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朋友圈超走心的精美句子 醍醐灌顶(令人醒悟)

句子大全 2023-09-22 05:16:01


What you have to overcome is the frustration that you want to give up all the time. What you need to control is the small emotion that you want to burst out all the time


No matter how many tribulations in life, I always firmly believe that those brave people who force themselves to go through the rough and rugged road will eventually smooth down the rough road and come back amazing and moving


Don"t say that I will try again tomorrow, don"t say I want to enjoy comfort now, let alone say that everything is destined, not to be happy, at best, I am too comfortable in the destiny


The road always has to go step by step. If the span is large, if the leg length is not long enough, you may not have enough ability. Because the road is steady, you will get plenty


If you don"t love you, even if you do it well, you will still be choosy; if you love you, you can be well cared for without saying much. Therefore, before he comes, you should take good care of yourself for him


The past goes with the wind, memories let it sink in the bottom of my heart, you want to become a better self, to interpret the most beautiful definition of life


To tell you the truth, I once thought about giving up the world, but the world has never failed me or treated me badly. What I want to give up has always been this decadent self, and what is the relationship with the world? Fortunately, I have survived, and now I live very well
