
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-09-03 04:28:01

动词的形式[Verbs Forms]

1. -Where can I ____ the same dress as yours?

-In the shop nearby. It ____ a lot of beautiful clothes.

A. buy; buys B. buy; sells

C. sell; buys D. sell; sells

解析:B can是助动词,其后跟原形动词,buy是“买”,而sell意为“卖”。

2. When I ____ through the station, I saw the accident ____.

A. past; happening B. passed; happened

C. past; to happen D. passed; happen

解析:D pass是动词,过去式passed, past是介词,不能作主要动词;

3. Last Sunday you____ the football match, didn"t you?

A. saw B. looked

C. met D. watched

解析:D. see常指看到的结果,watch常指看的过程。

4. My father has ____ to Los Angeles three times.

A. been B. gone

C. got D. come

解析:A. "去过某地”常用have been to some place,“去了某地”则用have gone to some place(去了某地还未回来).

5. The little child was ____ with the big boy because he was ____ dirty

words to him.

A. fond; speaking B. angry; saying

C. afraid; talking D. friendly; telling

解析:B be angry with sb. 意为“对某人生气”,say dirty words意为“说脏话”,这两个短语用于该题符合题意。

6. -Where is Jim?

-He ____ to the library.

A. went B. has been

C. goes D. has gone

解析:D 考查has been 和 has gone的区别。

7. Oh, dear! My kite ____ in the tree.

A. flew B. stopped

C. landed D. reached

解析:C land含有“落”的意思,in the tree意为“在树叶中”。其他三个动词用于本题不合题意。

8. The children ____ to the driver, but he did not ____ them.

A. listened; hear B. shouted; listened

C. heard; listened D. shouted; hear

解析:D shout to意为“向……叫喊”,hear指听到的结果,listen强调听的动作。

9. How can you ____ if you are not ____?

A. listen; hearing B. listen to; hearing

C. hear; listening to D. hear; listening

解析:D listen 是个不及物动词,后面跟宾语时,须用介词to,构成listen to短语;若没有宾语,不用介词to

10. What are the girls doing? They"re ____ music.

A. listening to B. talking with

C. coming from D. looking for

解析:A 考查动词短语词义的用法。“听音乐”要译为"listen to music".

11. Look! Some pieces of paper are on the floor. Let"s ____.

A. pick it up B. pick up it

C. pick up them D. pick them up

解析:D 在pick...up短语中,up是副词。如果其宾语是名词,该名词可放其中间,也可放其后;如果其宾语是代词,则须把代词放在动词与副词之间。

12. This kind of machine ____ cutting paper.

A. uses for B. is using for

C. is used to D. is used for

解析:D machine与use之间是被动关系,因此要用被动式;for介词,后跟doing表示“用来做……”的意思。

13. Lucy ____ with her friend when she met her friend on the way home.

A. stops to talk B. stopped to talk

C. stops talking D. stopped talking

解析:B 考查stop to do与stop doing的区别。stop to do指停下现在做的事去做另一件事,stop doing指停下现在正做的事。

