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看透人生百态的现实句子 句句感同身受(触及心灵)

句子大全 2023-09-09 05:05:01


Life is beautiful. The harder you work, the better it will be, because there are still many people to know, the scenery to see, the city to go to, and the things to buy!


Bite the tongue to know that eating can not be too anxious, love wrong people know is not persistent can be together, all the experience is inevitable, do not wrestle never know where the road is the smoothest.


Making money, can cure all affectation, money, can cure all inferiority.


The more you care about someone, the more you want to win their favor, the more you will suppress your inner feelings, and stay away from wanton laughter in forbearance.


Of all your clothes, there should be at least one that can be worn out. Of all your abilities, there should be at least one that you can handle. It"s not terrible not to be able to do many things. The terrible thing is that nothing can be done well.


In the adult"s social etiquette, no straightforward promise means to refuse. I can save face for you, but I hope you have brains.


Life has been more difficult, to learn to applaud for themselves. Don"t be hard on yourself, don"t abuse yourself, don"t torture yourself. No matter what kind of difficulties, learn to say to yourself: forget it, it doesn"t matter, it will pass.


Great joy and great sorrow to see themselves, ups and downs to see friends. Without a tolerant heart, we can"t see a beautiful spring world.


If things go against one"s wishes, I believe that there must be another arrangement; all the lost things will come back in another way. Believe in yourself, believe that time will not treat you badly.


Don"t worry too much about life: if you have more money, if you have less money, if you are ugly, if you are handsome, if you are old, if you are healthy, if you are poor, if you are rich, if you understand who is right and who is wrong, if you have a safe life.


There is no crooked road in the world, and there are no flowers in the world. In the world, all things, bitter or sweet, are a kind of fate, God gives us, we should gladly accept, indifferent to gain and loss, life is still very good.


