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「晚安」精辟透彻又唯美的句子 经典深刻(触动心灵)

句子大全 2023-08-31 06:16:01


Everyone has a parabola, the talent determines its opening, and the highest point requires the hard work.


Life is beautiful and short. Some lives are lonely, some are colorful, and different people have different life pursuits; life is actually a one-way line without a return journey, and we are all moving forward with all our time.


Everyone"s life is limited, so we should chase our dreams as much as we can, and then live an infinite splendor in our limited life.


No matter how you choose, as long as it is your choice, there is no right or wrong regret. The past you will not satisfy the present you, and the present you will not satisfy the future you. The so-called growth of a person is the courage to face himself: before choosing, there is a sincere and firm face; after choosing, there is a heart that will never change.


One day one will understand that jealousy is useless. Because for better or worse, only people can help themselves, and only by cultivating their own fields can they harvest their own corn.


When you can"t face life and can"t let go of the past, go to a strange city, reorganize the messy mood, and then regain your old confidence and pride.


Life is short, so cherish meet, love each other in time, and try your best. Until retreat is irrevocable, give everything, then you will not know what is peace of mind.


In the world, there is no such thing as a difference, only a heart that loves and does not love. So is love, so is friendship.


Every day we work hard and live hard, but we always lose a lot without knowing it. So sometimes, what we need is not to care about what is missing, but a calm heart.

十、其实 着世界上,真的没有什么是永恒的。一段友情,离开了就淡了。一段爱情,分离了就散了。珍惜现在所拥有的,也许下一秒,就不再是属于你。

Actually, nothing in the world is eternal. A friendship, faded after leaving. A piece of love, separated and dispersed. Treasure what you have now, maybe next second it will not belong to you anymore.


In the world, there is no incurable pain and no endless sinking. All that is lost will be returned to you in another way in the end.


You have to understand that money, fame and fortune are just a sight in your life. Even if you have more, you ca n’t take it away at the end of your life, so you still have a good mood and live a good life.


When a person can"t see the future, he will cry with his memories and don"t want to wake up in a dream.


Now I feel that loving someone is really your own business, and you still have to live the same attitude. As long as you still want to continue, you will cry a lot, and love it bit by bit. Whatever fate or not fate in the world comes.


To change oneself too much to try to figure out the preferences of others, one is wasting too much time, and the other is losing one"s dignity.

