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扎心情话短句 失恋伤害系:终于(你只是我的路人)

句子大全 2023-09-30 03:48:02

1. 开始:我以为,现在的你感情依旧;你却说,留在原地的是我,不是你!

At first I thought you felt like you were just you said I was the one who stayed where I was, not you.

2. 我什么都有,倒也不差你。我什么都没有,倒也不怕没有你。

I have everything, but not bad for you, I have nothing, but not afraid of not having you.

3. 那一双不能牵的手,那疼爱已无人签收,像片云奔走在天空没尽头。

See a doctor can not borrow that hand that ache, also nobody signs for a photo, the cloud runs in the sky. Have no energy.

4. 努力的掩饰心里的痛,不让眼泪轻易留下来。

Try to cover up the pain in my heart, do not let the tears flow down easily.

5. 世界再大,还是遇见你,世界太小,还是丢了你。The world is big again, or meet you, the world is too small, or lost you.

6. 当眼泪汇成一眼泉,最后哭累了眼睛,伤了心。

When the tears merge into a circle of eyes, finally crying tired eyes hurt the heart.

7. 街角那一幕上演的爱情,让我如此的心痛不已。

Oblique angle, that scene of good love makes me so sad.

8. 当时微笑着听别人的故事,自己却躲在角落里偷偷的哭泣。

At that time, I smiled and listened to other people"s stories, but I hid in the corner and cried secretly.

9. 我没有饮过最烈的酒,但我放弃过最爱的人。

I have never drunk the strongest wine, but I have given up the person I love the most.

10. 一开始都说不会投入,到最后却万劫不复。

I said at the beginning that I would not invest in the end, but I will never recover.

11. 突如其来的委屈,连笑都带着僵硬。

Sudden grievances, even laughter with stiffness.

12. 吃不到的醋最酸,先动心的人最惨。

The vinegar that can"t be eaten is the most sour, and the person who is tempted first is the worst.

13. 不要太过于依赖一个人,因为,就算影子,也会在黑暗时离开你。

Do not rely too much on a person, because even the shadow will leave you in the dark.

14. 不发生点烂事,永远看不出身边人的模样。

No shit happens, never look down on the people around me.

15. 人与人之间,刚认识的时候最好。

When the dollar first met, it was best.

16. 我总不能像个要糖的小孩,一直追着你跑吧。

I can"t keep chasing you around like a sugar kid.

17. 你愧疚什么,你又没有爱过我。

What do you feel guilty about? You never loved me.

18. 不主动就是不爱你,还有什么好不明白的。

If you don"t take the initiative, you don"t love you. What don"t you understand.

19. 希望不要再喜欢上没有结果的人了。

I hope I don"t like people who don"t have results anymore.

20. 被最爱的人删了是什么感觉。

What"s it like to be deleted by the person you love the most.
