问句,Did +主语+动词原形。

3. Did , do

4. Did , pick

5. didn’t , do

6. Were you

7.taught us how to make , teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事8. All in all, an exciting

all in all 总的来说,总而言之

exciting是形容词, 后接名词,意思是“让人兴奋的,使人兴奋的”,多形容事物。

excited也是形容词, 多用来形容人,“感到兴奋”,

同类的有interesting, interested; boring, bored

9. today’s

表示有生命的东西的名词才有所有格,但表示时间、距离、地点等无生命的东西的名词也可以加 ’s来表示所有关系。

例如: a mile’s distance 一英里的距离

但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加“ ’ ”来构成所有格。

例如: three hours’ walk 三小时的路程 five minutes’ walk 五分钟路程

two miles’ distance 两英里的距离

10. was interested in running

be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”,主语通常为人,其后可接名词、代词或动词ing形式。

11. to take

It is + adj. (for sb.) to do sth. (对某人来说)做 …... 怎么样

12. didn’t, at all

not… at all “一点也不;根本不”

我根本不喜欢吃苹果。 I don’t like apples at all.

13. How was

14. No, I didn’t.

15. Luckily , 副词,幸运地是,luck,名词,幸运;lucky ,幸运的,形容词。


17. showed, around , 带领……参观

18. go fishing 钓鱼

19. Are ,interested in

20. quite a lot of

21. take any photos

Unit 12 答案与解析

1. sheep 名词,意为“绵羊”。它是单复数同形的单词,当它作主语时谓语动词的单复数形式要根据它在句中的意思来确定。类似的单词还有deer (鹿), Chinese (中国人)等。

2. as , 是介词,意为“作为;当作”。

3. What an ,

感叹句有两种结构,①How + 形容词或副词 + (主语 + 谓语)!

②What+(a或an)+ 形容词+名词!有时两种结构可以互换。

4. with,是介词,意为“有;带有”。

5.more than , 超过,多于


a kind of “一种;某种”; many / different / all kinds of “各种各样的”

kind of +形容词,“稍微,有点儿”;

6. stay up 意为“熬夜”

7. 对划线部分提问

1). When did 2). What did , do 3). Where were 4). How was 5). Who did , with


①特殊疑问词 + was/were + 主语+ 其他?

如:Howwas your last weekend?

②特殊疑问词 + did + 主语+动词原形+其他?

如:Wheredid she visit last weekend?

③ Who(作主语)+动词+其他?

— Who studied for the English test ?

— Carol did .

8. mice ,mouse 意为“老鼠”,复数形式为“mice”

9. shout at “对......大声叫嚷”, shout to “对......大声喊叫”

10. finished

two weeks ago “两星期前”,一段时间 + ago意为“多长时间之前”,是表达过去的时间。它常与一般过去时态连用。

如:We visited the Natural History Museum three days ago. 三天前,我们参观了自然历史博物馆。

【辨析】before 意为“在……之前”, 其后可以跟一个时间的点;表示“在某个时间点之前”,但不一定用于一般过去时态。如:I usually go to school before seven. 我常在七点钟前去上学。


如:I didn’t know that before. 以前我不知道那件事情。

11. put up , 意为“搭起”,put的过去式还是put ,

另外,put up还有“举起”的意思,

如:If you have any questions, please put up your hands. 如果你有什么问题,请举起手来。

12. so ... that ... 的意思是 “ 如此……以至于……”

13. up and down 上上下下, 来来往往

14. wake up 唤醒; 后面可以跟名词或代词; 跟名词时可以放在wake up的后面或中间; 但是如果是跟代词(it, them)时,应放于 wake up 的中间。

如: Don’t speak so loud. You’ll wakethem up. 不要如此大声说话,你会将他们吵醒。

15. putting up

16. each other

17. wake me up

18. go camping

19. Did , watch

20. Who did ,with
