
日记大全 > 句子大全

第十二弹//温柔句子 惊鸿一眼恰到好处(而我 仿佛看到了人间……)

句子大全 2023-08-25 03:21:01


Love at first sight is too perfunctory, long-term love is too pale, a glance is just right, regardless of other people"s eyebrows, and I, only look at you.


On that day, the clouds were beautiful and the wind was gentle. You were in front of me. I looked at you and loved the world for a while.


I like you, because in a moment you gave me the feeling of heartbeat, and then I fell in love with you, I found that I had the impulse to protect you for a lifetime.

4、遇见你后, 我睁眼便是花田, 闭眼是星空。

When I met you, I opened my eyes and closed my eyes to the sky.

5、晚是全世界的晚 ,安是只给你的安。

Night is the night of the whole world. ANN is only for you.


The rays falling from the clouds are the hope of tomorrow. Those sorrows and joys lead me to be strong.


I use the story of flowers to watch our love. From the beginning tothe present, just like the morning and evening, as long as the sky.


Autumn wind with drizzle, under the moon plate is your figure, your smile like the breeze of every summer, is the most beautiful embellishment in my life.

9、月亮不会奔向你 ,但我会 ,不远万里的那种。

The moon won"t run to you, but I will, the kind from afar.

10、星星无数颗 月亮只有一个 偶尔看不到月亮却能看到星星的夜里 但我知道我只钟意它。There are so many stars. There is only one moon. Sometimes I can"t see the moon but I can see the stars at night. But I know I only like it

11、慢慢来吧,总有一场相遇,是互相喜欢,互相欣赏,共同成长,是隔着茫茫人海带着温柔奔赴过来的。Slowly, there is always an encounter, is like each other, mutual appreciation, common growth, is across the vast sea of people with gentle to come.

12、这温吞世俗人间烟火,只有你是我的江河湖泊。This gentle secular world fireworks, only you are my river lake.

