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句子大全 2023-08-20 02:49:01






嗯, 在我这个岁数,拿着这本奇幻类畅销书,还是要像读《百年孤独》一样去严肃对待。我感觉自己真的挺难的。但是Zoe表示她更难,因为她不喜欢骑龙打仗的主题。正好利用这个机会告诉她,生活哪里总给你挑挑拣拣的机会。另外,我们要掌握的是规律,是实质,或者也可以说要掌握那么点套路。同样的分析方法,可以用在严肃文学上,就可以用在武侠小说上;日后也能用在工作里。



老师对写作的要求很明确,就是用五段式论文法来回答下述问题;要有明确的thesis statement(主旨),并且用好topic sentences(主题句)。写作需要围绕下面的问题展开:

Eragon first believes Brom to be nothing more than an old story teller. Explain the progression of their relationship. What did Brom accomplish by not telling Eragon who Brom really was?根据我的观察,在美国这边的小学低年级阶段,孩子们的写作是非常天马行空的;老师似乎也对于拼写和语法错误并不是特别的关注。学校主要是鼓励孩子们在一边慢慢加大阅读量的同时,一边拿起笔来尝试记录生活和心情。到了四、五年级,我看到Zoe他们开始使用五段式论文法来简单的总结论点,展示论据。这种训练延续到了初中。


老师要求孩子们在文章中非常清晰的地阐明thesis statement(主旨),并且每个论段的开头必须有明确的topic sentence(主题句)。老师评分时会考虑:文章思路清晰,论点明确,论据贴切,原文引用部分的确能服务于论点论据,逻辑上没有前后矛盾,语言上尽量准确而精简。




Eragon and Brom"s relationship slowly but surely grows stronger, from strangers to mentor/student and finally, father and son. By not telling Eragon that once he was a dragon rider, Brom gives Eragon space, and allows Eragon to make his own decision to become a dragon Rider.

第一句是主旨句,整个文章回答的问题是Eragon和他的师傅Brom之间的关系发展是如何展开的。主旨句定性他们之间关系发展经历了三个阶段,即陌生人、师徒和情如父子。同时,主旨句出现的第一段也指出Brom向Eragon隐瞒他自己也是龙骑士的原因是为了让Eragon有机会,在不被外力影响的情况下自己做出自己的选择。注意,一般主旨句会包含比较多的内容,可以考虑避免用过于复杂的从句来表达。针对这段,老师的评价是outstanding thesis。但是老师指出Zoe忘了在开篇写出小说名,作者,并对故事做个概述。这些都是第一段行文的要求。

At the beginning of the story, Eragon and Brom are strangers and they don"t trust each other. For example, when Brom offers to help Eragon with his revenge, Eragon doubts his motives: "Is he really offering help, or is this a trap?" (Eragon pg 98). Brom, on the other hand, keeps secrets from Eragon partly because he does not trust that Eragon can handle all the information properly. So when questioned by Eragon, Brom says:"I am one who is here to help you…But I"m not going to answer your questions. At this point you don"t need to hear my history, nor have you yet earned that right." (Eragon pg106).


At this stage of their relationship, without trust, Brom decides to keep his identity as a secret. If Brom told Eragon that he was a Rider, Eragon might ask more questions. The answers to those questions might scare him away since there are more failures, sufferings and even deaths. For example, Brom would have to explain where is his dragon and Eragon will be scared knowing that Brom"s dragon, whose name happens to be Saphira as well, died. Eragon can easily think about his Saphira’s possible death and get very worried or even run away. Brom believes that it"s not the right time to tell Eragon the full story. In a conversation with Eragon, Brom points out: "You demand answers with an insolence rarely seen. If you knew what you asked for, you would not be so quick to inquire. Do not try me." (Eragon pg139).


Then Eragon and Brom progressively develop care and trust for each other through travelling together; they become mentor and student. Although Eragon still questions about Brom"s past, he would clarify: "I trust you with my life – which is why I"m still travelling with you—but I need to know more about who you are and what you are doing." (Eragon pg 223). Eragon cares for Brom and risks his own life to save Brom using magic in several occasions. At the same time, Brom cares about Eragon so much that he puts on hold the plan to take Eragon to the Varden as soon as possible. Brom wants to give Eragon more time for him to get prepared and he tells Eragon: "The Varden are dangerous people...I want you to be well prepared before you go anywhere near the Varden." (Eragon pg 227). At this point, Eragon looks up to Brom as his mentor. Brom has Eragon"s trust.

注意"at the beginning", "then", "finally"这些词的使用。虽然看起来简单,但是用到文章里是能让读者关注你设定和想强调的顺序和逻辑的。老师这里的评价是上面一段的主题句非常明确,原文中的例子也举得非常合适。

However, Broom still doesn"t want to tell Eragon that once he was a rider. This is because Brom does not want Eragon to become a rider by his influence. Eragon is supposed to make the decision on his own. Actually, before Brom confesses to Eragon his Rider identity, Eragon already has made up his mind. And when that happens, Brom is not with Eragon. Eragon witnesses the slave trading. He recognizes: "I"ve been graced with special powers; it would be selfish of me not to use them for the benefits of others. If I don"t, I might as well not be a Rider at all."(Eragon pg 256) Brom"s strategy works.


Finally, Brom gives Eragon his blessing before he dies; their relationship is like that between father and son. Eragon responds with the letters he writes on the stone:


Who was a Dragon Rider,

And like a father,

To me." (Eragon pg 276)

After Eragon finds out the origin of Zar"roc, he says to Saphira: "Brom kept more than that secret…I understand now why Brom didn"t explain Zar"roc"s origins when he gave it to me. If he had, I probably would have run away from him at the first opportunity."(Eragon pg 282)Eventually, Eragon figures out Brom"s strategy of keeping secrets and feels his care and love. For Brom, telling Eragon that he was a Rider before he dies leaves Brom with no regrets and the legacy of Rider continues.

In summary, Eragon and Brom"s connection becomes deeper as the story progresses. The journey they take together is a quest for Eragon to find out what he really wants to do; a mission for Brom to support Eragon in achieving his goals. By not confessing his Rider identity until he dies, Brom manages to provide only necessary information to Eragon and keep Eragon focus on training; Brom"s neutral position also makes it possible for him to limit his influence on Eragon for decision making.

小说读完后,我还给了Zoe一小篇拓展阅读,是孟子的《生于忧患,死于安乐》。我和Zoe说,我在读这本小说的时候,书里主人公的成长经历会让我联想到这篇几千年以前的中国学者写的文章。其实阅读本身就是不断地产生联想,不断地让曾经沉淀的,和新吸取的信息、感受碰撞。所以也把中英文对照的《生于忧患,死于安乐》在这里分享给大家(translated by David Hinton in Mencius)。


Life springs from sorrow and calamity; death comes form ease and pleasure


So it is that whenever Heaven invests a person with great responsibilities,


it first tries his resolve,


exhausts his muscles and bones


starves his body


leaves him destitute,


and confounds his every endeavor,


In this way his patience and endurance are developed


and his weakness are overcome

