
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-09-02 02:31:02





He is a clever boy.

→ What a clever boy (he is)! ( 他是)多么聪明的男孩啊!

They are beautiful flowers.

→What beautiful flowers (they are)!(它们是)多么漂亮的花啊!

It is fine weather.

→ What fine weather (it is)! 多么好的天气啊!

这类句子的结构形式是:What + (a/an)+形容词+名词 (+主语+谓语)!





The boy is clever.

→ How clever (the boy is)! (这个男孩)多么聪明啊!/ 好聪明啊!

The girl is beautiful.

→How beautiful( the girl is)! (这女孩)多么漂亮啊!/ 好漂亮啊!

They are working hard now.

→How hard they are working now! 他们干得多么起劲呀!

这类句子的结构形式是:How + 形容词 / 副词 (+主语+谓语)!

通常两种句型有时可以相互转换: she is a pretty girl.

How pretty the girl is! = What a pretty girl she is!




1 _________clever girl she is!

A What a B What C How a D how

2 __________interesting story it is!

A What an B What a C How an D How

3 _______ good children they are!

A What B What a C How a D How

4 ____________flowers they are!

A What beautiful B What a beautiful C How beautiful D How a beautiful

5 ___________ it is today!

A How cold B What cold C How a cold D What a cold

6 ___________bad weather it is!

A How B What C What a D How a

7 ______________good news it is !

A How B What a C How a D What

8 ___________ he writes!

A How good B How well C What good D What well

9 ____________ Li Lei runs!

A What fast boy B What fast C How fast D How a fast

10_______ hard he works!

A How B What C How a D What a

11 Which is true?

A. How tall the buildings are! B. What tall the buildings are!

C. How tall buildings they are! D. what a tall buildings they are!

12 __________ it is raining!

A How heavily B What heavy C How heavy D. What heavily

13 ____ delicious the food is!

A. What B. How C. What a D. How a

14 ____ strange clothes he is wearing!

A. What a B. What C. How D. How a

15 ____ interesting information it is!

A. What B. How aC. What an D. How

16 _________ wonderful advice they gave!

A.How B.How a C.What D.What a

17.____good suggestion it is !

A.How B What C What a D How a

18._______important water is in our life!

A. How B. What C What an D How an
