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七下英语Unit 11(How was your school trip 短语句型巩固复习题)

句子大全 2023-09-18 03:20:01

七年级下册英语Unit11 How was your school trip?短语句型巩固复习题

Section A 1a-1d

1.去散步 go for a walk 2.给一头奶牛挤奶 milk a cow 3.骑一匹马 ride a horse 3.喂鸡 feed chicken 4.与一位农民谈话talk with a farmer5.拍一些照片take some photos 6.学校旅行 a school trip 你的学校旅行怎么样?How was your school trip? 7.去动物园 go to the zoo 8.去一家农场 go to a farm 9.在农场周围 around the farm

10.为下面词变化动词加ed: +ed;+d;双写辅音字母+ed;辅音+y,变y为i,+ed

go went milk milked ride rode feed fed talk talked take took see saw do did

Section A 2a-2d

1. 那位农民很漂亮。 2. 他很友好。3.带某人参观农场show sb around the farm 4.从他身上学到很多种植的东西 learn a lot from him about farming 5.问某人某事ask sb sth 问他一些问题ask him some questions 6. If是否 我问他是否种苹果。I asked him if he grew strawberry. 7.摘苹果pick apples 8.带某人或某物到某地 take sb./sth to someplace 带某人/某物回家take sb./sth home 9. 在乡下in the countryside 10.去钓鱼go fishing 11. 那儿天气怎么样?How was the weather there?

12.为下面词变化动词加ed: +ed;+d;双写辅音字母+ed;辅音+y,变y为i,+ed

learn learned show showed grow grew pick picked visit visited watch watched eat ate

Section A 3a-3d

1.看到了很多see quite a lot 2. 很有意思 be a lot of fun 3. 玩得很开心have so much fun 4.爬山 climb the mountains 4.变得非常多云get very cloudy 5.worry 我们担心会下雨。We worried it would rain.

6. 太阳又出来了。The sun came out again.

7.为下面词变化动词加ed: +ed;+d;双写辅音字母+ed;辅音+y,变y为i,+ed

play played climb climbed study studied worry worried stop stopped have had buy bought come came do did is was are were

Section B 1a-1d

1.参观一个博物馆 visit a museum 2.消防站 a fire station

3. 一整天 all day long 4.下啊下rain and rain 5.画画 draw pictures

Section B 2a-3d

1. 进行一次学校旅行 go on a school trip 2.参观科学博物馆 visit the science museum 3.沿途along the way 4.在博物馆 at the museum 5. 教某人去做某事teach sb to do sth教某人如何去做某事teach sb how to do sth 6.总而言之all in all 7.乘火车去博物馆take the train to the museum 8.think认为+宾从:我认为今天的学校旅行是糟糕的。I think today’s school trip was terrible. 9. 对---感兴趣 be interested in sth. 10. It is +adj+to do sth:拍照很困难。 It is difficult to take photos. 11.在礼品店in the gift shop 12.一点也不 not --- at all 13.为下面词变化动词加ed: +ed;+d;双写辅音字母+ed;辅音+y,变y为i,+ed

get got can could teach taught take took buy bought study studied stop stopped swim swam think thought

14.描述的形容词:be +adj./ adj.+n

Interesting difficult lovely slow exciting boring cool hot cold lucky large expensive cheap terrible great delicious fast

It was so much fun. Have a really good time have a great trip

There were so many interesting things to see.

I saw some really beautiful paintings.

a great day an exciting day a boring day lovely gifts so cool so fast on the slow train big and boring really dark
