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句子大全 2023-09-30 05:10:01

Causative Verbs 使役动词

Causative VerbDefinition 使役动词的定义

Causativeverbsare verbs that show the reason that something happened. They do not indicate something the subject did for themselves, but something the subject got someone or something else to do for them. 使役动词是表示某事发生的原因的动词。它们不表示被试为自己做了什么,而是表示被试让某人或其他人为他们做了什么。

Causative Verb Examples 使役动词的例子

Have: I had the mechanic check the brakes. 我让机械师检查刹车。Get: I couldn’t get the engine to start. 我发动不了引擎。Make: I like him because he makes me laugh. 我喜欢他,因为他逗我笑。Let: If you accept, please let me know. 如果你接受,请告诉我。

Subject Verb Agreement Rules 主谓一致规则

Learn 10 Subject VerbAgreement Rules in English Grammar. 学习英语语法中的10个主语动词一致规则。

The subject and verb must agree in number. A singular subject takes a singular verb, whereas a plural subject takes a plural verb. 主语和动词必须在数量上一致。单数主语用单数动词,而复数主语用复数动词。The subject is separated from the verb by “with”, “as well as”, “together with”, “alongwith”. These words and phrases are not part of the subject. The verb agrees with the subject. 主语和动词之间用with, as well as, together with, along with分隔开。这些单词和短语不是主题的一部分。动词与主语一致。Two subjects joined by “and” are plural. 由and连接的两个主语是复数。Two subjects joined by “or/not”, “either…or/neither…nor”, “not only…but also” take the verb that agrees with the subject closest to it. 两个主语由or/not、either…or/neither…nor、not only…but also连用,谓语动词要与主语一致。With collective nouns, the verb might be singular or plural (UK), depending on meaning. 对于集合名词,动词可以是单数或复数(英式),这取决于意思。In sentences beginning with “here” or “there“, the true subject follows the verb. 在以“here”或“there”开头的句子中,真正的主语跟在动词后面。The verb is singular if the subject is a singular indefinite pronoun. The verb is plural if the subject is a plural indefinite pronoun. And, some indefinite pronouns (some, any, all, most) may be either singular or plural, depending upon their use in a sentence. 如果主语是单数不定代词,动词是单数。如果主语是复数不定代词,动词就是复数。而且,一些不定代词(some, any, all, most)可以是单数也可以是复数,这取决于它们在句子中的用法。Use a singular verb for expressions of measurement, time. money and weight when the amount is considered one unit. 使用单数动词来表示度量时间。货币和重量,当数量被认为是一个单位时。Plural form subjects with a singular meaning take a singular verb. 意思单一的复数主语用单数动词。Titles of single entities are always singular. 单个实体的标题总是单数。

10 Subject Verb Agreement Rules in English 英语主语动词一致规则

List of Verbs: Examples & Images 动词列表:例子和图片

Learn an extensive list of commonly used verbs in English. 学习英语中常用动词的广泛列表。

Do: I don’t know. 我不知道。Doubt: I doubt if it’ll snow. 我怀疑是否会下雪。Drag: I had to drag him out of bed. 我不得不把他从床上拽起来。Drive: He drives a truck. 他开卡车。Drop: I dropped my sandwich. 我的三明治掉了。Dry: Raisins are dried grapes. 葡萄干是干葡萄。Earn: He earns three times more than me. 他的收入是我的三倍。Eat: You can’t eat your cake and have it. 鱼与熊掌不可兼得。Encourage: John encouraged Mary to learn how to speak French. 约翰鼓励玛丽学习讲法语。Engage: We used to be engaged. 我们以前订过婚。Enter: He entered the room. 他走进房间。Establish: The school was established in 1650. 这所学校建于1650年。Examine: The doctor examined the patients. 医生检查了病人。Experiment: They’re experimenting with a new car. 他们正在试验一辆新车。Explore: He explored the Amazon jungle. 他探索了亚马逊丛林。Extend: We extended a hearty welcome to them. 我们向他们表示衷心的欢迎。Fly: Tom wishes he could fly. 汤姆希望他能飞。Fold: Tom and Mary folded up the flag. 汤姆和玛丽把旗子折起来。Follow: We must follow the rules of the game. 我们必须遵守游戏规则。Forbid: I forbid you to smoke. 我禁止你抽烟。Fry: She fried fish in salad oil. 她用色拉油炸鱼。Generate: This machine generates electricity. 这台机器发电。Get: We’ve got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up. 我们必须控制经济,否则它会吞噬我们。Give: The waiter gives me the menu. 服务员给了我菜单。Grow: Apples grow on trees. 苹果长在树上。Hang: Don’t you hang up on me. 别挂我电话。Happen: You made it happen. 你成功了。Hesitate: I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes. 我不愿在衣服上花那么多钱。Hide: I’m hiding from Tim. 我在躲避蒂姆。Hug: I really need a hug. 我真的需要一个拥抱。Hurry: It had to hurry to find a home because I was already on to something else. 它得赶紧找个家,因为我已经在忙别的事了。Hurt: I hurt my elbow. 我的肘部受伤了。Identify: She identified him as the murderer. 她认出他就是凶手。Improve: I need to improve my French. 我需要提高我的法语水平。Include: Tom’s lunch includes a sandwich and an apple. 汤姆的午餐包括一个三明治和一个苹果。Incorporate: Her business was incorporated. 她的公司成立了。Indicate: The arrow indicates the way to go. 箭头指示方向。Involve: This procedure involves testing each sample twice. 这个过程包括对每个样品进行两次测试。Iron: I iron my clothes almost every day. 我几乎每天都熨衣服。Jog: I make it a rule to jog every morning. 我养成了每天早晨慢跑的习惯。Jump: Can you jump over the river? 你能跳过这条河吗?Kiss: Did you kiss anybody? 你亲过谁吗?Kneel: Do not run, stand, kneel or spin in the slide. 滑梯内不可奔跑、站立、跪下或旋转。Laugh: Tom is laughing. 汤姆笑了。Lay: He laid on his back. 他仰面躺着。Learn: Children learn to creep ere they can go. 孩子们还没会走路就学会了爬行。Leave: Leave me alone! 别管我!Lift: He couldn’t lift the table and no more could I. 他搬不动桌子,我也搬不动。…
