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句子大全 2023-08-26 02:16:02

1. 生活中,有人跟你争执,你就让他赢,这个赢跟输,都只是文字的观念罢了。当你让对方赢,你并没有损失什么。所谓的赢,他有赢到什么?得到什么?所谓的输,你又输到什么?失去什么?

1. in life, if someone disputes with you, you will let him win. This win or lose is just a literal idea. When you let the other win, you don"t lose anything. What does he win, so-called win? What do you get? What are you losing when it comes to losing? What is lost?

2. 趁着年轻,不怕多吃一些苦。这些逆境与磨练,才会让你真正学会谦恭。不然,你那自以为是的聪明和藐视一切的优越感,迟早会毁了你。

2. take advantage of the youth, not afraid to eat more hardships. These adversity and practice will make you learn to be humble. Otherwise, your self righteous wisdom and contempt for all superiority will destroy you sooner or later.

3. 当你经历了磨难,遇到了坎坷,好不容易走出了困境。这时千万不要停歇,聪明的人会做两件事:总结经验,汲取教训,避免以后再有同样的事折磨自己,防患于未然;看清楚在自己最困难的时候,哪些人在雪中送碳,哪些人渣在落井下石。

3. when you have experienced hardships and bumps, you can hardly get out of the difficulties. At this time, do not stop, intelligent people will do two things: summing up experience, learning lessons, avoid the same thing in the future to torture themselves, prevent from suffering from the unexpected; See who is sending carbon in the snow and which slag is falling into the well when they are most difficult.

4. 人类都是这样,谁都有“活不下去”的念头,可最后没几个选择去死的。无论前路多么坎坷,多么绝望,也要挣扎着拼命活下去。

4. all humans are like this. Everyone has the idea of "not living", but there are few choices to die at last. No matter how rough the road ahead, how desperate, but also struggle to live desperately.

5. 生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。生活中出现不顺心的事情,不要心怀不满、怨气冲天,也不必耿耿于怀、一蹶不振,是福是祸都得面对,是好是坏都会过去。

5. anger is to punish yourself for doing something wrong by others. If something is not in good condition in life, don"t be dissatisfied or angry. You don"t have to be persistent and never recover. It is that happiness and misfortune must be faced. Good or bad will pass.

6. 努力改变不了命运,苦难也不会变成财富,真正能改变命运的是你的状态。同样的粗茶淡饭起早摸黑,有人如饮毒酒也有人奋起直追。你的努力不能决定未来,但可以决定当下你是充满朝气和期望的侠客。你要知道,命运从不是未来的那个结果,而是此时此刻。

6. efforts cannot change fate, suffering will not become wealth, what can change destiny is your state. The same crude meal early dark, some people like drinking poison wine also have a chase. Your efforts can"t determine the future, but you can decide that you are a chivalrous person full of vigor and expectation. You know, destiny is not the result of the future, but at this moment.

7. 人生的高度,是自信撑起来的。人与人相比,只有境遇的不同,成功者,也不是三头六臂之人。很多时候,我们不是欠缺成功的筹码,而是欠缺自信。所有的路,只有脚踩上去了才知远近和曲折。敢走第一步并坚持就是自信。认为自己不行,你就真的永远不行了。自信,是人最大的潜能。

7. the height of life is supported by self-confidence. Compared with people, only the situation is different, the successful, is not the person with three heads and six arms. Most of the time, we are not lack of success chips, but lack of self-confidence. All the roads, only step on the foot can know the distance and twists and turns. The first step and persistence is confidence. Think you can"t, you can"t really be. Self confidence is the greatest potential of human beings.

8. 人最可悲的是,有自由的思想,却没有冲破羁绊的勇气。

8. the most sad thing is that people have free thoughts, but they have no courage to break through the fetters.

9. 我们会觉得焦虑,无非是因为现在的我们,跟想象中的自己,很有距离。打败焦虑的最好方法,就是去做那些让你焦虑的事情。不要问,不要等,不要犹豫,不要回头,既然你认准了这条路,就不要去打听要走多久。这是打败焦虑的最好方法。

9. we will feel anxious, but it is just because we are now, very far away from the imaginary ourselves. The best way to beat anxiety is to do things that make you anxious. Don"t ask, don"t wait, don"t hesitate, don"t turn back. Since you recognize this road, don"t go to inquire how long it will take. This is the best way to beat anxiety.

10. 宁可累死在路上,也不能闲死在家里!宁可去碰壁,也不能去面壁。是狼就要练好牙,是羊就要练好腿。什么是奋斗?奋斗就是每天很难,可一年一年却越来越容易。不奋斗就是每天都很容易,可一年一年越来越难。能干的人,不在情绪上计较,只在做事上认真;无能的人!不在做事上认真,只在情绪上计较。拼一个春夏秋冬!赢一个无悔人生!献给所有努力的人

10. rather than dying tired on the road, you can"t die at home! It is better to bump the wall than to face. It is the wolf who wants to practice his teeth, and the sheep will practice his legs. What is struggle? Struggle is hard every day, but it"s easier and easier year by year. It is easy to fight every day, but it is more and more difficult year by year. Capable people, not emotional considerations, only in the work of serious; Incompetent people! Not serious in doing things, only emotional considerations. A spring, summer, autumn and winter! Win a life without regret! For all who work hard.
