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句子大全 2023-09-20 06:15:02

1.多花时间进步,你变得更强,周围的圈子也会更好。Spend more time, you become stronger, and the surrounding circles will be better.

2.开心其实很简单,少想一些,睡早一些。Happy is actually very simple, think less, sleep earlier.

3.世界再大 大不过一颗心,走得再远 远不过一场梦。The world is big big but a heart,Go far far away but a dream.

4.人心变得很快,大可不必讨好别人,伤了自己。The human heart becomes very fast, so you don"t have to please others and hurt yourself.

5.遇见是故事的开端,错过是宿命的缺憾。Meeting is the beginning of the story, and missing is the shortcoming of fate.

6.多学习多积累,尽量让自己的人生少走弯路。Learn more and accumulate, try to make your life less detours.

7.开心最重要!甩开那些让你不开心的人和事。Happy is the most important! Open up those people and things that make you unhappy.

8.并不是物质越好越幸福,有时候心里空落落的,再多钱财也没用。It"s not that the better the material, the more happy it is. Sometimes, the heart is empty, and no amount of money is useless.

9.不是每件事情都会有答案,也不是每段感情都会善终。你放过你自己,一切就都会过去。Not every thing will have an answer, nor will every relationship be hospice. You let go of yourself and everything will pass.

10.别人怎么对你,你用相同的态度回应就对了。How others treat you, you respond with the same attitude.

11.不要过分依赖别人,靠谁都不如靠自己。Don"t rely too much on others. You don"t rely on yourself.

12.独立、自信、乐观、坚强,安全感是可以自己给自己的。Independence, self-confidence, optimism, strength, and security can be given to you.

13.做什么事对得起自己就好。It is good to do what you can do.

14.幸福不是拥有多少,而是心态如何。Happiness is not how much you have, but how it is.

15.远离那个总是不停令你痛苦的人。Stay away from the one who always keeps you hurt.

16.长大后会明白,身体健康最重要,开心最重要。When you grow up, you will understand that physical health is the most important and happiness is the most important.

17.别辜负自己,走到今天真的不容易。Don"t let yourself down, it"s not easy to get to where you are today.

18.当你讨厌着你现在的生活状态时,你必须做出改变了。When you hate your current state of life, you have to make a change.
