
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-09-09 05:55:02



1. It happens that... 意为“碰巧……”

例It happened that he was out when I got there. 当我到那儿时,碰巧他不在。

2. It seems that... 意为“似乎……”

例It seemed that he had been to Beijing before. 好像他以前去过北京。

3. It is/was+被强调的部分+that(who)+其他(该句型为强调句型)


例It wasn’t until he came back that I went to bed. 直到他回来我才睡觉。

It was because he was ill that he didn’t come to school today. 因为他生病了,今天才没有来上学。

It is Tom who/that told me about the news. 是汤姆告诉了我这个消息。

4. It is time that+从句主语+should do/did+其他,意为“该是……的时候了”

用that从句中要使用虚拟语气,一般采用动词的过去式形式作从句谓语。该句型中的time前还可以有修饰语high, about等,即It is high time that...或It is about time that...

例It is high time that we went home. 我们该回家了。

5. It is/was said/reported+that从句,意为“据说/据报道……”

例It was said that he had read this novel. 据说他读过这部小说。

6. It is impossible/necessary/strange+that从句


例It is strange that he should have failed in this exam. 真奇怪,他这次考试竟没有及格。

7. It is+a pity/a shame+that 从句

用从句中的谓语动词用should do或should have done的形式,其中should可以省略。

例He didn’t come back until the film ended. It was a pity that he should have missed this film. 他直到电影结束才回来。他没有看到这部电影真可惜。

8. It is suggested/ordered/commanded+that 从句

用表建议/命令时从句的谓语动词用should do,但should可以省略。

例It is suggested that the meeting should be put off. 有人建议推迟会议。

9. It is/was+表示地点的名词+where+从句


例It was this house where I was born. 这是我出生的房子。

请比较:It was in this house that I was born. 我就是在这所房子里出生的。(本句是强调句型。)

10. It is/was+表示时间的名词+when+从句


例It was a winter afternoon when we left for London. 我们前往伦敦是在一个冬天的下午。

11. It is well-known that从句

例It is well-known that she is a learned woman. 众所周知,她是个知识渊博的女人。

12. It is+时间段+since+主语+did

例It is five years since he left here. 他已经离开这儿五年了。

13. It is+时间段+before+主语+谓语


例It will be three hours before he comes back. 三个小时之后他才能回来。

14. It is+形容词+for+sb.+to do sth.

例It is impossible for me to finish this work before tomorrow. 明天之前完成此项工作对我来说是不可能的。

15. It is+(心理品质方面的)形容词+of+sb.+to do sth.

例It is kind of you to help me.=You are kind to help me. 你真好,给我提供了帮助。

16. It sounds/looks+形容词,意为“听/看起来像……”

例It sounds like a dog barking right here. 听上去好像有狗就在这儿叫。

17. It looks as if... 意为“看起来……”

例It looks as if it is going to snow. 天看上去要下雪了。

18. It takes sb.+时间+to do sth.

例It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。


01. It’s 9:30 pm, children! ______ is time to go to bed.

A. That

B. It

C. This

D. They

02. It is suggested that the plan ______ next month.

A. carry out

B. be carried out

C. carried out

D. should carry out

03. It is important ______ people ______ learn team spirit.

A. of; of

B. of; to

C. for; to

D. to; to

04. It’s really ______ you to drive so fast on such a rainy day. Slow down!

A. crazy for

B. crazy of

C. wise for

D. wise of

05. It’s ______ to travel from Taiyuan to Taiwan now because the planes can get there directly. You can visit the island if you like.

A. difficult

B. slow

C. easy

D. fast

06. ______ was ______ who I met in the museum this morning.

A. It; him

B. It; he

C. That; he

D. That; him

07. It was about 600 years ago ______ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

A. that

B. until

C. before

D. when

08. It was only when I reread his poems recently ______ I began to appreciate their beauty.

A. until

B. that

C. then

D. So

09. ______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. There

B. This

C. That

D. It

10. It was not ______ she took off her dark glasses ______ I realized she was a famous film star.

A. when; that

B. until; that

C. until; when

D. when; then


01-05 BBCBC 06-10 AABDB

二There be 句型

1. There be+主语+介词短语

例There are about 1,000 students in that school. 那所学校大约有一千名学生。

拓be there+主语+其他?

Is there anything planned for tonight? 今天晚上有什么计划吗?

2. There be句型与情态动词连用

例There must be something wrong here. 这里一定是出了什么错了。

3. There be likely to be+其他

例There are likely to be more difficulties than they have been prepared for. 事情可能比他们预想的还要难。

4. There happens to be

例There happened to be nobody in the room. 碰巧没人在房间。

There happened to be a policeman at the corner, so I asked him the way. 恰好拐角处有一位警察,我就向他问路了。

5. There seems (to be)

例There doesn’t seem to be much hope of our beating that team. 我们打败那个队的希望似乎不大。

6. There be no use/good+doing sth.

例There is no use advising him to give up smoking. 劝他戒烟没有用。

There is no good discussing the matter with him. 同他商量这件事情没有用。

7. There be nothing to do...

例There is nothing to be done now. 现在什么也做不了。

There is nothing to be worried about him. 没有必要为他担心。

8. There be sth. wrong with...

例There is something wrong with my stomach so I can’t run any more. 我肚子疼,所以不能再跑步了。

I was late because there was something wrong with my watch.


9. There is no time to do sth.

例There’s no time for me to play now. 现在我没有时间玩。


01. —Mum, I’m hungry. ______ no milk in the fridge.

—Oh, I’ll go and buy some at once.

A. There is

B. It is

C. There are

D. There was

02. Look! ______ some juice in the glass.

A. There is

B. There are

C. There have

D. There has

03. There ______ some flowers on the teacher’s desk just now, but now there ______ nothing on it.

A. have; has

B. were; was

C. were; is

D. has; has

04. David, there ______ a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away.

A. is

B. are

C. have

D. was

05. ______ something wrong with my bike. Can I use yours?

A. It is

B. It was

C. There is

D. There was

06. There ______ many students on the playground at the moment.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. have

07. There ______ a knife and fork on the table.

A. seems to be

B. seem to be

C. is seeming to be

D. are

08. —There ______ a football match on TV this evening.

—Yeah, that’s great.

A. is going to be

B. are going to be

C. will have

D. was

09. —Why are you walking so quickly, Edward?

—There ______ a talent show in ten minutes.

A. will have

B. will be

C. is going to have

D. are going to be

10. —There ______ a concert this evening.

—Yeah. Exciting news!

A. are going to be

B. is going to be

C. is going to have

D. will have


01-05 AACAC 06-10 BAABB


1. 以here, there, now, then等地点或时间副词开头的句子,谓语动词是be, come, go, remain等,且主语又是名词时,需使用全部倒装

例Here comes the bus! 公交车来了。

There goes the bell. 铃声响了。

Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。

Then came a new problem. 接着有个新难题。


Here it comes! 它来了!

2. 有些动词与副词out, in, up, down, away等构成不及物动词短语。为了使句子更生动,可将这些副词提前到句首,这时用全部倒装

例Up went the rocket. 火箭升天了。

Out rushed the children. 孩子们冲出去了。

3. 将表示地点的介词短语放在句首进行强调时,需使用全部倒装

例From the window came the sound of music. 窗外传来了音乐声。

Round the corner walked a tall and strong policeman. 一个高大强壮的警察在拐角处走来走去。

4. 主系表结构中,当句子主语部分较长,或为了强调句子的表语时,常使用全部倒装。句子的结构为“表语+系动词+主语”

例Gone are the days when we had nothing to eat. 我们食不果腹的日子一去不复返了。

5. if虚拟条件状语从句中,如果将连词if省略,需用部分倒装

例Were I you, I would go there. 如果我是你的话,我就去那里。

Had he come earlier, he would have met her. 要是他早点来的话,他就会见到她了。

Were you in my position, you would do the same. 假如你处在我的位置,你也会这样做的。

6. as引导的让步状语从句的倒装

例Hard as you try, you will not succeed. 虽然你很努力,但你不会成功。

Wait as you may, he will not see you. 尽管你等着,他也不会见你。

Child as he is, he can tell right from wrong. 尽管他是个孩子,他也能明辨是非。


7. 具有(半)否定意义的词或短语位于句首时,用部分倒装。seldom, rarely, not, never, by no means, in no time, hardly... when..., no sooner... than..., not only... but also...等

例Not only did he learn English well but also he spoke French very well. 他不但英语学得好,而且法语讲得也很流利。

Never had I heard or seen such a thing. 我从没有听说过或见过这样的东西。

Little did I know about it. 我对它知之甚少。

Nowhere will you find better roses than these. 你在哪里都找不到比这更好的玫瑰花。

8. so... that... 结构中,有时要强调so所修饰的形容词或副词,常将so连同它所修饰的形容词或副词一起提前放在句首

例So bright was the moon that people can see the road clearly. 月亮如此明亮,人们可以很清楚地看到马路。

9. only引导的倒装句

例Only by this means can I do this work well. 只有用这种方式我才能做好此项工作。

Only because he was ill did he not come to school. 只因为他病了,才没有来上学。

Only then did I realize that I had been wrong. 直到那时,我才认识到我错了。

10. “so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语”;“neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语”


Tom failed to work out the problem, and so did I. 汤姆没能解决问题,我也没有。

She seldom goes to the cinema; neither do I. 她很少去看电影,我也一样。


—It’s a fine day today. 今天天气很好。

—So it is. 的确如此。


01. Only when you have obtained sufficient data ______ come to a sound conclusion.

A. can you

B. you can

C. would you

D. you would

02. ______ that this region was so rich in natural resources.

A. Little he knew

B. Little did he know

C. Little he did know

D. Little he had known

03. ______ as he is, he plays piano very well.

A. A child

B. Child

C. Children

D. The child

04. Not until I shouted at the top of my voice ______ his head.

A. that he turned

B. did he turn

C. he didn’t turn

D. he had turned

05. ______ received law degrees as today.

A. Never so women have

B. The women aren’t ever

C. Women who have never

D. Never have so many women

06. ______ right now, she would get there on Sunday.

A. Would she leave

B. If she leaves

C. Were she to leave

D. If she had left

07. —I have never been to Hawaii. What about Mike?


A. So has he

B. So he does

C. Neither he has

D. Neither has he

08. —It’s snowing so heavily! I prefer to stay at home and read a novel.

—______. I hate going out on such a cold day.

A. So I do

B. So do I

C. Neither do I.

D. Nor do I

09. Only when the work is done ______ be able to go back home.

A. you have

B. you will

C. will you

D. have you

10. —Jack did a good job in the show today.

—______. His performance impressed me.

A. So he did

B. So do I

C. So I am

D. So he does


01-05 ABBBD 06-10 CDBCA


1. 反义疑问句的基本构成及答语


例You dislike adventurous sports, don’t you? 你不喜欢冒险运动,是不是?

No, I don’t. 是的,我不喜欢。/Yes, I do. 不,我喜欢。

Sophia is not good at playing the violin, is she? 索菲亚不擅长拉小提琴,是不是?

No, she isn’t. 是的,她不擅长。/Yes, she is. 不,她擅长。

2. 祈使句的反义疑问句

1 在肯定的祈使句后可加上will you? would you? won’t you? can you? could you? can’t you?等,从而使语气更加委婉

例Come in and sit down, won’t you? 进来坐一坐,好不好?

Be sure to come on time, can you? 一定要按时到,好吗?

Make less noise, will you? 少制造噪音,好吗?

注在肯定的祈使句后,以上各种形式皆可选择,但在否定的祈使句后只能用will you? 例如:

Don’t be careless, will you? 别粗心大意,好吗?

2 以Let us/me开头的祈使句,反义疑问句需加will you?或won’t you? 而Let’s开头的祈使句,反义疑问句加shall we? 或shan’t we? 从而使语气变得更加缓和

例Let us do it for you, will you? 让我们帮你做,好吗?

Let’s have a rest, shall we? 让我们歇会,好吗?

3. 陈述句部分如果含有否定意义的词时(如never, seldom, hardly, few, little, no one, nobody, nothing, neither, none等),反义疑问部分必须用肯定形式。

例You have never been to Beijing, have you? 你从来没去过北京,对吗?

No one will believe you, will they/he? 没人会相信你,不是吗?

注在含有dislike, unimportant等以否定前缀构成的词的反义疑问句中,这些词仍按肯定词对待。例如:

This is an unimportant question, isn’t it? 这是个无足轻重的问题,是吧?

4. There be和That/This be 结构中的反义疑问句

用陈述部分是there be结构时,反义疑问部分用be there结构;陈述部分是That/This be结构时,反义疑问句部分用it代替that或this。

例There are some students playing on the playground, aren’t there? 操场上有些学生在玩耍,不是吗?

That’s a good idea, isn’t it? 这是个好主意,不是吗?

5. 不定代词作主语时的反义疑问句

用陈述句部分如果有everything, nothing等表示事物的不定代词作主语时,反义疑问部分的主语用it;陈述部分若为everyone, someone, anyone, no one等不定代词作主语时,其反义疑问句部分的主语既可用he,也可用they。

例Nothing has been said at the meeting, has it? 会上什么也没说,是不是?

Everything goes well, doesn’t it? 一切进展顺利,是吗?

Nobody wants to make mistakes, do they? 没人愿意犯错误,不是吗?

6. 否定前移的反义疑问句


例He never thought I would come, did he? 他从没想到我会来,不是吗?

They told us that we needn’t go to school tomorrow, didn’t they? 他们告诉我们明天不需要去学校,是不是?

拓否定前移的反义疑问句:如果陈述部分是“I don’t think (believe, guess, consider, feel, find, suppose等)+宾语从句”时,反义疑问部分中的动词和主语应和宾语从句的主语保持一致,并且要用肯定形式。

I don’t think that he has done that, has he? 我认为他没有做那个,不是吗?

考Maria has few friends in China, ______?(鸡西中考)

A. has she

B. doesn’t she

C. does she



01. —Nick’s parents often talk to him about his social behavior, ______?

—Yes, they do. They think Nick should be more polite.

A. do they

B. doesn’t he

C. don’t they

02. —You haven’t been to the West Lake, have you?

—______. But I will go there with my parents this summer vacation.

A. No, I haven’t

B. No, I didn’t

C. Yes, I have

D. Yes, I did

03. People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers, ______?

A. don’t they

B. do they

C. shouldn’t they

D. should they

04. —Don’t smoke in the reading room, ______?

—I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.

A. will you

B. shall we

C. do you

D. don’t we

05. —She has gone abroad, ______?

—No. She is still teaching us English at our school now.

A. is she

B. isn’t she

C. has she

D. hasn’t she

06. —Your brother often disagrees with you, ______ he?

—______. We often have different opinions.

A. does, Yes

B. doesn’t; Yes

C. does; No

D. doesn’t; No

07. He has few friends here, ______?

A. does he

B. doesn’t he

C. did he

D. didn’t he

08. —She’s never spoken to a foreigner, ______?

—Yes. She’s active and can speak English freely.

A. is she

B. has she

C. isn’t she

D. hasn’t she

09. —It’s sunny today. Let’s go mountain climbing, ______?

—Good idea!

A. shall we

B. will you

C. won’t you

D. do we

10. They can hardly speak English, ______?

A. can’t they

B. won’t they

C. can they

D.will they


01-05 CACAD 06-10 BABAC


1. what引导的感叹句

1 What+名词(+主语+谓语)!

例What a shame! 真倒霉!

What a surprise! 真是一个惊喜!

2 What+形容词+名词(+主语+谓语)!

例What a fine day! 多好的天气呀!

What an interesting book it is!这是一本多么有趣的书呀!

What a good time the children are having! 孩子们玩得真高兴呀!

What beautiful weather we have! 天气真好!

2. how引导的感叹句

1 How+形容词或副词(主语+谓语)!

例How nice! 多好呀!

How well she plays! 她演奏得多么好啊!

How beautiful the city is! 这座城市多么美丽!

2 How+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!

例How tall a boy he is! 他是一个多么高的男孩子啊!

How interesting a story it is! 这是个多有趣的故事啊!

3 How+主语+谓语!

例How he worked! 他多么肯干啊!

How I missed you! 我多么想念你啊!

How he wished for a drink! 他多希望能喝点东西!

3. 其他形式的感叹句

用感叹句除用what和how引出外,还有其他许多形式,如可用陈述句、疑问句、祈使句等,有时甚至一个单词或一个短语也可用作感叹句。陈述句用作感叹句时,句中通常有so, such, really等加强语气的词语。

例Stop talking! 不要讲话了!

Isn’t it a lovely day! 天气真好!

The garden looks so lovely! 这花园真美!

Fire! 失火了!

He is such a smart boy! 他是如此聪明的一个男孩!

Happy New Year to you! 祝你新年快乐!


01. ______ excellent basketball player Jeremy Lin is! I really love this talented guy.

A. How

B. What

C. How a

D. What an

02. —The advantages of the Chongqi Bridge have already been seen.

—______ good news to us!

A. What

B. What a

C. How

D. How a

03. ______ wonderful Yang Liping’s dance is!

A. What

B. What a

C. How

D. How a

04. —______ nice dress it is!

—Thank you!

A. What a

B. What

C. How

D. How a

05. —______ weather! It’s raining!

—Bad luck! We can’t go climbing today.

A. What bad

B. How bad

C. What fine

D. How fine

06. —It’s said that a foreign English teacher will teach us English next term.

—Wow! ______! We can practice our oral English better.

A. What an excited news

B. How excited the news is

C. What exciting news

D. How exciting news

07. —Steve, did you see the lantern show when you were in Fuzhou?

—Of course! ______ beautiful lanterns!

A. What

B. How

C. What a

D. How a

08. —______ a nice day!


A. How; So is it

B. What; So is it

C. What; So it is

D. How; So it is

09. ______ children Simon and Jim are! They help Mrs. Li clean the house every day.

A. How nice

B. How brave

C. What nice

D. What brave

10. ______ an exciting basketball match! Miami Heat beat New York Knicks at last.

A. How

B. What

C. That

D. So


01-05 DACAA 06-10 CACCB



1. Do型,即:动词原形(+宾语)+其他成分

例Come earlier next time. 下次早点来。

Have a good time. 玩得开心。

Do be careful. 一定要小心。

Don’t forget me! 不要忘记我!

Don’t be late for school! 上学不要迟到!

2. Be型,即:Be+表语(名词或形容词)+其他成分

例Be a good boy! 要做一个好孩子!

Be quiet! 别说话!

3. Let型,即:Let+宾语+动词原形+其他成分

例Let me help you. 让我来帮你。

Let me have a try. 我来试一试。

Let me show you how to do it. 我来告诉你怎样做。

Let every man do his best. 让每个人都尽其所能。


Don’t let him go./Let him not go. 别让他走。

4. 以no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句

例No smoking! 禁止吸烟!

No fishing! 禁止钓鱼!

5. never+动词原形+其他

例Never tell a lie!千万不要说谎!

Never give up! 决不放弃!

6. 祈使句+and/or+简单句

例Work hard and you will succeed. 努力学习,你会成功的。

Don’t stay up late, or you will feel sleepy in class. 不要熬夜,不然你课上会很困的。


01. ______ this rock music, please. I’m afraid some people can’t stand the noise!

A. Stopping

B. Stop

C. Stops

D. Stopped

02. Jack, ______, or you will get heavier.

A. doesn’t play sports any more

B. doesn’t eat so much meat

C. don’t play sports any more

D. don’t eat so much meat

03. ______ get off the bus before it stops.

A. Don’t

B. Doesn’t

C. Didn’t

D. Do

04. ______ out your love. The world will become a nicer place to live in.

A. Speak

B. To speak

C. Spoke

D. Speaking

05. Do you want to be healthy? ______. Smiling can help you stay healthy.

A. Smile

B. Smiling

C. To smile

D. Smiled

06. “______ exercise every day, my son. It’s good for your health.” Dad often said to him.

A. Takes

B. Taking

C. Take

D. To take

07. ______ tell a lie, or you will be punished!

A. Do

B. Never

C. Not

D. No

08. ______ call me Wang Wang! It’s my dog’s name.

A. Not

B. No

C. Don’t

D. Do

09. —It’s late, Teresa. ______ earlier next time and you’ll have enough time to have breakfast.

—OK, Mum.

A. Get up

B. Getting up

C. To get up

D. Got up

10. —______ up, Anna. It’s seven thirty.

—One more minute, Mum.

A. Get

B. Gets

C. Getting

D. Got


01-05 BDAAA 06-10 CBCAA


1. 表达自己看法的句型

1 I think/believe/suppose/expect句型

例I think we can have a picnic if the weather is fine tomorrow. 我觉得咱们明天可以去野餐,如果天气好的话。

I believe you will succeed if you work hard. 我相信你如果努力的话,一定会成功。

拓当think, believe, suppose, expect等动词的主语为第一人称,且本身为一般现在时态时,其后的宾语从句的否定词通常转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。

I don’t believe you need to worry about it. 我认为你不必为此而担忧。

I don’t think you need to take it too seriously. 我想你不必对此过于认真。


I hope it doesn’t rain. 我希望不要下雨。

I hope you don’t mind my saying it. 我希望你别介意我说这些话。

2 I’m afraid that... 意为“恐怕……”

例I’m afraid I’m late. 恐怕我迟到了。

I’m afraid I’ve no idea where he’s gone. 恐怕我不知他去哪儿了。

3 I (don’t) think it is+形容词+to do sth. 意为“我认为做某事是(不)……的。”

用该句型很多时候会转化为I (don’t) think it+形容词+to do sth.。

例I think it is good for you to take exercise in the morning. 我认为晨起锻炼对你有好处。

I don’t think it wise to give up this plan. 我认为放弃这项计划是不明智的。

4 I (don’t) feel like doing sth. 意为“我(不)想做某事。”

例I don’t feel like doing anything today. 今天我什么也不想做。

5 I hope that...意为“我希望……”

例I hope that you can go to the cinema with us. 我希望你能同我们一起去看电影。

6 I’d/We’d like to do sth. 意为“我/我们想要做某事。”

例I’d like to see a film with you tonight. 今晚我想跟你一起去看电影。

2. 表达建议的句型

1 Would you like/love (to do) sth.? 意为“你想要(做)某事吗?”

例—Would you like to go to the cinema with me? 你愿意和我去电影院看电影吗?

—Yes, I’d like/love to. 是的,我愿意。

—I’d love/like to, but I have to... 我很想去,但我不得不……

2 Shall I/we do sth.? 意为“我(们)做某事好吗?”

例Shall we go to the zoo? 我们去动物园吧?

3 Let’s do sth. 意为“咱们做某事吧!”

用该句型后常加附加问句“shall we?”,使语气更加委婉。

例Let’s listen to this song, shall we? 咱们听听这首歌吧?

4 you’d better (not) do sth. 意为“你最好(不要)做某事。”

例You’d better go to hospital at once. 你最好现在就去医院。

5 Why not do sth.? 意为“为什么不做某事呢?”

用该句型是Why don’t you/we do sth.?的省略式,表示向对方提出一种建议或询问某种原因,有时,暗含有责备对方的意思。

例Why not go and ask your teacher?

=Why don’t you go and ask your teacher? 为什么不去问问你的老师呢?

6 What/How about (doing) sth.? 意为“做……怎么样?”

例What about meeting outside the school gate? 在学校门口集合怎么样?

7 What do you think of...? 意为“你认为……怎么样?”

例What do you think of having dinner tonight? 我们晚上一起吃个饭怎么样?

What do you think of this idea? 你觉得这个主意怎么样?

8 Do you mind...?/Would you mind...? 意为“你介意……?”

例Would you mind me asking you a few questions? 我请教你几个问题好吗?

Do you mind me smoking here? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗?

9 Will you please do sth.? 意为“请你做某事,好吗?”

例Will you please come to my home, Mary? 玛丽,你来我家好吗?


01. —______ do think of the film?

—Very interesting.

A. What

B. Who

C. How

D. Why

02. —What do you think of soap operas?

—______. But my mother likes them.

A. I like them

B. I enjoy them

C. I can’t stand them

D. I don’t agree

03. I don’t think ______ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.

A. this

B. that

C. its

D. it

04. —Can I park my car here, sir?

—______. You see, there’s much traffic here.

A. Never mind

B. You’d better not

C. Of course not

D. Yes, please.

05. —Would you like to go for a bike ride on Sunday afternoon?

—______. I haven’t been outdoors these days. I can’t wait!

A. Sorry, I can’t

B. Sure, I’d love to

C. Not at all

D. Forget it

06. —Would you mind not throwing waste here?


A. Sorry, I won’t do it again

B. Sure, I’d love to.

C. Yes, of course.

D. No, thanks.

07. —Would you like some noodles?

—______. I am not hungry now.

A. You are welcome

B. Yes, please

C. No, thanks

D. Here you are

08. —It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

—Yes. ______ going hiking and relaxing ourselves?

A. Why not

B. Why don’t

C. What about

D. How is

09. —Would you like some eggs, Judy?

—______. I don’t like them at all.

A. I’m not sure

B. All right

C. No, thanks

D. It didn’t

10. —It’s sunny today. Why not have a picnic outside?

—______! Let’s ask the twins to join us.

A. Sounds great

B. Best wishes

C. Good luck

D. Well done


01-05 ACDBB 06-10 ACCCA


1. 同级比较句型

1 as...as...句型

用第一个as为副词,其后通常接形容词或副词的原级,第二个as可用作介词(后接名词或代词)或连词(后接从句等)。as...as...可用于肯定句与否定句中。否定句中可以用not so/as...as...。常用的表达结构有:



as many/few+复数名词+as

as much/little+不可数名词+as

例He is as handsome as his brother (is). 他和他哥哥一样英俊。

Old grandma goes to sleep as easily as a baby does. 老奶奶像婴儿一样容易入睡。

He is as nice a boy as Peter (is). 他和彼得一样都是好男孩。

She has as many friends as Mary (does). 她和玛丽一样有许多朋友。

I haven’t got as much money as he thought. 我不像他想象的有那么多钱。

It is not as/so popular as other foods. 它不像其他食物那样受欢迎。

I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。

拓as...as...结构中可使用以下修饰语:(not) nearly, almost, just, nothing like, exactly, not quite等,并且这些修饰语必须置于第一个as之前,而不能置于其后。例如:

He plays almost as well as his sister. 他演奏的水平差不多跟他姐姐一样好。

Happiness depends not so much on wealth as on health. 快乐与其说在于财富倒不如说在于健康。

2 ...times as...as... 意为“……是……的几倍”

用“两倍”用twice,三倍以上常用“具体数字+ times”。

例This line is four times as long as that one. 这条线是那条线的四倍长。

She studies three times as hard as I. 她用功的程度是我的三倍。

He earns twice as much as he used to. 他现在赚的钱是过去的两倍多。

This room is three times as large as that one. 这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。


主语+be+the size/length/width/height+of+被比较的对象

Our building is twice the height of yours. 我们的大楼是你们的大楼的两倍高。

3 the same...as...表示“同一类”;the same...that... 表示“同一个”


例He used the same book as you do. 他使用的书和你的相同。

This is the same watch as I lost. 这块手表和我遗失的那块同款。

This is the same watch that I lost. 这块手表就是我丢的那一块。

2. 表示比较级句

1 形容词或副词的比较级+than

例She goes to school earlier than other students. 她比其他同学去学校早。

She works harder than any other students. 她比任何其他同学都用功。

You are brighter than he (is). 你比他聪明。

He can run faster than I (can run). 他跑得比我更快。

2 主语+be+百分数/倍数+形容词比较级+than+被比较的对象

例This city is twice larger than ours. 这个城市比我们城市大两倍。

It is ten times louder than another. 它比另外一个的声音大十倍。

This street is three times wider than that one. 这条街比那条街宽三倍。

3 The+形容词比较级...,the+形容词比较级...

例The sooner you do it, the better it will be. 做得越早越好。

The more I learn, the less I feel I know. 学而后知不足。

The more haste, the less speed. 欲速则不达。

The more you beat iron, the harder it grows. 铁不炼不成钢,玉不琢不成器。

4 more and more结构

例The noise of traffic grows louder and louder. 交通的噪音变得愈来愈大。

The girl became more and more beautiful. 那个女孩变得越来越漂亮了。

5 one of the+最高级

例The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in China. 黄河是中国最长的河流之一。

He thinks people in the country are happier than those in the city. 他认为乡下的人们比城市的人们更快乐。

拓no more than...意为“仅仅……”;no less than...意为“不少于……,多达……;足足有……之多”,例如:

It is no more than ten minutes’ walk from the station. 由车站走到这里只有十分钟的路程。

No less than ten students failed in the exam. 足有十位学生在这次考试中不及格。

6 主语+be+the+形容词比较级+of/between...

例He is the taller of the two. 他是两人之中较高的那个。

3. 表示最高级的句型

1 主语+be+the+形容词或副词最高级

例Spring is the best season of the year. 春天是一年中最好的季节。

2 one of+the+形容词或副词最高级

例The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in China. 黄河是中国最长的河之一。

He is one of the tallest boys in the class. 他是班里最高的孩子之一。

3 nothing is+比较级+than... 意为“没有比……更……的了”

例Nothing is more valuable than time, but nothing is less valued than time.


No place is better than one’s home. 没有任何地方比得上自己的家。

例...nothing more than... 意为“只不过……”,例如:

It is nothing more than a made-up story. 它只不过是杜撰的故事而已。

4 “比较级+than any other+单数名词”;“比较级+than+all the others”;“比较级+than any of + the others”

例She is better than any other student in her class. 她是她们班里最好的学生。

Russia is larger than any other country in the world. 俄罗斯是世界上最大的国家。

Mary is taller than anyone else in the class. 玛丽比班级里其他所有的学生的个子都高。

4. 其他比较句型

1 prefer A to B,意为“比起A,更喜欢B;宁愿A而不愿意B”


例They prefer trains to buses. 他们愿意坐火车而不愿坐汽车。

I prefer staying at home to going out. 我宁愿待在家里,也不愿意出去。

2 prefer+不定式+rather than+不定式,意为“宁愿……也不愿……”

用本句型中,第一个不定式前面要加to,第二个不定式前面以不加to居多;rather than也可以置于句首。

例He preferred to die rather than become a traitor. 他宁死也不做叛徒。

She preferred to go fishing rather than to stay at home. 她宁愿去钓鱼也不愿意待在家里。

3 would rather...than... 意为“宁愿……也不愿……”

例She’d rather die than lose the children. 她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。

The children would rather walk there than take a bus. 孩子们宁愿步行去那里,也不愿乘坐公共汽车。


01. —English isn’t as ______ as Chinese.

—Maybe, perhaps it’s just because Chinese is your native language.

A. easy

B. easily

C. easier

D. easiest

02. We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen ______ we speak.

A. as twice much as

B. twice as much as

C. as much as twice

D. as much twice as

03. China is larger than ______ in Africa.

A. the other countries

B. any country

C. any of the other countries

D. any other country

04. —I’d like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie?

—I prefer coffee ______ sugar.

A. than

B. for

C. with

D. to

05. Mr. Smith thinks running is ______ than gymnastics.

A. very popular

B. more popular

C. most popular

D. the most popular

06. —Many boy students think math is ______ English.

—I agree. I’m weak in English.

A. much difficult than

B. so difficult as

C. less difficult than

D. more difficult than

07. Mr. Li asks us to remember that ______ careful we are, ______ mistakes we will make.

A. the more, the fewer

B. the fewer, the more

C. the more, the more

D. the less, the fewer

08. Is this kind of pets ______ a pet dog these days?

A. as trendy as

B. more trendier than

C. much trendy than

D. not so trendier as

09. The more careful you are, the ______ mistakes you will make.

A. few

B. fewer

C. fewest

D. little

10. It’s summer now. The weather is getting ______.

A. higher and higher

B. lower and lower

C. hotter and hotter

D. colder and colder


01-05 ABBCB 06-10 CAABC

九if 引导的从句

1. if 引导的宾语从句

用在if引导的宾语从句中,if的含义是“是否”。在if引导的宾语从句中,从句用陈述语序,主句和从句之间的时态应当一致,即主句为一般现在时,从句用任一种时态;主句为一般过去时,从句则用过去时中的任一种时态。if引导的宾语从句,常放在动词ask, see, say, know和find out等后面。一般情况下,可与whether互换。

例Nobody knows if it will rain tomorrow. 没有人知道明天是否下雨。

Lucy asked if they had a sweater. 露西问他们是否有毛衣。

I don’t know if/whether he will come here today. 我不知道他今天是否会来。

Tom asked if/whether I had read the book. 汤姆问我是否看过这本书。



I can’t decide whether to stay. 我不能决定是否留下。

②在whether...or not 的固定搭配中,只能用whether,不能用if。如:

I want to know whether it’s good news or not. 我想知道这是否是好消息。


Her father is worried about whether she will lose her job. 她的父亲担心她是否会失去工作。


Whether they can finish the work on time is still a problem. 他们是否能准时完成这项工作还是个问题。

2. if 引导的条件状语从句(真实条件句)


1 if从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时

例If he runs he’ll get there in time. 如果他跑的话,他就会及时赶到那儿。

The cat will scratch you if you pull its tail. 如果你拉这只猫的尾巴,它就会抓你。

2 if从句用一般现在时,主句用may/might/can+动词原形

例If the fog gets thicker the plane may/might be diverted. 如果雾再大一些,飞机可能就会改在别的机场降落。

If it stops snowing we can go out. 如果雪停了,我们就可以出去。

3 if从句用一般现在时,主句用must/should+动词原形

例If you want to lose weight you must/should eat less bread. 如果你想减肥,就必须/应该少吃面包。

4 if从句用一般现在时,主句用一般现在时

例If you heat ice it turns to water.(也可用will turn)如果你给冰加热,它就会化成水。

5 if从句用现在进行时,主句用一般将来时

例If you are looking for Peter you’ll find him upstairs. 如果你是在找彼得,上楼就会找到他。

6 if从句用现在完成时,主句用一般将来时

例If you have finished dinner I’ll ask the waiter for the bill. 如果你吃完了,我就叫服务生来结账。

3. If引导的条件状语从句(虚拟条件句)

用表示的内容与现在事实相反,if从句用一般过去时,主句用“would/should/could/might+动词原形”;表示与过去事实相反,if从句用had+动词的过去分词,主句用would/should/could/might+have+动词的过去分词;表示对将来情况的主观推测,if从句用①should+动词原形②were to+动词原形,主句用would/should/could/might+动词原形。

例If he should come here tomorrow, I would talk to him. 如果他明天来这儿的话,我就跟他谈谈。

If I had taken his advice, I shouldn’t/wouldn’t/couldn’t have made such a mistake. 如果我按照他的建议去做,我一定不会(不可能)犯这样的错误。

If it should rain, the crops would/could/might be saved. 假如下雨,庄稼就一定(有可能)会得救。


If I had attended the meeting yesterday, I would know what happened now. 如果我参加了昨天的会议,现在我就知道发生什么事了。

②省略if把had, should, were提前至句首,形成倒装结构

Had it not been for him, I would be in hospital now. 要不是他,我现在就在医院里了。

Should anyone call, tell him that I’m not in. 有人打电话的话,告诉他我不在。

Were it left to me to decide, I would choose to go to college. 如果让我决定,我会选择去上大学。


01. If I have enough money, I ______ a school bus to help the poor children go to school.

A. buy

B. bought

C. will buy

D. have bought

02. What would happen if he ______ back home?

A. go

B. goes

C. went

D. going

03. If I ______ you, I would take an umbrella.

A. am

B. were

C. is

D. be

04. If more trees ______ planted, our city will be more beautiful.

A. were

B. are

C. will be

D. be

05. If our government ______ pay attention to the safety of food, our health ______ in danger.

A. isn’t; is

B. doesn’t; will be

C. won’t; is

D. isn’t; will be

06. I won’t watch basketball matches ______ James is playing. He pays much attention to teamwork.

A. unless

B. if

C. although

D. since

07. If you ______ an English teacher, how ______ you teach your students English?

A. were; will

B. were; would

C. are; did

D. are; would

08. I apologize if I ______ you, but I assure you it was unintentional.

A. offend

B. had offended

C. should have offended

D. might have offended

09. If you hadn’t taken such a long time to get dressed, we’d ______ there by now.

A. be

B. circles

C. is circling

D. be circling

10. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it seems as if the sun ______ round the earth.

A. were circling

B. circles

C. is circling

D. be circling


01-05 CCBBB 06-10 ABBAA


1. hear sb. do sth. /hear sb. doing sth.

用hear sb. do sth. 表示“听到某人做某事”,强调“听到”某人“做某事”的整个过程或结果;hear sb. doing sth. 表示“听到某人正在做某事”,强调听到某人当时“正在”做某事的动作。

例I heard him sing yesterday. 昨天我听见他唱歌了。

I heard birds singing this morning. 今天早晨我听见鸟儿在唱歌。

拓其他常见的感官动词(feel, listen to, see, watch等)也适用于这一句型,如:

We often see the girl dance. 我们经常看见这个女孩跳舞。

I saw him reading at this time last night. 昨天这个时候,我看见他在读书。

2. 含有使役动词have, let, make的句型

用使役动词常用的结构为:have/let/make+名词/代词+不带to的不定式,表示“使/让某人做某事”。(have, let, make的宾语和充当宾补的不定式之间为主动关系,即“宾语”发出的“不定式”的动作)

例The teacher made/had John get a book in the office. 老师让约翰去办公室拿一本书。

Father makes/has me wash the car tomorrow afternoon. 父亲让我明天下午给他洗车。

Mr. Wang let them sit there yesterday. 昨天王先生让他们坐在那里。

注get sb. to do sth. 也表达“让某人做某事”这一含义,在get这一结构中不定式to do sth.中的to不可省略。

拓have/get sth. done意为“让/使某事被做”,即“请某人做某事”,充当have/get宾语的sth.与过去分词done之间构成被动关系,即“被做”。如:

I will have/get my hair cut on Sunday. 星期天我要去理发。

3. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事

例He often helps me (to) learn English. 他经常帮助我学习英语。

拓help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事

I like helping my mother with the housework. 我喜欢帮妈妈做家务。

4. spend...on sth./(in) doing sth. 花费/花时间做某事

例Jack spent 100,000 yuan buying an old car. 约翰花了10万元买了辆二手车。

Tom spent 2 hours on his homework. 汤姆花了2个小时做作业。

拓cost sb. sth.; pay for

Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time.


I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month.


5. too+形容词+(for sb.)+to do 太……以至于不能……

例The basket is too heavy for me to carry. 这篮子太重,我拿不动。

This TV is too expensive for us to buy. 这台电视机对我们来说太贵了,买不起。

拓so...that... 意为“如此……以致……”,可与上面的too...to...结构引导的句子进行转换。

The basket is so heavy that I can’t carry it. 这篮子太重,我拿不动。

6. doubt+whether+从句

例I doubt whether he can come this afternoon. 我不确定他下午是否能来。

7. can’t afford sth. 不能负担某事

例They couldn’t afford $50 for a ticket. 他们拿不出50美元买一张票。

拓afford to do sth.

We can’t afford to go abroad this summer. 今年夏天我们没有足够的钱出国。

8. can’t help doing sth. 忍不住做某事

例Whenever I hear the story, I cannot help crying. 每次我听到这个故事,就忍不住要哭。

9. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事

例I can’t wait to meet him next week. 我迫不及待想下周见他。

10. not do sth. any more 不再做

例He doesn’t live here any more. 他不再在这里住了。

拓no longer, not any longer

He no longer lives here.=He doesn’t live here any longer. 他不在这儿居住了。

11. be busy doing sth./be busy with sth. 忙于某事

例He is busy doing his homework.=He is busy with his homework. 他正忙着做作业。

12. be used to+n./doing sth. 习惯于(做)某事

例He is used to sitting up late. 他习惯于熬夜。

Are you used to the weather in Taipei? 你习惯台北的天气吗?

拓sb. used to do sth.某人过去常常做某事

We used to hear the train whistle at night. 过去我们常会在晚上听火车的汽笛声。

13. have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

例That American student has trouble in using the chopsticks. 那个美国学生用起筷子来有困难。

14. enjoy/practice doing sth. 喜欢/练习做某事

例Tony enjoyed dancing very much. 托尼非常喜欢跳舞。

I practice speaking English every day. 我每天都练习说英语。

15. make sure+that从句确保,务必,一定要……

例Make sure that you put down every word she says. 务必记下她说的每一个字。

16. What’s wrong with...? ……怎么了?

例What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?

拓与其类似的句型还有:What’s the matter with...? / What’s the trouble with...?某事怎么了?

What’s the matter with Bill? 比尔怎么了?

17. What if+主语+动词?


例What if it is true? 如果这是真的又该如何呢?

What if he doesn’t agree? 如果他不同意怎么办?

18. 主语+pretend+不定式/that从句

用此句型意为“假装……”。pretend 后面用不定词或that 从句。

例He was pretending to climb a mountain. 他那时假装正在爬山。 He pretended to be a good man. 他假装是个好人。

Tom pretends (that) he is sleeping. 汤姆假装正在睡觉。

19. When it comes to+动名词/名词


例When it comes to making friends, you cannot be too careful. 一谈到交朋友,你再怎么小心也不为过。

When it came to the summer vacation, we all became excited. 一谈到暑假,我们大家都变兴奋了。

20. ...one...the others...one/some...the others...


例We have 30 students in our class; one passed the exam, and the others all failed. 我们班上有三十位学生,只有一位通过了考试,其余都不及格。

Some of the boys were late, but all the others were in time for the meeting. 男生中,有一些人迟到了,但其余的人都及时赶上开会。

Society is made up of a variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between. 社会是由形形色色的人组成的,有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。

21. 主语+动词+特殊疑问词+to do 结构

用此结构中,特殊疑问词部分包括疑问代词who, whom, what, which和whose以及疑问副词when, where和how。

例I don’t know what to do next. 我不知道接下来该怎么办。

Can you tell me how to improve my English? 你能告诉我怎样提高我的英语水平吗?


We can’t decide when to start. →We can’t decide when we should start. 我们无法决定什么时候出发。

22. ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事

例The boss asked me to be earlier next time. 老板让我下次早一点。

I will tell him not to be late for the meeting. 我会告诉他开会不要迟到。

23. How is the weather...? /What’s the weather like...? ……天气怎么样?

例How is the weather in your hometown?=What’s the weather like in your hometown? 你的家乡天气怎么样?

24. Thanks for... 多谢……

例Thanks for helping me. You’re so kind. 谢谢你的帮助,你真是好心肠。

拓Thanks to 意为“多亏,幸亏;由于”,有时也用作反语。

Many new sponsors have come forward thanks to this committee. 多亏这个委员会,才来了这么多新的赞助商。

Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been cancelled. 多亏这个倒霉天气,比赛取消了。

25. find it+形容词+for sb.+to do sth.

例He found it impossible to get there on time. 他发现不能准时到达那里。

考I find ______ hard for me ______ the work in such a short time.

A. it; finishing

B. it’s; finish

C. it; to finish

选C。考查it作形式宾语的用法。根据find it+adj.+for sb.+to do sth. 结构可知答案为C。


01. Song Ying is ______ kind that she has donated almost all her savings to a charity.

A. very

B. so

C. much

D. such

02. —Is New Zealand a big country?

—No, New Zealand only has two islands. One is North Island, ______ is South Island.

A. other

B. another

C. some other

D. the other

03. Ann often helps me ______ math after school.

A. for

B. with

C. on

D. by

04. ______ her husband, she has now become a famous film star.

A. Because

B. Thanks to

C. Thanks for

D. With the help

05. —Can I help you?

—Well, I’m afraid the box is ______ heavy for you to carry, but thank you all the same.

A. so

B. much

C. very

D. too

06. —Oh, I had a terrible toothache.

—You’d better ______ see a dentist and have your bad teeth pulled out.

A. to go to

B. going to

C. goes to

D. go to

07. —It is said that this kind of tofu smells terrible.

—That’s true. But it ______ delicious.

A. feels

B. sounds

C. tastes

D. looks

08. The cloth ______ very soft and comfortable.

A. smells

B. tastes

C. feels

D. sounds

09. Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what ______ nice.

A. feels

B. smells

C. looks

D. tastes

10. Our teacher have us ______ the text for three times.

A. read

B. to read

C. reading

D. reads

11. ______ my daughter, we succeeded in catching up with the last bus.

A. for

B. Thanks

C. Thanks for

D. Thanks to

12. —______

—It’s sunny today.

A. How was the weather yesterday?

B. How are you doing?

C. What fine weather!

D. What’s the weather like today?

13. The boy is ______ clever that everybody ______ him.

A. such; likes

B. so; likes

C. so; like

D. such; like

14. Not only my friends but also I ______ interested in football and Messi is our favorite star.

A. be

B. am

C. is

D. are

15. Frank found ______ easy to remember new words in this way.

A. it

B. them

C. as

D. that


01-05 BDBBD 06-10 DCCCA 11-15 DDBBA
