
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-09-18 04:20:01


①No one knows for sure what the world would be like in the year 2001. ②Many books have been written 1 the future.

③But the 19th-century French novelist Jules Verne may be called a futurologist in the fullest 2 of the word. ④In his fantastic novels “A Trip to the Moon” and “80 Days Around the World,” he described with detail the aeroplane and even the helicopter.

⑤ These novels still have a great attraction 3 young readers of today because of their bold imagination and scientific accuracy.

⑥Below is a description of what our life will be in the year 2001 as predicted by a 4 writer.

⑦In 2001, in the home, cookers will be set so that you can cook a complete meal at the touch of a switch.

⑧Television will provide information on prices at the 5 shops as well as news and entertainment. ⑨Videophones will bring pictures as well as 6 to telephone conversations.

⑩Machines will control temperature, lighting, entertainment, security alarms, laundry and gardening.

11Lighting will provide decoration as well as wallpaper.

12At work, robots will take 7 most jobs in the manufacturing industries. 13Working hours will fall to under 30 hours a week. 14Holidays will get longer; six weeks will be the normal annual holiday. 15Men and women will retire at the same age.

16Our leisure will be different too. 17The home will become the center of entertainment through television and electronic games.

18More people will eat out in restaurants 8 they do today; also they will have a much wider variety of food available.

19There will be a change of taste towards a more savoury-flavored menu. 20New synthetic foods will form a 9 part of people’s diets.

21Foreign travel will 10 ; winter holidays will become more popular than summer ones. 22Also non-stop flights from to andwill be easily available and much cheaper. 23Education will become increasingly more important than ever before.

1. [A] in [B] of [C] about [D] for

本题考核的知识点是:上下文语义+介词辨析[快速解题]空格处填入的介词与books…the future搭配,意为“…未来的书”。选项中的介词都可与the future构成介宾搭配,但符合上下文语义的只有about。它带入文中,意为“关于未来,(人们)写过很多书”。其他项的搭配in the future“今后”,of the future“未来的”,for the future“为了将来”代入文中均无法说通,应排除。[篇章分析]①②句引出全文要论述的话题:书中关于2001年的世界的描述。①句的主干结构为No one knows,what引导宾语从句。[空格设置]本题考查介词about表示“关于,对于”的用法,例句:I’ve read about the incident.关于这一事件的情况我读到过。[干扰项设置]其他项均为常用介词,含义和用法都非常丰富,考生需要正确理解上下文语义才能排除干扰。

2. [A] sense [B] meaning [C] detail [D] implication

本题考核的知识点是:固定搭配+名词辨析[快速解题] in the … sense of是固定短语,意为“从…的意义上讲”,文中空格所在部分意为“从‘未来学家’这个词语最为完整的意义上讲”,符合文意。其他项代入后均不符合逻辑,所以排除。[篇章分析] ③句与①②句是转折关系,①②句指出没有人能够准确预测未来是什么样子,③句提出特例——法国小说家儒勒·凡尔纳在其作品中准确描述了未来的世界。[空格设置] ③句是一个简单句,固定搭配in …sense of the word是该句的唯一难点。例句如:He was a true friend,in every senseof the word.无论从哪个角度讲,他都是个真正的朋友。[干扰项设置]其他项都是抽象名词,且都有与sense相近的含义,其中implication难度较大,例句:They failed to consider the wider implications of their actions.他们没有考虑到他们的行动会产生更广泛的影响。He criticized the Director and, by implication, the whole of the organization.他抨击主管,其实是间接批评了整个机构。He resigned after his implication in a scandal.他在涉及一桩丑闻之后辞职了。

3. [A] for [B] of [C] on [D] towards

本题考核的知识点是:上下文语义+介词搭配[快速解题]空格所在部分为have a great attraction3 young readers,空格处填入的介词引出“吸引”的对象,这部分的含义为:对年轻读者有强烈的吸引力。have attraction for sb 是固定搭配,意为“对…有吸引力”,因此[A]为正确选项。[篇章分析]③句与④⑤句是解说关系,③句指出儒勒·凡尔纳是一位未来学家,④⑤句揭示了这样说的原因。[空格设置]本题考查了名词与介词的搭配用法,for的用法很多,需要考生正确理解上下文语义作出正确判断。[干扰项设置]其他项都是常用介词,其中of也常与attraction进行搭配,意为“…的吸引力”,如:I can’t see the attraction of sitting on the beach all day.我看不出整天坐在海滩上有什么乐趣。towards可表示“对,对于”,但常指对……的态度,如:He was warm and tender towards her.他对她既热情又温柔。our attitude towards death我们对死亡的态度。

4. [A] today [B] nowadays [C] present-day [D] present

本题考核的知识点是:句内语义+词汇辨析[快速解题]空格处填入的词做定语,修饰writer,意为“…作家”。首先从语义上排除present,它指现在存在或发生的,它修饰“作家”语义不通。从语法结构上说,today与nowadays表示“当今,现今”含义时是副词,都不能作定语修饰名词,应排除。present-day代入文中意为“现代作家”,符合文意,所以选[A]。[篇章分析]⑥句单句成段,由上文前人对未来的预测过渡到下文介绍一位现代作家对未来的具体描述。句间存在总分关系,⑥句总起,下文⑦句至文末分述。[空格设置]本题既考查了基本的语法知识,也考查了考生对于文意的理解。[干扰项设置]其他项都是简单词,在词义和用法上对present-day进行干扰。present例句:in the presentsituation/case在当前形势/情况下;the present owner of the house现在的房主。

5. [A] near [B] nearby [C] nearly [D] nearer

本题考核的知识点是:句内语义+词义辨析[快速解题]空格所在部分at the5 shops意为“在…的商店”。首先在语法搭配上排除副词nearly;near做形容词表示“距离近”时通常不用于名词前;文中也没有涉及距离远近的比较,排除nearer。因此本题正确选项为[B],文中nearby shops意为“附近的商店”。[篇章分析]⑧句的主干为Television will provide,宾语是as well as 连接的平行结构,information与news and entertainment都是电视提供的内容。[选项设置]本题比较简单,考查了nearby做形容词的用法。[干扰项设置]其他项都是由near派生出来的词,在词形和词义上都与near有相近之处,考生要理解句意并掌握词的用法,排除干扰。

6. [A] noise [B] sound [C] tone [D] tune

本题考核的知识点是:上下文语义+名词辨析[快速解题]空格所在部分为pictures as well as6 并列结构,as well as表明空格处填入的名词与pictures相对,即“……和声音”。四个选项中,只有sound泛指各种声音,能与pictures相对,且符合文意,其他项都不是文中所要表达的内容,应排除。[篇章分析]⑧⑨句是并列关系,分别介绍了电视与电话的发展。as well as 的运用也使两个句子在形式上实现了相互照应。[空格设置]本题较为简单,考查了sound的基本用法,但需要考生理解上下文做出选择。[干扰项设置]其他项利用其他表示“声音”的名词对sound进行干扰,比较容易排除。

7. [A] to [B] away [C] off [D] over

本题考核的知识点是:短语动词。[快速解题]空格所在部分robots will take7 most jobs,意为“机器人将会…大部分工作”。四个选项与take搭配符合文意的只有take over,意为“机器人将接管大部分工作”,所以选[D]。[篇章分析]第七段描述人们工作方面将发生的变化,段内四个短句(12—15句)之间是并列关系,分别讲述了四种变化。[空格设置]本题考查动词短语take over的用法。例句:to take over the foreign-owned oil fields接收外资油田;The firm has been taken over by an American conglomerate. 该公司已被一家美国企业集团接管。[干扰项设置]其他项都是脱离上下文,利用take的常用搭配设置的干扰。例句:I’ve taken to waking up very early.我已形成习惯,醒得很早。He hasn’t taken to his new school.他对新学校还没产生兴趣。I was given some pills to take away the pain.我得到了一些止痛药片。He was taken off after 20 minutes.20分钟后他被替换下场。take a few days off休息几天;The show was taken off because of poor audience figures.该剧目因不卖座而停演了。

8. [A] than [B] as [C] when [D] while

本题考核的知识点是:句内逻辑关系[快速解题]空格所在句为More people will eat out in restaurants8 they do today,其中more people will与they do today明显表示出了空格处填入的词表示当今与未来的比较。more…than…是固定搭配,表示“与…相比,更多…”,代入文中意为“与现今相比,人们将更多地外出去餐馆就餐”,符合句子的语义要求。when一般不表示比较,首先排除。as表比较时常用as…as…结构,意为“像……一样”,强调两者的一致性。while强调两事物的对比,意为“…然而”,也不与more搭配使用,应排除。[篇章分析] 16句是第八段的主旨句,指出人们在休闲生活方面将发生变化。17句讲娱乐,18——20讲饮食,这两部分之间是并列关系。[空格设置]本题借助表示比较关系的关联词than考查了考生对句子内部逻辑关系的理解。[干扰项设置]其他项都是常用的表示逻辑关系的词,也是知识运用的常考点,需要掌握。

9. [A] usual [B] popular [C] daily [D] regular

本题考核的知识点是:上下文语义+形容词辨析[快速解题]空格所在的20句仍然在预测饮食上的变化,空格处填入的形容词应该能体现出当今与未来的对比。四个选项中,只有regular“经常出现”能够反应这种对比,强调了synthetic foods合成食品的普及。usual,popular与daily都不能体现这种比较,应排除。[空格设置]regular的含义和用法都很丰富,考生要根据上下文作出正确选择。[干扰项设置]其他项在用法上都说得通,干扰性较强,其中usual与daily还对regular形成近义干扰,需要辨清词义和理解上下文才能排除干扰。

10.[A] add [B] increase [C] raise [D] arise

本题考核的知识点是:动词辨析[快速解题]空格所在部分Foreign travel will10 意为“国外旅行将…”。由生活常识判断,国外旅游在当时已经产生,不可能到2001年才出现,所以排除arise。由其他三项可知,文中强调的是国外旅行的增多,add与raise表示这一含义时为及物动词,不符合文中语法结构,且add的内涵是“(在原来的基础上)增多”,本身含义也不符合,因此正确选项为[B]increase。[空格设置]increase本身是一个简单词,此题着重考查考生对动词的及物性这一基本语法知识的掌握。[干扰项设置]其他项add与raise对increase形成同义干扰,而arise又是利用与raise形近设置的另一个层面上的干扰,需要考生利用常识与基本语法知识排除干扰。例句:Shall I add your name to the list?我可以把你的名字写进名单吗?Several new industries arose in the town.城里出现了好几种新行业。injuries arising out of road accident道路交通事故造成的伤害。to raise salaries/public awareness of the issue提高薪水/公众对这个问题的注意。
