
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-09-05 05:05:01

1. —When did you buy that new car?

—Last week. It can run _________ 250 kilometers per hour.

A. at B. in C. for D. with

2. The Great Wall _________ lots of tourists every day.

A. causes B. attracts C. bring D. carry

3. We should prevent the children _________ going to the net bar

A. by B. about C. from D. with

4. _________ people who died in Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 was more than 69000

A. A number B. The number C. A number of D. The number of

5. I can’t understand it. The question which Wang Xiaoya asked just now is really easy to answer. _________, many people gave the wrong choice.

A. However B. But C. Therefore D. And

6. —Which river is _________, the Nile or the Yangtze River?

—Of course, the Nile is.

A. longer B. shorter C. longest D. shortest

7. —_________ the population of Singapore?

—Let me think. It’s about 225000.

A. How much is B. What is C. Which are D. How many are

8. —Hi, Tom, why are you so unhappy?

—I missed the exciting match _________ the bad traffic.

A. in order to B. because of C. instead of D. since then

9. Beijing is a city with a long history. _________ it’s modern.

A. At times B. At a time C. By the time D. At the same time

10. —Tom is six and he is _________ his sister Jane. How old is Jane?


A. twice as old as B. two years older than

C. as old as D. three years younger than

1. —When did you buy that new car?

—Last week. It can run _________ 250 kilometers per hour.

A. at B. in C. for D. with


2. The Great Wall _________ lots of tourists every day.

A. causes B. attracts C. bring D. carry


3. We should prevent the children _________ going to the net bar

A. by B. about C. from D. with

这个题考查短语“阻止某人做某事”,应该是prevent sb from doing sth。

4. _________ people who died in Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 was more than 69000

A. A number B. The number C. A number of D. The number of

这个题考查number的相关短语:the number of“……的数目”;a number of“许多,大量的”。

5. I can’t understand it. The question which our teacher asked just now is really easy to answer. _________, many students gave the wrong answers.

A. However B. But C. Therefore D. And


6. —Which river is _________, the Nile or the Yangtze River?

—Of course, the Nile is.

A. longer B. shorter C. longest D. shortest


7. —_________ the population of Singapore?

—Let me think. It’s about 225000.

A. How much is B. What is C. Which are D. How many are

这个题考查population的用法,修饰population的时候,形容人口多用“large”,形容人口少“small”,提问人口多少的时候用“what”,而不用“how much”。

8. —Hi, Tom, why are you so unhappy?

—I missed the exciting match _________ the bad traffic.

A. in order to B. because of C. instead of D. since then

这个题仍然考查短语辨析:in order to 为了……;because of 因为……;instead of “代替,而不是”;since then“自那时起”。

9. Beijing is a city with a long history. _________ it’s modern.

A. At times B. At a time C. By the time D. At the same time

这个题考查time的相关短语:at times 有时;at a time 每次;by the time 到……为止;at the same time 同时。

10. —Tom is six and he is _________ his sister Jane. How old is Jane?


A. twice as old as B. two years older than

C. as old as D. three years younger than

这个题考查英语中倍数的表达方法:数字+times +形容词或副词的比较级

1. 你什么时候买的那辆新车?


2. 长城每天吸引大量的游客。

3. 我们应该组织孩子去网吧。

4. 在2008年汶川地震中死亡的人数超过69000。

5. 我真不明白。刚才我们老师问的那个问题真的很容易回答。然而,好多 同学给出了错误的回答。

6. 那条河更长,尼罗河还是长江?


7. 新加坡的人口是多少?


8. 嗨,汤姆,你为什么不开心?


9. 北京是一个有悠久历史的城市。同时,它又是很现代的。

10. 汤姆6岁,他是他妹妹珍妮的两倍。珍妮多大?


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.A
